And, as promised, a chapter with my beloved little freak. Oh, how I've missed him. Hope this satisfies. Oh, and to My Friend? -bows- Your kind nagging warmed my heart.

"Agh, I can't take any more!" Sora threw down his pen, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting sulkily. Glancing over, Riku laughed. The mood was a far cry from three days before, when the brunette had found out about his lapse.

"I saved the world! Lots of worlds! Twice!" He resumed, loudly. "I shouldn't have to do homework!"

"Aw, shut it." The older boy reached across the width of the bed where they both rested, shoving his friend lightly.

"Or at least, I should get extra credit," Sora muttered darkly.

"C'mon, Sora. What happened to positive thinking? It's only algebra."

"But it's haaaaard!" he wailed.

"It's not that hard. And don't tell me it is, I did this stuff last year, remember?" The silver-haired boy grabbed the textbook that lay open at his friend's knees, pulling it over.

"Let's see...Oh, Pythagoras. No wonder you're getting frown lines."

"I am not!"

Riku laughed, reaching out and brushing a fingertip between the younger boy's brows. "Yeah you are. Right here."

A flash of yellow in blue eyes made him freeze, hand still outstretched. Sora blinked at him, unaware of his own lapse.


Not replying, swallowing against the sudden tightness in his throat, he stroked downwards over the bridge of the boy's nose. Those eyes flashed yellow again, then drifted closed. Brown hair gained a flush of black at the roots, which spread as swiftly as wildfire, staining all the way to the tips.

What are you doing? he thought, but it was lost in the fascination as he watched black creep up the paler skin of Sora's throat, like smoke. His single fingertip resumed its descent, down his nose, to lips slightly parted as breath quickened, then the transformation was complete and those phosphorous eyes snapped open to fix him with a curiously blank gaze. Ebony lips parted further, and Antiform leaned forwards to take the tip of Riku's finger into his mouth. Then he bit, catching the sensitive pad between sharp canine teeth. The older boy hissed softly at the pressure and made to pull back, but his finger was already released with a parting lick to the drop of blood forming, and Antiform was shoving him backwards, pinning him against the bed. His claws formed a cage around the silver-haired boy's wrists as before, and he turned his head to nuzzle at his torn ear. Riku let loose a soft noise as the touch brought sharp pain arcing through him. Cool lips pressed against the wound, sending the pain right down his spine, and he heard a purr.

"Bastard," he hissed. It came out a lot less bitter than he had intended it to. Anti moved then, one clawed hand shifting from his wrists to grip a handful of his shirt, ripping it as easily as tissue paper. Casually, he tossed the torn fabric into the corner of the room, then ran his fingers slowly down over Riku's damaged flesh, tracing the lines he had cut, nails flexing almost teasingly.

Slowly, the silver-haired boy realised that something was missing. He wasn't bleeding yet. Disregarding the pinprick of a cut on his fingertip, which had already sealed up, the heartless that held him had yet to inflict any real damage upon him. Confused, he sought to meet Anti's gaze. Half-lidded eyes regarded him, a smirk twisting that full, coal-black mouth.

He felt those claws against his skin again, just above his navel, pressing hard enough to sting, then retreating until they rested on his stomach. Another flex, slightly deeper, and Riku shuddered, spine arching up into the touch.

He felt the parting of his own skin, pain blossoming in his gut and transforming into heat as it travelled lower, his hips following the rise of his back. The awkward position of his legs cancelled out any pleasure that could have been gained from the movement, and he shifted slightly to alleviate some of the discomfort.

Before he could think, Antiform's weight lifted from his legs and a knee slipped between his, coaxing them apart. Then he lowered himself into the V between Riku's thighs, the sudden contact causing the silver-haired boy to gasp. It took all the willpower he had to stop his hips from rising, creating the friction that he desperately needed to satisfy the heat building at the point where their bodies met.

Anti's hand trailed up from his stomach, nails dragging just deep enough to sting and send shivers rippling up his spine. Then his grip shifted and his fingers slipped into Riku's palms, his eyes meeting clouded blue-green ones and a single eyebrow curving in an expression of challenge.

