Another one, just for the sake of the joy of writing. Also, I will just apologize up front for Allen in this is almost psychically impossible for me to write him the way I feel as though he should be is more of a challenge than any other character from any other manga.

Disclaimer: Nothing...I am not sure if even the multiple, useless facts in this story are right.

"Did you know, in the average lifetime, a person can walk about five times around the equator?"

It was only partially intentional, Lavi reminds himself as he sits in the cafeteria, ignoring his food and putting on a rather astounding performance for his present company.

"I think that depends on how long a person lives…" Lenalee interjects.

Lavi ignores her for a moment, trying to determine whether or not the look on Kanda's face is the result of a hot bowl of soup, or not knowing what the equator is.

"Well, when you die, your hair doesn't stop growing." Lavi points out. "Yuu-chan, that should make you happy."

Allen looks up from his steak.

Lavi looks back down into his cup and swirls the water discreetly before springing back to life. "Beansprout, did you know that a Neanderthal has a bigger brain than you do?"

"I don't know what that is…" Allen mumbles when Lavi steals another glance at Kanda.

"And Lenalee, that deck of cards you always play with—did you know that the different suits represent four pillars of the economic state of the Middle Ages?"

"The heart is…the Church?" She asks. "I'm guessing the spades are the military…"

"The clubs represent agriculture and the diamonds represent the merchants. But you know, some also say that they represent different kings from ancient history," Lavi finishes triumphantly. "Bet you didn't know that, Beansprout."

"I did not." Allen says, nodding and Lavi catches him staring at the white on Kanda's knuckles.

"Yuu-chan, are you suffering from lethologica?"

"Fuck you."

"Kanda!" Lenalee snaps, stealthily grabbing his chopsticks out of his bowl before seeming to feel guilty for it. "Are you alright?"

Lavi watches Kanda contort his face into the one he wears for Lenalee and Lenalee alone; he rapidly taps the side of his cup, earning an eyebrow raise from Allen. "Yuu is probably just tired," Lavi says. "On our last mission, we had to help rebuild their town hall after the akuma destroyed it…right Yuu? All that brick laying?"

"There is a patron saint for that."

"That's right Lenalee."

Allen chokes out a laugh.

Lavi grins at Kanda. A feeling of victory sweeps over him, and it obviously makes Kanda angry and hot. And to Lavi, there is no difference. He wants to keep going, to prove his point. "Yuu, did you know you can hear a lion's roar from five miles away?"

"You've never seen a lion." Kanda hisses.

"My name means lion in Hebrew."

Lenalee sorta sinks into her salad.

"Indeed," Lavi says, never taking his eyes off Kanda. "Yuu, do you know the only food that will never spoil?"

"I do." Allen mumbles.


"I don't like honey."

"Pumice is the only rock that floats in water."

"I don't give a fuck."

"You know when you put a seashell to your ear, you aren't really hearing the ocean, you are just hearing the blood rushing through your veins."

"What moron thinks they can hear the ocean in a shell?"

"Did you know that the tongue is the only muscle that is attached from one end only?"

Kanda's face turns red. He stands up, and leaves.

There is a long moment of silence in which Allen gives Lavi a nod of approval, and Lenalee tries to comprehend what just happened.

"I won't be right back." Lavi says as he too stands up, and jogs in Kanda's direction.

It is not until he has looked all over before he realizes that he might have lost Kanda. The samurai is a surprisingly fast runner, and even though Lavi often bragged about knowing his way around the Order better than Kanda, he was definitely at a loss when it came to scouring every nook and cranny. Which is a little embarrassing, because Lavi feels like he should know Kanda well enough to find out his location.

After a while, the hallways begin to look more and more similar, but Lavi still knows exactly where he is. He can find his way from his exact location back to the cafeteria where Allen and Lenalee are probably still eating; to the library where Bookman is probably researching; to his room, littered with books he has tried to interest Kanda in; to Kanda's room, with nothing in it but the hourglass; to the science lab, where all their friends are; to the lounge, where the tired Finders go to thank god for being alive; to the infirmary, where Krory is; to Allen's room, with the broken mirror; to Heveleska, where their Innocence reside; to Lenalee's room, where he will never go again; to the window that cannot shut properly—allowing for easy roof access.


Lavi turns to see Allen close behind him. He plasters a grin on his face, "Yo Beansprout. You didn't leave Lenalee all by yourself did you? Those are poor manners my friend—didn't I ever tell you how to treat a lady?"

Allen gives him a weird look that reminds Lavi of the one he gives Kanda when the samurai can't give him an estimation as to the current population of Edo. "Lenalee thinks it was a fight." Allen says flatly.

Lavi sighs. "It's not. Not like that. He just doesn't appreciate my enormous expanse of knowledge I have accumulated over the years." He laughs. "He is probably just jealous of my photographic memory." He smiles. "My quick wit."

It's only for a second that Lavi thinks that Allen catches on, but then Allen just shrugs. "He's probably training in the forest. Cutting down trees or fighting bears."

Lavi's smile falters. "How do you know?"

"Because I know he does it a lot." Allen smirks, "Fighting bears, I mean."

Lavi decides to go for a walk.