I do not own criminal minds I just like to borrow them from time to time.

As she walked out of the bathroom, heading towards the kitchen, she could feel him watching her.

"Like what you see?" she asked, as she spun around slowly.

"Mmm, I do. Come back to bed," he told her.

"I'm hungry" she complained.

"Come here and I'll feed you," her companion replied.

She gave a little laugh "I'm hungry for food," she answered.

"Mmm, spoilsport" he said with a grin, as he got out of bed and walked to the bathroom.

"Besides if we went back to bed, we would be late for work" she yelled to be heard through the door.

She heard him mumble something through the door.

"I can't hear you" she sang out as she headed to the kitchen.

She took out eggs to make scrambled eggs.

She gave a little squeal as strong arms grabbed her from behind and spun her around.

"What i said. beautiful, was I'm the boss so i can be late if need be" he said nibbling on her ear.

"Oh you being the boss, means you should set an exsample to your team and be on time" she told him.

"Ok lets get a move on then" he replied with a smile.

They finished breakfast and cleaned the dishes. As they walked out the door she turned to him and said "I love you Aaron Hotchner" as she kissed him.

He bent down and gave her a lingering kiss before he replied "I love you too, Emily Hotchner."