Chapter Six: An Offer and a Confession

Back at The King's Haven, the night club was eerily silent. The rock band had completed their gig, the guys had left not long after their girls had suddenly run out on them after the strangely attractive guy in the green vest, and the waitresses had gone with the obsessed crowd as well, leaving trays on the floor and spilled water bottles all over the place.

Reginald was sitting at a table, his head in one hand and the other drumming on the table impatiently. "What can be taking those two so long?" he cried. "All they need to do is follow the crowd of obsessed young women and that should lead them right to Mr. Attractive!"

"Are you talking about me?"

Reginald looked up and saw someone standing in the shadows of the entrance to the night club, leaving the top half of his body in the dark. He could just barely see the above outline of a rather muscular man wearing black jeans and sneakers.

His eyes lit up with delight. "Oh! You've come back, have you?"

"Yes. Once I finally managed ta get dose girls offa my tail, I saw dose two flunkies of yours and overheard dem talkin' about me. I understand ya wanna offer me a job?"

Reginald stood up. "Yes, as a matter of fact, I do." He pointed at Joey. "You, young man, have a wonderful gift-the gift of attracting young women by the dozen. It's almost magical, what you can do. And I…I have a very strong need for that particular gift."

"Uh, you do?" The young man sounded confused. "What for?"

"Wellll…" Reginald tapped his chin. "I'm not quite sure if I can trust you with this secret of mine…"

"How much does de job pay?"

Reginald mentioned a very large amount of yen with many zeroes after it.

"Ey, if dat's your offer, den you could even commit a crime and I wouldn't breathe a word about it."

Reginald eyed him with some suspicion. "Hmm…all right then, I have one thing to ask you: do you believe in magic and other worlds?"

"Uh…dat's a weird ting ta ask, but dere's nothing dat's proven de don't exist, so…sure, why not?"

"Well, child, believe it or not…" Reginald let his outline glow with red magic. "I have magic, and I come from another world. And in that world, I have another night club which is almost as popular as this one. There's a difference between the two, however: all of the girls who work at my club in the other world are magically-made mute mortals from this world."

"Huh? How'd you get dem ta come over dere? An be made mute, for dat matter."

"Easily," he smiled. "All I had to do was tell them vaguely that I was going to offer them a job, and that all they'd need to do to get it would be to sign a contract. Since they were so excited about getting employment in this place, they assumed, they just signed the contract without even looking at it. Thus, they had their voices removed, were sent over to the other world, and now can do nothing but work for my restaurant without being allowed to even set one foot outside of it." He laughed a nasty little laugh.

"Hold up-how can somebody be a waiter if dey can't even talk?"

"Again, very simple. Just give them voices through usage of recorders with common waiter phrases and stuff. That's all they need to say, and that's all they'll ever be able to say again." He shrugged. "Granted, I guess you could technically call it kidnapping, but hey, if you want to save a few bucks on paying hired hands, then some sacrifices must be made, yes?"

"So, what exactly do ya need me for, den?"

"Isn't it obvious? With your assistance, I could attract more of those girls by the dozen! Heck, I'd attract so many that I could open up a third night club!" He held out his hand towards the young man. "So, what do you say, kid?"

"Mmmm…sorry, but I don't tink I'll be able ta do it."

"WHAT?! Why not?"

The kid stepped out of the shadows-and revealed himself to be Joey Wheeler, wearing zapped-up clothing similar to his attractive form's and with his arms muscularly enhanced, but not quite with the same beauty as before. "'Cause you're gonna be locked up for, oh, de next couple thousand years or so?"

Reginald's eyes widened at once in recognition and horror. He whipped around to go to his office in the back, but standing right behind him was Spencer and Chiefs Eli and Liv of the Kingrah Police.

"Don't even think about running, mister," Spencer told him. "You're surrounded."

A snap of fingers was heard, and the other heroes were revealed to be standing around the club, having snuck inside in their pure magic forms while invisible when Joey had opened the door to the place. Wrapped up in Tristan's elastic arms were Reginald's two flunkies which they'd tracked down and defeated.

Knowing he was outmatched, Reginald snarled and held out his arms towards the chiefs. Liv took a pair of handcuffs from her pocket and snapped them onto his wrists.

"Don't think this is the end," he cried out to King Spencer as he pulled out a custom portal and placed it onto the ground. "I'm a very wealthy, powerful man, your majesty-I'll be out of jail by next week at the longest."

"With a confession like that? I don't think so, bub," Spencer shook his head. He zapped a spark through the hole which created a custom portal leading right to the police department. Liv led Reginald through the portal, followed by Eli who'd grabbed the arms of the flunkies once Tristan had un-wrapped his arms from around them.

Joey shifted his arms back to normal and heaved a sigh of relief. "Okay, at least dat one good ting came outta turnin' inta dat guy, so dere's no real reason ta be mad at me, right?" he grinned at Spencer.

Spencer's response was to fold his arms and give Joey a look.

Joey sighed. "Awright, no more messin' wit magical stuff dat I have no clue about," he muttered.

Spencer smiled and nodded. "Thank you. That's all I ask." He snapped his fingers and his package, now filled once more with the defective potions and stones, appeared before him. He pulled the ring box out of his pocket and placed it on top of the goods; then, with a wave to the others, he turned and walked through the portal to his world, letting it close behind him.

As the teenagers left the night club, Joey commented, "Kinda a shame dat de ring was defective…if it hadn't made dose girls obsessed ta de point of insanity for me, I wouldn't a minded bein' dat guy every night or so."

Kaiba rolled his eyes. "Right, Wheeler-it's not enough to have a double life, you need a triple one."

"Ey, I coulda handled it!" Joey cried.

Pharaoh smiled at him, "Come now, Joey-be happy that you aren't being hounded with frequency by insane fans who idolize you."

Joey sighed. "I am, but even just a liddle bit a dat respect would've been nice."

"And with that ring at our disposal, we would've been able to get it easily…" Tristan added, also looking rather gloomy.

Joey looked up and down at him and said, "I dunno, man-not even dat ring would've done wonders for ya."

With that, Tristan and Joey got involved in another fight, their friends attempted to pry them off of one another while Kaiba watched and rolled his eyes, and everything returned to normal…for the time being.