Divine Enthymeme

'Who do you think you are?' (Kyoya, the Lion)

'That's not gonna work this time.' (Hikaru, the Tiger)

'Step away from my daughter.' (Tamaki, the Bear)

'She's mine.'

X Divine Envy X

"Hurry up!"

"This is dumb." The female host said with a sigh. After going out with Kyoya the night before the other hosts demanded to go out with the small woman since they didn't get to. Hikaru offered to leave Kyoya behind because he got his turn but was quickly over ruled by the Shadow King himself. Haruhi sighed. She was not allowed to choose her clothes today either so she was decked out in a pair of jean shorts, pink flats and a pink tank top and a head band. She sighed. It sounded simple but they made everything complicated because everything she wore was designer and probably cost more then her whole wardrobe at home.

They were all making their way through town. No, that was a lie. They were making their way through the rich part of town. Every shop was a boutique of some kind. All their clothes were on wooden hangers, studio lights and women who looked like they should be super models. The places that weren't shops were nice restaurants that probably charged two bucks for water. She sighed as she was led into the large western style restaurant. All the waiters were in black and white, most of looked either snobby or they liked their job too much.

"Come on, Haruhi, its not that bad. Besides you like western breakfast right?" Kaoru said as he put his arm around the small girl's shoulders as the waitress who seemed star struck by the group of boys, led them to a large table.

"Yeah but-"

"Then don't complain." Kyoya responded behind her. She turned to him and gave him a look. He pushed up his glasses. They were seated as the waitress was trying not to faint as Tamaki worked his magic. Haruhi looked at the menu and sighed. Just as she thought, everything had to be expensive. Too expensive for simple waffles and potatoes. The waitress took their drinks. The twins got apple juice, Tamaki got orange juice, Mori got tea, Hunny got a milkshake and Kyoya stuck with water. Haruhi decided to get grape juice. She hardly ever got juice. She normally stuck to traditional things that her father liked.

"What are you going to have, Haruhi?" The twin asked. Haruhi scanned the menu.

"Probably the waffles plate with strawberries." She answered; her finger on her chin. Her face had a cute look of thinking things over. The twins grinned and started to coo over her. Kyoya sighed and put down his menu, knowing what he wanted. He watched as the twins start to argue with Tamaki as the blond fool started to get angry and yell at them to let his 'precious daughter' go. His attention was taken away from the loud three and watched as a group of men about their age walked into the restaurant. All of them dressed in white tuxedos. They must have somewhere nice to go to. The three men all sat down at the table next to them. Two of them were brothers and sons of a major communications company. The other man wasn't anyone he knew of. He looked back to his own table as the waitress came back; her face was newly made up. He almost shook his head. If she had time to fix her make up then she wasn't doing her job.

They all began to order. Most of their dishes, besides Mori and Haruhi, were complicated with added things, holding other things and making minor trades and changes. The waitress left almost tripping on her black heels as she went. There was a loud rumbling laugh from the table next to them, from the group of three. While the twins and Tamaki argued and ignored them, Haruhi and Kyoya looked over at the obnoxious men who sat around the table drinking coffee. It would seem that the blond haired brother was telling an entertaining story. Just when Kyoya had looked away as Hikaru turned to get Haruhi's attention, the blond haired one stood up, his arms wide to illustrate his story.

A waiter had walked by them just then, balancing a tray of food as he was hit in the arm by the man making the tray fall off his hand and onto the ground, not before hitting the blond haired story teller as it splattered on the hard wood floors. Broken plates, glass, and spilled food was everywhere and it was obvious the waiter was young and had no idea what to do in this situation. The restaurant was silent as all eyes were on him and the apologizing waiter.

His green eyes looked at the black clad waiter with a glare, "What is wrong with you? Don't you know how the hell to do your job?"

"I-I-I didn't see you there as I walked passed. I'm terribly sorry."

"Look what you did! I have my sisters wedding to go to, you moron. How am I supposed to get this out?" he said pointing to the brown stains on the thigh of his pants.

