Well, this is my first Dukes of Hazzard fanfic. Please be patient. I wanted to write a romance story and always wanted to see Luke settle down. So please, sit back and enjoy my story and please review and let me know what you think.

It was a beautiful summer day in Hazzard County, Georgia. The sun was shining brightly and there was not a cloud in the sky.

The silence of the afternoon was broken by the sound of a powerful stockcar motor, racing the dusty back roads.

The General Lee was racing for the town of Hazzard. The young man behind the wheel expertly steered the car around the winding back roads.

"I can't believe the parts are already here for the General. Cooter made it sound like it would be a couple of weeks," Bo Duke said as he maneuvered around a tree that had fallen in the road. Bo was the blonde haired, blue eyed Duke cousin that loved anything in a skirt and was a real ladies man. Girls wanted a chance to go out with Bo Duke.

"Me neither. That gives us a chance to fix the General before the big race," Luke Duke said, glancing over at his cousin. Like his fun loving cousin, Luke was also a ladies man. A lot of the girls tried to get brown haired Luke to glance their way. His sapphire blue eyes made the girls melt.

"Yeah, we need to win that race. Uncle Jesse needs a new transmission for the truck," Bo said, his eyes never leaving the road.

"And we are going to work on the General to make sure he is ready for the big race," Luke said, glancing out the window.

The cousins rode in silence for a few minutes as they got closer to the town of Hazzard. Both were watching for the ever crooked sheriff of Hazzard County to stop them for allegedly speeding.

"Well, looks like Rosco is on another road today," Luke said as they entered the town of Hazzard.

They pulled into the driveway in front of Cooter's Garage. Cooter Davenport was a long-time friend of the Dukes. He had been in the thick of it with them, and they could always depend on him to come through for them.

"Hey ya'll! Ya made good time gettin' here!" Cooter greeted as he wiped his greasy hands on a rag.

"We need to get the General ready for the big race next week. We had finished the chores, so we thought we'd run down here and pick 'em up," Luke said as he and Bo climbed out of the windows of the car.

"If you need any help, give me a holler. By the way, did you know there's a new girl in town?" Cooter asked, knowing it would get the Duke boys' attention.

"Really?! Who is she?" Bo asked, giving Cooter his full attention. Luke also was looking expectantly at him.

"Her name is Emily Lynn Cottrell, but she goes by Emmi Lou. She moved here from Tennessee. She lives alone. She's brunette, with pretty brown eyes, and the purdiest legs you ever did see, besides ya'll's cousin Daisy's. She's working at the post office with Ms. Tizzdale. Every guy in town has been in there asking her to go our and she has already turned them all down and she's only been here a week!" Cooter said.

"Wow! Uh, Luke, I think Uncle Jesse needs some stamps. I think I'll go to the post office and get some!" Bo said heading for the post office.

"Uh, not so fast cousin, I'm going with you. I need to get the mail," Luke said chasing after his cousin.

Cooter stayed behind at the garage, laughing as he was watching the two cousins running neck and neck to the post office.