Heaven Doesn't Want Me and Hell's Afraid I'd Take Over


A demon believed to be dead for thousands of years has come back. Her younger sister strives to conquer all three worlds and she's forced conceive to the child. The Sprirt World is working as hard as it can to prevent the expected take over, but who will help them when they need it the most? Hiei/OC

Chapter 1

Deep within the Makai the Koumajutsu kingdom buzzed with activity. Inside a woman looking no more then fifteen or sixteen walked briskly into the maze like caverns many miles below the castle. She walked with a definite porpoise that made the three guards behind her giddy in anticipation. She lead them to a doorway well over twelve feet tall and ten feet wide. She pulled open a smaller door and walked in to find three doctors inside waiting along the far wall, away from anything in the room.

"Are you ready?" She snapped at the doctors, harsher then she meant, "I want to get this part over with." They nodded vigorously each with a gleam of excitement in their eyes.

"Good." She walked to the center of the room and stared down at the complex seal in the center of the floor. She drew a small knife from her boots and made a swift but small cut on her palm. She let the blood drip onto the seal and smirked triumphantly as the seal glowed neon blue. She took a quick step back as overwhelming demonic energy erupted from the broken seal. The seal its self broke into four and slid away under the floor.

The woman waited until the seal had disappeared from sight until she stepped over to the newly created hole and watched with eager fascination as a long coffin slid up from the hole and leveled out two feet above the stone floor. She waited a second before signaling her guards to remove the lid. As soon as it was off another wave of demonic energy crashed over them. The guards were thrown into the far wall and the woman took a step back to regain her balance. The doctors had braced them selves against the wall before impact.

"So this is what is left of the once great Okibi Dokuja also known as Shien. It's amazing what times does to you." She glanced down at the body inside the coffin.

The body was decayed. Bones were black with age and the rib cage had closed in on its self. Knee length white hair spilled out around the body. No clothes were on the corpse as the doctors eagerly walked forward to examine the body.

"Well?" The woman snapped putting her hands on her hips. "Can it be done?"

"Oh yes, The soul is still very much alive and attached to the body. It seams as though she is trying to stop being brought back by letting her body rot, but that won't be a problem at all. And since it's rotted it will be much easier to add the suppressants you wanted." One of the doctors said not taking his eyes from the corpse.

"Truly magnificent." One of them breathed, "To be able to operate on a youkai like this. Truly a honor." The woman smirked.

"Well then I expect you to start immediately. Since she is in better condition then you thought it will take no longer then an hour or has the time changed?"

"No more then an hour maybe forty five minutes." The doctor first doctor said rubbing his hands together and signaling the other doctors to start. "You can watch if you want."

The woman nodded signaling her approval.

She watched carefully as the doctors produced shiny silver metal bands that wrapped around the corpse's wrists and stomach. Almost instantly the demonic energy flowing from the body nearly disappeared. Her stomach clenched into a tight knot thinking too much of the energy had been surpressed.

"Her energy was well beyond that of an S-class demon. We are forced to lower the level to below D-class at least until we get the muscles reformed. We apologize for this set back. The energy will go back up to the maximum of low A-class when we release the extra restraint." A doctor said, watching the hands of his companions glow a dull yellow.

Minutes passed and stretched into a half-hour as the body started to knit back together under the doctors' fingers. Muscles once lost redeveloped, organs reformed and started working, the heart once remade pumped strongly as the doctors made every effort not to mess up. Skin formed over the body, pale but healthy. The body became a woman's body and held a unearthly beauty. The ears were sharply pointed like an elf's; teeth resembled fangs visible through her parted lip. The once white hair turned jet black with a healthy sheen. Her chest rose and fell as her body finished recovering. The doctors produced more metal bands and applied them to the finished body, exactly where they were under the healthy skin.

"There, she's fully recovered, she's just sleeping as her organs settle back into their routines." The doctor said unable to hide his smile of triumph. The girls demonic aura had risen again and was that of a low A-class demon, still far away from the earlier display of power. "If you call her name, she will wake."

"Okibi Dokuja!" The woman called as the doctors fled from the sides of the tomb. The girl inside the coffin took in a huge shuddering breath as her sky blue eyes snapped open. She sat up and glared at the woman who called her name baring her fangs.

"Who dares come into my chambers?" She demanded fiercely. The guards took an involuntary step back from the venom dripping from her voice. They stared as the two females glared heatedly at each other. Both obviously used to being in control and having their orders followed with obedience.

"I'm Kiriai Toukenshou your younger sister and now Master." Kiriai said with confidence.

"Okibi Dokuja, but you must already know that. I also go by Shien and Ki, but what makes you think you are my master whelp?" Ki climbed out of her coffin with little difficulty and stood unashamed in front of the group in front of her.

"Because you are forced to obey me." Kiriai snarled, anger building up as the older woman in front of her still seamed not to believe her. "Bow to your new Master!"

Ki stiffened as she body fought with her mind for a moment before it bowed to Kiriei. "What witchery is this!" She demanded as her body continued to betray her.

