Two Birthdays

New A/N: Here is the finally complete, edited, and finished version of "The Dance". Enjoy. (23/07/2012)

Old A/N: This is the same story but I am editing one chapter at a time.

Disclaimer: I didn't own it the first time and I still don't now.

Peter POV

England, Narnia

Laughter swirls around me like the dancers on the floor. I can see my siblings talking with their friends, joy lighting up each face. Only the happiness that I know I should be feeling has evaded me this night. Somehow, amidst all this celebration, my heart is still empty. I know that I should be the happiest of all, yet all I can do is remember. Remember when we four were completely happy and surrounded by the truest of friends. My thoughts drift back as I recall the first time I turned fifteen…

The laughter swirls around; joy permeates everything within hearing distance. My friends and family dance about the hall, singing songs of joy and praise to The Lion. I cannot help but be drawn in. I laugh as two fauns try to teach Edmund and Lucy a complicated dance meant for hooves.

"Come on Peter!" Cries Susan as she grabs my hand and drags me toward the dance floor. Slowly we begin to dance, partly learning the dance, partly making one up that we are capable of. As we twirl and spin I wonder if it is possible to feel any happier than this and not burst.

A hand on my shoulder pulls me back to the present. I glance over at Edmund and see the same faraway look I know must have just been on my own face.

"Do you remember…" he begins but trails off, caught up in the memories.

"Yes." I do not need to hear the rest to know exactly what he means. I turn and look for Lucy. She must still remember the steps, it was her dance after all.

"Lucy, will you dance with me?" Edmund's question surprised me so I know Lucy must be shocked. Edmund usually had to be dragged into the dancing.

"Of course I will brother." She looked so happy, but then she always looks happy these days. I glance over at Susan, knowing she will have that expectant look on her face, waiting for me to ask her. All I do is offer my hand and escort her to the floor.

We dance the dance we invented on the first night of the celebrations, I still was not used to the idea that birthday parties could last three days.

I spy Lucy than glance back at Edmund. He smiles at me and walks toward her. My job will be a bit harder I know. Susan is talking with some of her school friends and I doubt she wants to dance with her brother.

"Dance with the birthday boy, Sue?" She glances up at me; I can see the uncertainty in her eyes. "Come on Susan, for traditions sake." From the look on her face, I know she understands exactly what I mean. But all she does is shake her head.

"Sorry Peter, but I don't feel like dancing tonight." I thought she might say that. After our dealings with Prince Caspian she has stubbornly refused to dance our dance.

It was the third and final night of the celebration, and the actual day of my birth. We sit about the dais, talking and eating, drinking toasts to just about everything, including my long life and many more happy birthdays.

At the far end of the hall a golden Lion appears. No matter how many times I see Him He always takes my breath away. Stepping down from my throne I bowed low before Him. I could feel his breath, a gentle breeze, brushing over my hair. His voice rumbled, "Happy Birthday, Peter."

"Thank you Aslan." My voice was but a whisper, a quiet prayer to the One who ruled over us all.

A light summer wind sighed through the treetops. As it faded I heard the sound of a distant roar, a deep voice that echoed, "Happy Birthday, Peter." And a gentle breath that spoke of peace and joy. Turning I looked at Edmund who was standing beside Lucy, they both had smiles on their faces; I know they both felt it as well. Then, as one, we three turned to look at our fourth. To my surprise she had tears in her eyes, and an expression of peace I had not seen in far too long. Stepping up beside her I questioned once again: "Dance with me gentle sister?" She took my out stretched hand and together, four once again, we stepped to the middle of the makeshift dance floor and began to dance our dance.