"I-I'm very sorry-"

"Oh yes you will be. I'll have you fired faster then-"

"That's not fair." Everyone eyes shifted to the now standing Haruhi who was looking at the man with a glare of her own. Tamaki's eyes were wide as Kaoru and Hikaru watched and waited as did Kyoya. The waiter and the blond one as well as his brother and friend looked at her.

"What?" the blond haired man said. She moved away from her table and looked at them. She went up and stood next to the cowering waiter. Kyoya fixed his glasses with a smirk on his face.

"He didn't do anything wrong. It was you're fault for being rowdy and loud in a restaurant while other people are trying to work. You're hand hit his tray. If it wasn't for you, this wouldn't have happened." She turned to the waiter who looked at her gratefully.

"Why don't you grab a couple of towels and get this cleaned up?" she said with a smile. The waiter nodded and ran off. The blond haired man looked at the small woman in front him. Who did she think she was? He walked up to her so he could look down at her. Hikaru and Kaoru stood up, their chairs moving back with a loud rub on the wood floor. She looked up at him then back down to the stain on his white pants. He scowled,

"Girl, since you have all the answers, what am I supposed to do about this? I can't take it to get it cleaned again with the wedding two hours from now." That made everyone at Haruhi's table glare at the man for his tone with their fellow host. Haruhi didn't deserve to be spoken to like that. Haruhi dismissed the boy's attitude and slid her hand into her pocket. She pulled out a small tube the size of chapstick. She kneeled down and pulled off the bright orange cap from the instrument. She began to rub the stain with the wet substance in the tube which came out of the small pad on the tip of the marker like thing.

"Calm down, you don't need to take it to the cleaners. Just be glad the man wasn't carrying wine." She mumbled and continued to rub the stain until the brown spots were gone, left with wet spots instead. She stood once more and capped the Tide-to-Go. She was glad that her father packed it with her. The man blinked and looked down at his pants.

"It's gone."

"Yeah. The water spots will dry before the wedding so don't get that man fired, he didn't do anything wrong. It was your fault in the first place." She said and moved to sit down again. The man smiled,

"What's your name, girl?" he asked. Haruhi turned and looked at him and blinked. The man looked at her table for a change and was shocked to see familiar faces. The twins Kaoru and Hikaru of the fashion industry, Kyoya Ootori of the medical field, Tamaki Suou…This small woman knew all of them well enough to be having breakfast with them? Who was she?

"Haruhi Fujioka." She answered. His face showed his confusion. She was…no one. There was no Fujioka family he had been acquainted with or even heard of. Kyoya caught his baffled look while Haruhi simply turned back around and took her seat once more, the food being brought to them as the waiter from before and another waitress mopped off the fallen food and picked up the glass.

"You must be Haji Makoto, correct?" Kyoya said and stood respectively and moved around the table to speak to the man. "I am Kyoya Ootori. I have heard many great things about your fathers company." He said though in that tone that clearly said he probably didn't mean a word of it though he smiled like the host he was. Haji attended a school much like Ouran but not as prestigious. The only reason why he was there instead of Ouran was because his step mother was the chairman of the establishment. Why did he know about this? Because Makoto Haji's father was a business associate of his own father and as the son of an Ootori one must know all contacts.

"You are Kyoya Ootori, the third son. I am honored to meet you." He said and held his head high. His green eyes looked down at Haruhi where she was cutting her waffles with a knife and fork. Kyoya caught the glance and gave him a polite smile,

"Haruhi is our peer from Ouran Academy. She is our scholarship student I'm sure you've heard of." Kyoya said. The blond man nodded then smiled,

"She is a character isn't she?" He said.

Kyoya adjusted his glasses, "That she is." Haji walked up behind the woman and put a hand on her shoulder,

"Haruhi, as a token of my gratitude I would like to ask you to accompany me to small get together with my friends and me later this evening."

