A/N: this is my first fan fiction and I hope u guys like it

A/N: this is my first fan fiction and I hope u guys like it

Bella soonavampire

Edward bellaslove

Emmett poohbear

Soonavampire has signed on

Bellaslove has signed on

Soonavampire: hey edward I like your IM name

Bellaslove: thanks O.o but umm...

Soonavampire: what??

Bellaslove: your name its kinda inappropriate

Soonavampire: how so? O.o

Bellaslove: well when you talk to your other friends, your friends might think your crazy and everyone knows that when under pressure u crack like an egg

Soonavampire: WTF! I don't crack that easy

Poohbear has signed on

Bellaslove: Hun I think u need to clam down, I don't understand why women get upset over 1 little thing its not the end of the world

Poohbear: o.o

Soonavampire: well I thinkā€¦

Bellaslove: Nuthin!!

Soonavampire: I think that your momma is so fat that when she turns around, people give her a welcome back party!

Poohbear: O.o

Bellaslove: I see how it is bella, well your momma so stupid she he hears it's chilly outside so she gets a bowl.

Poohbear: o.O

Soonavampire: that hurt me a little, but yo momma so ugly they filmed, "Gorillas in the Mist," in her shower.

Poohbear: O.O

Bellaslove: im sorry bella but I see that I have to say this but, yo momma so old even god calls her mother!

Poohbear: O.O dang!!

Soonavampire: TT that hurt

Bellaslove: bella...

Soonavampire has signed off

Poohbear: nice goin edward she left

Bellaslove: im goin to her house I need to tell her that im sorry

Bellaslove has signed off

Poohbear: well im out peace please R&R

Poohbear has signed off

A/N: this my first fan fiction I hope u guy like it, if I get at least 5 reviews in the next chapter u guys will get new character. please review!!