DON'T KILL ME! I know, I know. I haven't updated in like a million years. There really is no excuse. I got writer's block, I spaced on this story, I had a lot going on, blah blah blah. I'm so sorry guys. I hope you all don't hate me, but I understand if you're upset. Here's a new chapter, and I hope to update this story way more often then I have been. I'm not sure what to think of this chapter. It's been so long... Ugh. I don't know. I need to get back into the groove. Also, I need advice. What should happen next? Review with what you think. Review if you don't have any advice. I hope people are still following this story. Sorry again. Read on!

Once Sky gently lowered Sydney into the hospital bed, Kat entered the room. Looking at the two cadets before her, she knew there was really no reason to be mad at them. Even Kat had noticed that the two had feelings for each other. Neither of them had noticed her entrance yet, so she cleared her throat to make them aware.

Sky quickly turned around. "Kat."

"Hello Sky. I see you brought our patient back to her bed." At that, Syd blushed and lowered her eyes into her lap. Kat gave a tiny smile. "I hope this won't happen again?" When Sky and Syd nodded, Kat nodded back at them. "Oh, Sydney, I ran into your mother in the hallway and she would like to see you. Should I send her in?"

The girl looked hesitant, but nodded anyway. Kat turned and exited the room while Sky was sitting down next to Syd's bed, talking quietly to her. "Patricia?" The woman locked eyes with Kat as she heard her name. "She said she'd see you now."

"Thank you," replied the older woman. She hesitantly walked over to the door, taking a few deep breaths to calm herself, and entered the infirmary.

"Do you want me in the room with you while you talk to her?" Sky asked Syd, expecting the girl to say yes.

"No. I can talk to her alone. I need to." Her tone of voice sounded strong, ready to face anything. "I should probably just get it over with. The longer I postpone it, the longer it'll be in my mind. She's my mom." Sky nodded. As this happened, the door behind him opened and he turned to see Patricia Drew standing in the doorway, looking nervous and a little scared. Looking into the Pink Ranger's eyes and giving her hand a squeeze, the man left the infirmary, leaving mother and daughter to talk amongst themselves.

For a couple seconds, the room was quiet. Neither woman said a thing, both looking uncomfortable. Deciding the silence needed to be broken, Sydney uttered a measly, "Hi mom."

All of a sudden, Mrs. Drew broke down in tears, making her way over to her daughter's bed. She took a seat on the chair that had been previously occupied by Sky Tate. "Sydney, I'm so sorry. I can't… I just… I'm so sorry honey." Pausing to take a few breaths, she continued, "I never wanted any of this to happen. I didn't know what to do. I should've stopped this a long time ago." Sydney let her mother go on, not knowing what she wanted to say just yet. "You have to know that I do love you. I do. So much. I was a coward and because of that, look at what happened. I don't expect you to forgive me, and I wouldn't forgive me if I were in your position. Just know that I'm so, so sorry."

"You're right. I don't forgive you. Not yet. But you're not the only one to blame here, Mom." Her mother looked up at that comment, surprised. "I could've said something. I should've said something. I could've prevented this too…" That was the truth. Sydney knew that. Her mother, though, disagreed.

"None of this is your fault. I'm supposed to protect you. I failed. He… Your father, he's supposed to protect you too, but he's the one hurting you. We both failed as parents. You suffered the consequences. I will never be able to say how sorry I am…"

"Patricia! Where the hell are you?" Only silence answered him. He had noticed that his daughter's car was no longer in the driveway, but that didn't explain why his wife was missing too. "PATRICIA!" He had come home expecting something to eat, already cooked and sitting on the table for him. He was starving. As he staggered into the kitchen, he saw that nothing had changed since he left. That meant that both girls had left not long after him. I'm going to teach them both a lesson when I get my hands on them. Wondering where they could be, he found himself wandering into the living room. Where did they go? Even though he was as drunk as he could get, he managed to think of a place where the women might have gone. They thought they could run away from me. I'll find them. I always will. Opening the front door, he reached into his pocket and pulled his cell phone out. Dialing the number of a friend of his, he put the phone up to his ear while getting into his car. The person on the other end of the line picked up, "Brett? It's John. I need… I need directions to the SPD base. Now."

