Some years later.

Rudolf was at his desk, cleaning and loading his gun, when the knock came. He looked up, all ready to say come in, but the door was already opening. "You?"

"Yes. Tonight's the night."

Rudolf swallowed and said the first thing to come into his head: "Are you sure?" The only answer was a slow nod, a smile, and he rose. "Well... I'm ready."

"Of course you are – or I wouldn't have come." He held out both hands, and Rudolf took them solemnly.

"Will it hurt?"

"Do you want it to?"

The young man pulled away. "What kind of a question is that?"

Death reached for him again and held him more securely. "When I first asked your mother," he explained, "She said: I want to be torn from life with the force of a thousand tempests someday. I want all the world and God Himself to hear my screams." He was smiling fondly with the memory.

Rudolf nodded. "I'm not my mother. I don't want pain."

"You've had enough," Death agreed. "I understand. For you it will be quiet... gentle, even. Come here." He drew him in, cradling Rudolf's head to his chest the way he had all those years ago.

Rudolf relaxed against him, breathing in the familiar smell, feeling the familiar vibrations when Death began to hum. He let himself be guided to the ground, laid down while Death stretched out over him.

He looked up into Death's eyes, and though he was still murmuring reassurances there was a hunger there now, something dark but also exciting that Rudolf hadn't seen before...

Out of nowhere he grinned and reached up to trace Death's lips with a finger. "Is a kiss really all it takes?"

Death chuckled softly and nipped at his hand. "Yes," he said. "A kiss is all."

Rudolf shifted under him. "Pity."

Death settled down more comfortably, covering him now with more weight. "But of course," he purred against Rudolf's neck, "There's nothing wrong with warming the blood a little, before we cool it forever." He flicked his tongue out and began licking his way across Rudolf's throat.

"A little?!" the prince gasped. He made an uncoordinated grab and got his hand tangled deep in the silky hair.

Death laughed again. "You want me."

"Well of course." Nuzzling blindly into his collar, Rudolf eventually found his neck in turn. He kissed and sucked, and felt a rush of pride to have made Death himself hiss with pleasure.

After a moment Death pulled back to look him in the eyes. "It's time now, Rudolf. You're ready."

It was the first time in forever that Death had said his name, and then he was ready, all the way.

"Yes," he breathed, shivering as cool fingers brushed his cheeks.

"You want me," Death whispered, directly into his mouth.

"With all my heart I want you. Death. I...want... death."

"Good." Their lips met, for the first time, and Rudolf had just a moment to enjoy it.

Then he went still. Death stayed where he was, holding him, as the magnificent warmth slowly faded away.

When the body was quite cool he stood up, certain of one thing:

He was sad.

The End.