Experimentally, Riku tried to pull free. Yellow eyes drifted closed, and with a delighted chirrup, the heartless dug his claws into oversensitive flesh. As he did, his entire blody flexed in a catlike stretch, hips pushing down, down, and dragging a moan from the boy pinned beneath him.

"Aanh!" This time, Riku couldn't stop his hips from rocking upwards, groin rubbing against that delicious pressure. "Gods..." he breathed, "S-" He meant to say stop. He knew he meant to say stop. But his mouth betrayed him, voicing the name of his desire, his need in a breathless whimper. "S-Sora!"

Instantly, movement stopped. Then that body was arching away from him, drawing a soft noise of protest from him. His eyes found shocked blue ones, and Sora was withdrawing, moving to the far side of the room before his hair had even shed the last wisps of black. Knees drawn up to his chest and held in place with tightly-squeezing arms, the brunette looked up, bewildered and hurt.

"What the hell were you doing?!" He demanded, angrily. "You made me change, that time! I know you did!"

Riku glanced down and away.

"I don't...I don't know." He replied. "Sorry."

"Sorry?! You have NO IDEA how goddamned hard it is to keep it under control! You said yourself that this thing puts everyone in danger, and then you go and do something stupid like this! Letting him loose so you can have your sick thrill!"

Riku's eyes squeezed shut, shame staining his cheeks.

Sora's tirade came to an abrupt halt, and he clapped his hands over his mouth. Guilt wrote itself plainly across his face, and uncurling, he shifted forwards a little. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it, I'm just..."

"You're apologising?" Aqua eyes were dryly amused. "You have every reason to be pissed at me. I was stupid and selfish. I used you."

"Not me." Brown spikes swayed as the younger boy shook his head emphatically. "Just Antiform. And he's not me."

His expression dared Riku to contradict him. As the older boy looked away, conceding the point, he ran a hand through those wild spikes. "This is pointless. We can blame each other and then blame ourselves until we're blue in the face, but we'll never get anywhere. Or, we can learn something from this."

"When did you get so mature?" Riku leaned over the edge of the bed to ruffle the boy's hair, a smile tugging at his lips.

"Hanging around you." Sora leaned a little into the gesture. "Anyway. What triggered me snapping this time?"

"I..." the silver-haired boy paused, thinking. "I touched your nose."

Laughing, the younger boy looked quizzically up at him. "Okay...did you touch my nose last time?"

"No." Riku was laughing too. "I was yelling at you last time. Besides..." His hand dropped, fingertip brushing over the bridge of his friend's nose as it had earlier. His hand was swiftly smacked away, and he chuckled. "Nothing. So it's not a weird nose fetish."

"I do not have a nose fetish."

"Didn't I just say that?"


Riku raised an eyebrow.

"Are you hurt? Shit, Riku! What did I do to you?" The younger boy was grasping his hand, turning it to inspect any new damage. Inspite of himself, he found himself laughing at the brunette's concern.

"Sora, calm down. I'm barely even scratched."

Blue eyes searched his.



"Then, what was he after? Last time, he sliced you up really bad."

Riku shrugged, his cheeks tinging pink again.

"He seemed more interested in...teasing, this time."

"How do you-" Sora caught his blush, and his eyes widened. "Oh! Oh, so...he really does like you, then."


"And that might be why he got loose." From a questioning glance, he tried to explain. "We were having fun, right? Laughing and joking." The silver-haired boy nodded, and he continued, "and then you...this sounds stupid. You touched my nose. Really gently. And I felt something tug, around here." His hand flattened over his heart, and his gaze dropped to the floor for a moment, then rose to meet Riku's again. "I think...he wanted to be closer to you."

There was silence, then his friend asked tentatively, "you mean, he doesn't just like me you like me?"

Sora's eyes were full of questions and doubts, things he wanted to say, but couldn't. Then he was looking at the floor, nodding slowly.

"I think he likes you more than just casually. I think-" the last words were barely even whispered. "I think he loves you."

Does that answer your question at all? :q If not, I'll be sure to answer it thoroughly in future chapters.