"You're a thousand years behind the times aneki-san." Kiriei said smugly, "Your kind has died out unfortunately but, when you who has instilled fear into the hearts of even the most battle hardened demons and King Enma himself, was just sleeping in my basement. I had no more reason to think that my plan to conquer all three worlds will fail." She walked directly in front of her sister, "And you're going to help me achieve that goal."

"Boys, we have an emergency!" Koenma yelled at his spirit detectives as they filled into his office one by one, "Demon villages normally somewhat peaceful by demon standards are being whipped out as they try to oppose Kiriai."

"So what's new about that? It's been happening for months now." Yusuke asked, "We've been stopping some of the attacks but what's the big deal?"

"There has been a new demon among their ranks. One whose powers have me worried. All of our reports say this demon is too far behind in knowledge of current technology to have been living only under a rock. Other reports say that this demon's aura resonates with a power so old primal it's been thousands of years since anyone has felt that power. Almost since the beginning of time, and it's impossible that a demon alive today could have that kind of power." Koenma said lacing his fingers together on his desk.

"I need you to fight this demon and see if it's a fake power or if it's very much real." The group nodded and Koenma summoned a portal, "This will take you to the village they are currently destroying. Be careful."

The group went through the portal without hesitation and found them selves among chaos that could only be found in the demon world. Hiei's eyes lit up as he smelled the blood and fear that was swirling around them in an uncontrolled mass. Hie demonic side was loving everything that was going on around him and he'd be damned if he'd deny it.

Demons on horse back thundered around laughing maliciously as they slaughtered those around them in panic. One demon also on horse back waited at the top of a hill bored even with the swirl of chaos that was happening just below her. She watched suddenly amused as four new comers charged into the fray killing her men with effective swiftness that made the survivors surge around her as soon as they could, using her as a shield.

"Well?" She demanded clenching her reigns tightly in anticipation.

"They are the Spirit Detectives under Koenma's control. They are the ones who won in the last Dark Tournament." A Demon answered for her eyeing the detectives with a hint of fear.

"Don't talk as if I would know what anything you just said made sense. Are they a good fight?" The demons surrounding he all nodded their heads vigorously. "Good, stay here then." She kicked her horse into motion and trotted into the burning mass that was once a village. She unsheathed a sword that was on her back and when she knew the detectives were watching, decapitated a old demon man as he walked much to close to her.

"Who the hell are you!" Yusuke shouted enraged at her lack of care. She had just killed a demon without blinking.

"Human born, hanyou by the looks of it, I'm surprised you haven't been slaughtered yet." She dismounted her horse and gave them all a searching gaze that was hidden behind her hood. "But then again the world has changed, especially the language."

"What the hell!" Kuwabara yelled, "The aura coming from her is so strong but it feels like it's being repressed!"

"Smart for a ningen." She hissed, "I wonder if the demons of this time have grown weak as well?" She launched herself at Kurama who was thrown backwards as he attempted to block her charge. He got back to his feet almost immediately, making her smile.

"No wonder my race died out, our pride must have gotten the better of us. To bad I didn't get the chance to witness the what must have been great battles between them and other demons." Her fangs glinted, "That is if they were taken down by demons of your skill level."

"If you wanna fight Lady, you got one!" Yusuke shouted charging her ready for the fight of his life.

Koumajatsu - summoning demons

Okibi - blazing fire

Dokuja - poisonous serpent

Shein - Purple smoke.

Kiriai - fighting with swords

Toukenshou - sword dealer

Aneki - older sister

"If you wanna fight Lady, you got one!" Yusuke shouted charging her ready for the fight of his life. She glanced at him and side stepped swiftly before vanishing. Kuwabara fell to the ground unconscious within a second and she faced her remaining three opponents.

"Humans are pathetic creatures. Hanyous aren't much better, but this is a new time. If you're still alive then you must be worth some kind of fight." She ran at Yusuke shocking him with her speed but still managed to barely block all of her punches. He was giving ground much to quickly and found himself flat on his back staring up into the sky blue eyes of his opponent.

"Who are you?" Yusuke choked out as she slowly closed off his windpipe with her foot.

She flashed her fangs. "Tell King Enma if the Spirit World Okibi Dokuja, is pissed and wants to talk." She knelt down to his ear, "Let's keep that between you and me though shall we?" Yusuke didn't have the chance to reply before she had knocked him out. She was knocked off her feet before she could straighten to her full height. She hit the dirt hard, rolling onto her feet easily and faced her opponent.

"Kurama, take care of Yusuke." Hiei ordered holding his blade ready. Ki laughed quietly drawing the pair of swords strapped to her back in an 'x' shape. Her sky blue eyes locked onto his crimson ones before they shot at each other at blinding speeds.

The demons watching could only see the sparks of their blades when the cold metal clashed violently. Ki quickly realized Hiei's physical strength easily surpassed hers, but he lacked her ability to read sword movements and skill and the experience that came with it. She locked her blade with his purposely, catching him off guard. Hiei started to lean his weight on the sword meaning to push Ki back. She let her arm fall suddenly, Hiei falling with it, off balance. Her second sword flashed as it was brought up in a smooth arc across Hiei's chest. He fell back bleeding heavily from the fresh wound.

