A small girl about the age of 5 with bright green eyes and crimson red hair that reached her waist ran into the garden of the Fire country's palace, looking for her parents and big brother. She had news that Hinata had told her to give her mommy and daddy, so she was running as fast as she could.

"Whow!" Gaara laughed, popping out from behind a bush and grabbing his daughter, lifting her in the air. "What's with the hurry, Shakana?"

"Daddy!" The girl wrapped her arms around his neck and he walked over to the table where him, Sakura, and Naruto were going over navy stuff. "Mama!" Gaara put her down and she ran over to her mom, climbing in her lap. Gabe, her older brother, was sitting on Naruto's lap. Gabe was two years older then the little princess, and had his dads red hair and eyes, but Sakura's bubbly personality.

"What is it dear?" Sakura laughed, playing with Shakana's long hair.

"I got news!" She giggled, then she said in a whispering voice, "Hinata told me Aunty Temawi and Uncwle Kanky are coming!" Shakana still had trouble saying their names, so she called Kankuro Kanky.

Sakura smiled ans looked at Gaara. He had a small smile on, they hadn't seen them sence Shakana turned 3. "Well," Gaara stood up. "Shall we give them a party, my princess?" Gaara picked her up and sat her on his shoulders.

"YEAH YEAH! GABE HELP TOO!" She clapped her hands, and patted Gaara's head.

"I hope you know what you're getting yourself into, Gaara." Sakura teased. "She's like me don't forget." Everyone laughed as Gaara and the two kids walked off, Gabe hanging from his arm, while Shakana patted his head, yelling 'Faster horsey! Faster!'.

Well, there you all go!!

I just wanted to thank all of you who helped me throwout this story!! I had a lot of fun writing it, and I hope you liked reading it!!
