Transcending history and the world, a tale of souls and swords, eternally retold.

A man wishing to repent…

A man with long blonde hair in bright blue armor covered by a tan cloak with a large Zweinhander sheathed on his back can be seen walking down a secluded forest path when his right arm seems to move on it's own as he looks down at it. It transforms into a grayish-green demon's arm with three clawed fingers before lurching up at his face as if it wants to catch him. He slams it back with his left hand.

A wanderer looking for a home…

A red haired man with an x-shaped scar on his cheek is surrounded by a large group of bandits. Suddenly, they charge quickly at him only fall unconscious as the samurai draws his blade quickly as he dashes among them and sheathes his blade again.

A half devil searching for family…

A silver-haired man swings a large demonic looking sword at a red glowing demon, only to get knocked back into a wall as the demon blocks the swing. The man then smirks before reeling his sword arm back and flinging the large blade forward with enough force to slice through it's arm and imbed itself into it's head up to the hilt.

An Uchiha looking to help his brother…

A red-eyed teen runs through a field clutching a chokatou in a reverse grip in one hand while a ball of lightning makes a chirping sound from the other hand. As he runs, he slices several enemies in half before thrusting the lightning-imbued hand through the heart of a final opponent, shocking him to death.

An evil gem seeking redemption…

A teenaged girl with pale skin and violet hair can be seen meditating in a forest clearing. The red gem on her forehead glows slightly as she chants, summoning a mass of black energy that covers her from sight as it takes the form of a raven before taking to the skies with the young woman safely inside.

A runaway seeking revenge…

A silver and red haired teen in a trench coat clutching a pitch-black o-katana jumps over a fence in order to hide from a group of pursuing ninja with sound notes on their headbands. Smirking, the young man jumps up onto the fence and runs the edge back in the opposite direction.

Two friends seeking the same love…

A girl with platinum blonde hair captures an enemy with a swing of her chrome battle chain while her partner, a girl the same age with dark blue hair and a pair of black sunglasses covering her eyes, slices his head off with a swing of her families tai chi blade.

A one-winged angel looking for forgiveness…

A silver-haired man with an extremely long sword walks forward from the entrance to a chapel and kneels at the alter to pray. Just as he finishes, a preist walks over to him and tells him that the church is closing for the night. Upon exiting the church, a great, black wing springs from his left shoulder blade before he takes to the skies.

A restless soul with an unknown purpose…

A raven haired man with a black and white painted face walks down a dusty road with a crow on his shoulder. His hellish looking scythe making a slight thudding sound as he uses it as a walking stick. He smirks before looking to the full moon and continuing on his journey.

A father and son locked ina an eternal dance of death…

A blue skinned man with black hair and bare ribs jumps up, avoiding a strike from a green skinned bat like man with an evil looking sword before swinging his clawed arm at him, creating a blue sword around his arm made from pure soul power, only for it to be blocked by his opponent who lets out a mirth-filled laugh.

A prince lost to times wrath…

A young man in a white tunic and black pants held up by a red sash runs across a wall before jumping off and rammin a blue bladed dagger into the neck of an opponent to the hilt before tearing it out along his back.

A dark hero looking to go home…

A man garbed all in black runs across a balcony, his cape flaring behind him as he jumps off and into the streets drawing a thin rapier before turning his masked gaze on three enemies. He lashes out, once, twice, three times. All three uniformed men fall to the ground bleeding from their throats as the man continues to run with a smirk on his face.

A nobody with a heart and two keys…

A blonde haired teen in a black hooded cloak reaches to his left hip with his right hand and pulls back as a white, key-shaped sword appears in his hand before reaching to his right hip with his left before pulling back as a black, key-shaped sword appears in his other hand. Spinning both key blades over his head, he runs forward into a mass of black colored enemies with bright green eyes. Hacking left and right as he runs, he comes out the other end of a dark, narrow canyon as his swords vanish into thin air. He sighs before pulling his hood up to cover his face in shadows as he walks on.

A demon looking for someone to protect…

A one armed demon dressed regal armor and clothes draws a long tai chi blade with his remaining hand and turning the draw into a slash at an enemy who dodges before being impailed through the shoulder by the sword and then receiving a clawed hand thrusted through his chest to crush his heart. The silver-haired demon wipes his hand off on the dead mans clothes before pulling his sword out of the body, effectively making the body slide to the inn floor, before taking out a soft, white cloth to wipe the blade off before sheathing it and keaving through the door.

A story told from century to century, realm to realm, and from father to son, continues as many are taken from the worlds that they know and drawn to new destinations as they follow stories and rumors as each new battle leads to knew and old friends and many different opponents, unknowing of the two legendary swords that call and beckon them, Soul Edge and Soul Calibur.