She felt a pang in her chest, sharp and painful as she watched Hiei's pain grow when he stood in attempt to keep fighting. Her swords seamed to sheath themselves and she knelt in the dirt placing her hands before her watching him carefully.

"Tell me, do you believe in shape shifters?" Ki asked a cruel smile tugging at her lips.

"They are extinct." Hiei spat watching every move she made, unable to understand why she was asking him this.

"Well, then consider me a blast from the past." Ki said, her voice turning into a low growl as her body started to take on another form. It swelled and grew, tail, wings, and horns formed. Her neck and spine stretched to seemingly impossible lengths. With a purr of satisfaction she faced Hiei, trails of smoke drifting from her nostrils.

Hiei's expression shifted to one of awe as he stared at the blue dragon in front of him. Upon further examination he found that her scales were actually many different colors that changed rapidly, and blue being the most often appeared to be the color of her scales.

"This feels good. After so long, being able to change is a blessing."

Ki purred in her mind, sending the thought to Hiei as well. "Come Fire youkai, let us finish this." Hiei straightened a determined gleam in his eye.

Kurama quickly called Koenma for a portal and dragged Yusuke and Kuwabara through it before the demon's on the hill caught onto him. Koenma raced to meet him at the infirmary where everyone was being checked out.

"Well!" Koenma blurted shaking as he stared at Kurama's face expectantly.

"I don't know, our attacker was a female. She knocked Kuwa and Yusuke our far to quickly to obtain any real information. She spoke to Yusuke though and he seamed to be unnerved by it. Hiei is covering our escape. " Kurama explained hastily, "We need to go back and get Hiei, I fear she might be too much for him."

Koenma nodded and opened a portal for Kurama, the pair left through quickly, in attempt to rush to their friends aid. Koenma nearly passed out at the site in front of him. A large blue dragon had Hiei pinned beneath its claws, helpless. The dragon roared it's victory and shrank, changing back into the form of a woman. She nelt next to Hiei's head and brushed his cheek almost lovingly before moving her hand down his neck.

"Stop!" Kurama shouted getting her attention at the same time her band of demons rode up behind her.

"Lady Kiriai wants us back." The demons said handing her a horse. The gleam in her eye that came from victory vanished and her face cooled over like it was chiseled from ice. She mounted her horse and took a quick glance at Hiei before leading her demons away at a thundering pace.

"Hiei!" Koenma called as the fire youkai struggled to re gain consciousness.

"Where did she-? Why am I not dead?" Hiei demanded as Kurama helped him up.

Koenma lead them through a portal asking Hiei questions, "Did you wan tot die?"

"NO you fool! I should be dead, but she spared me obviously. I thought I had the battle won until, she changed on me. I thought shape shifters were extinct."

"Did you get a name?" Koenma asked and the room fell dead silent.

"H-hai." A voice croaked weakly. Everyone faced Yusuke shocked and wanting the answer. "She told me to tell King Enma that Okibi Dokuja is pissed and wants to talk. I think she was referring to herself."

Koenma's face turned sheet white he staggered backwards away from Yusuke, "No she's been dead for thousands of years! BOTON!"

The blue hared ferry girl popped up next to him instantly, "Yes?"

"Bring up every file you can on Okibi Dokuja, also known as Shien. Every single damn scrap of paper. Don't leave anything out. And have George bring me files on recent energy spikes in the makai." Koenma ordered and he faced his detectives, "We had better hope she was lying. Excuse me." He fled the room toward hi office.

"Okibi Dokuja?" Yusuke asked confused and rubbing his throbbing head. "Why is she so important?"

"I don't know Yusuke." Kurama muttered.

Kiriai back handed Ki hard enough to send her to the floor, her face flushed with anger. She toward over Ki, kicking her in the side as she tried to get up. "No one told you to shift into your dragon form! I thought I told you not to do that! You could have just given your self away! Damn it I have to rethink everything." She glared at Ki hard her mind spinning, going through every option she had.

"My Lady, maybe we can use this to our advantage. The Spirit world is already about to crack under our forces. If we call a banner of truce and present their options; while telling them about Okibi-san they might crack." Kiriai thought over the option carefully a slow smile spreading across her lips as she faced her second in command.

"That kind of thinking will keep you alive longer," she said and faced Ki who had stood up again and was watching Kiriai with anger blazing behind her eyes. "Well maybe you aren't such a screw up after all aneki-chan."

Ki bared her teeth, "When I find a way to break these bonds you put on me, I swear I'll rip you apart."

"But Dragons can't kill their own kin, you'd die yourself along with me." Kiriai hissed.

"I have never found my soul mate, my dream was destroyed long ago so that I no longer have one. I no longer fear death for I have died once before," Her icy gaze pierced Kiriai's soul. "Besides I'm the last of my kind. I no longer have a place in this world."

"S-surely you fear what Satan could do to you!" Kiriai's second in command shouted taking a step back.

Ki smiled evily watching him from the corner of her eyes, turning her face just enough so he could see her smile. "I have no reason to fear my own father?"