I can already hear people shouting, "YOU HAVE TWO STORIES, A PARODY, AND A COLLAB TO WORK ON! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING STARTING A NEW STORY?!". If this wasn't what you were thinking, then thank you, if you were, my response is, "Because I can't write anything else at the moment". I'm actually hoping to kind of use this as a springboard to get me out of my horrific writer's block.

This story is AU if you didn't read the summary.

And there are spoilers, but I suspect no one cares.

...Instead of a real disclaimer I'll just say I own nothing. Meh.

Ghost of a Thought

Chapter I: Awaken

Light and sound.

Shouting and panic.

Fear and pain.

Then blackness.

He came to wakefulness, as if rising from a dark fog.

Opening his eyes he was met with a bright glaring light. He flinched as the light stung his eyes. After a moment it became almost painless to see, so he sat up and took in his new surroundings.

He was laying in a bed, one of many lined up in neat, evenly spaced rows. He appeared to be in a hospital ward, though there were no other patients, and no doctors or nurses in sight. There was no sign that this room was used on a regular basis, if at all. There was no clutter, nothing on the bedside tables, nothing to suggest this room had not been simply constructed then forgotten.

"So, you have awakened."

The patient turned his head and saw two figures approaching him. One was a tall blond man with the bearing of an absolute ruler. The other was another man with a blue ponytail and a blank expression.

"Who are you?" asked the patient apprehensively as the two came to stand by his bed.

"We are your companions" said the blond man. "Do you not recall us?"

The patient tried to remember these people... but soon realized he could remember -

"Nothing," he said aloud, terrified by this revelation. "I don't remember anything. Not who you are, not my name, where I'm from... nothing!"

"You had an accident," said the blond man. "We were afraid you might have amnesia."

"What's my name?" demanded the patient, fear in his eyes. "What happened? Who are you? Where are we?"

"This is Derris-Kharlan," explained the blond man, "the homeland of Cruxis, of the angels. Your homeland."

The patient stared. "W... what?"

The blond man closed his eyes, and from his back unfurled two large luminescent wings. The patient almost jumped in surprise, eyes wide with shock.

"All of Cruxis, including yourself, are angels," said the blond man, flapping his wings lazily. "We seek to create a world where there is no discrimination, a world with nothing but eternal peace. Derris-Kharlan floats above the twin worlds of Sylvarant and Tethe'alla, which we rule. Does any of this sound familiar?"

"N-no," stammered the patient, unsure if he could keep up.

"Then when you are better, I shall explain everything to you," said the blond man. "For now, my name is Mithos Yggdrasill, and I am the leader of Cruxis and your master. This," he gestured to the other man who had not said a word or changed his expression, "is Yuan, your fellow seraph. And your name, my friend," Yggdrasill's smile widened just a little, "is Lloyd Aurion."

A/N: Yes, this is a Cruxis Lloyd fic.

Yes, I have officially joined the dark side

Yes, I'm using a plot twist as cliche as amnesia.

No, I can't come up with anything better

Please review.