"No, thank you." She said and slid a bite of her waffle into her mouth. The host club continued their meal as Kyoya sat with a rather smug look on his face. The twins looked at him and an eerie mocking grin appeared on their faces. Huni and Mori simply watched with little interest as Tamaki talked to the waitress who came back to ask if he wanted more orange juice. Haji stood there, his shocked expression lost on Haruhi's turned back. He didn't know how to respond to just a blunt rejection.

"But-but Ms. Fujioka, I have personally invited you to dine with me and fellow friends and you say no?" he said bewildered. She turns and looks at him and shrugs.

"Yes, I'm only here for a week and I told my friends I would go shopping with them. Maybe another time, Haji." She said and turned back to her food. There was not a hint of anger, malice, or smugness about her. Everything she had said was out of loyalty to her friends. He felt a new bud of respect for her as he blinked his emerald eyes at the woman. He smiled then and moved so that he stood in between her and Tamaki as they sat. Tamaki glared at his back and fumed. Haruhi looked up at him with her large brown eyes,

"Fine, but how about I meet up with you later on today after my sisters wedding. May I show you and your friends around the town?" He offered. She looked at everyone, they all had different looks about them though Hikaru and Kyoya had a similar look that she couldn't place.

"Sounds fine to me." She said. Haji smiled and took out his cell phone. It was as sleek and expensive as he was. She pulled out the cell phone the twins had given her as well. She exchanged numbers with him idly, not really caring one way or another. Once done with the minor exchange he smiled and placed a hand on her head. Everything seemed to stop at the table; his familiarity with her did not go unnoticed. She looked up at him,

"See you later, Haruhi." He said then gave a small nod to Kyoya before making his way back to his table and began to talk to his brother and friend once more, their curious questions inevitable.

Haruhi only paused for a moment at the forward gesture before continuing eating. The breakfast went on as it was before though Kyoya's mind was calculating more then his next move now. This was unexpected. It seems that even Haji Makoto was a victim to the small girl's rather blunt charm and power she seemed to have over the higher class. Was this an obstacle for him? Hardly. An opponent? Possibly. A potential new chess piece in his game? Oh yes. He took a bite of his eggs and let his mind wonder to the possibilities of this new addition.

Though the Shadow King was busy contemplating the new benefits of this growth to their party, the other Hitachiin brother was glowering in the new detail. How dare he touch her like that! He shouldn't even be able to use her name so casually. And what was with Kyoya and him? Was this some sort of game to the Shadow King? Hikaru pushed his food around on his plate. "This was supposed to be a friends thing." He mumbled.

Kaoru sighed, "I know, Hikaru, but what can we do? Go against Haruhi's wishes by telling him to go away?"

"Fuck off is more like it." The brother mumbled as he glared at his food as if it were hi pancakes fault that this Haji person had over stepped a magic-marker drawn boundary. Kaoru shook his head,

"Well we just have t make sure he doesn't get too close to Haruhi. Maybe once he realizes he can't touch her, he'll back off." The younger twin suggested. Hikaru smirked at the idea and slung an arm around his brother's shoulder.

"And if we get our Lord in on it then he'll make fool of himself that the guy probably won't come back to even say hello." Both brothers grinned and ate their meal as they spoke of their plans. After they had paid fro the breakfast, though none of the boys would allow their woman host to pay for her own meal; Tamaki being the first one to offer to pay for her 'like a good daddy should'. They had taken their leave of the restaurant being watched by the heir of the Makoto Company, his green eyes shone with the deviousness of the hunt.

The group made their way down the street of the line of boutiques before them, each had Haruhi on their minds to find nice clothes for. She looked about in their walking arrangement and noticed Kyoya was not to be found in their clump of people. She paused in her walking, letting the other walk before her as she turned to see the Dark Prince on his American imported Blackberry. She shook her head and walked up to him in his slow pace. "What are you doing?"



"Because it needs to be done."

"This is supposed to be a vacation, Kyoya-sempai." She said and gave him a dead pan look as she walked next to him, reminding her of when they were out yesterday at the festival. She shook her head. "You're impossible. You need to be more…" she let the statement fall off her lips trying to find the right word.

"Common?" She sent a glare at him.

"Laid back." Kyoya smirked and adjusted his glasses.

"If I was laid back, the host club would fall apart within days." He responded. She sighed,

"We're not at Ouran right now, sempai, we're on spring break. I think you just like to delve into your work so you don't have to put yourself out there to do anything else." She said bluntly. Kyoya looked at her in the corner of his eye as she walked next to him then looked back at his phone before turning it off and putting it in his pocket. He looked at her,

"What do you suppose I do then? Walk around aimlessly with these idiots?" he said, his annoyance towards the girl was apparent. She looked around for a moment when a large decorated sign caught her eye. Little Shop of Tarot. She pointed to the store as he paused in her walk.

"How about there? That seems interesting." She said. Kyoya looked at the shop and wondered why it hadn't been bought out the fashion companies that sat around it. It was a nice looking little thing; decorated and such but it was a wonder how it the thriving sitting in between an American designer shop and a Japanese massage therapy clinic. Kyoya shrugged in response. Haruhi took that as an 'okay' and grabbed his large hand in hers and pulled him across the street to the small shop. Kyoya looked down at their hands as she intertwined their fingers without really realizing it. He almost blushed if he was not the self controlled person he was. Almost. Haruhi opened the shop doors carefully and cautiously. A small little bell rang at their entrance. The shop was set up like a library. Half the store was filled with books, lit up by husky studio lights and scarves. While the other half of the shop held magical items of sorts: luck charms, tarot cards, more scarves, candles and much more.

She didn't let go of Kyoya's hand as they walked though the store idly, not sure what they were looking for or what they would find. The small sound of clicking sandals made them turn to look at a small older woman walked up to them. She was shorter then Haruhi only because in her old age she was hunched over her cane. She wore gypsy like clothes, with gold jewelry hanging from her wrists, ankles, neck and ears. She smiled at the two teenagers; her wrinkles lined her face like a wise sage from fairytales that didn't seem so unbelievable anymore. She clucked her tongue at them and gave out a husky and wheezed chuckle. "Would you like your fortunes told, kind souls?" she said. Her black eyes gleamed in what light they had in the dim incense filled space. Haruhi blinked and before Kyoya could reply she nodded.

The old woman nodded back, "Follow me." She said and turned and started her slow walk to her table at the back of the store. Kyoya gave Haruhi a look of annoyance once more,

"Explain to me why we're wasting money on this?" he asked.

"Because it's fun. Have you ever had your fortune told?"


"Neither have I, so it'll be something new for both of us." She whispered softly as they walked to the back of the store. In the back was a small circular table with a magenta table cloth with gold moons and gold tassels as if it were straight out of a movie. The only thing missing from the table was a crystal ball. The old woman walked up to three upright sticks of red burning incense and took a deep cleansing breath before walking to her side of the table. She took out a deck of long tarot cards and began to go through some motions of her business before turning her aged black eyes to the two of them once more.

"Who will be first?" she said eerily. Haruhi let go out Kyoya's hand and sat before the woman.

"I will." She said. The old woman smiled and held out her wrinkled and fragile looking hand to the young woman host. The girl complied and let her small hand touch hers. Kyoya walked up behind Haruhi and stood close to her, not sure if he trusted nor cared for this rambunctious idea of hers. There were a few moments of silence as the woman rubbed small circles on the top of Haruhi's hand before letting go of it. She took the deck of card in her hand once more and proceeded to go through several more motions of the task at hand. Finally she laid out five long red cards on the table before Haruhi.

She smiled, "Your name, kind soul."


The woman nodded and turned over the first card.

"The Fool. You have begun a journey and have many adventures to come your way. Pleasure and passion go hand in hand with these new opportunities." Haruhi nodded at the woman as she moved her skeletal fingers to the next card. "The Moon is your wake. Beware of those around you, deception and disillusionment will follow your steps closely. Look out for your heart." The woman's voice made Haruhi shiver. Kyoya on the other hand was hit with a budding guilt almost entrapment at her word. Those black eyes looked at him for a split second making his own flesh shill at the thought of the woman's knowledge.

"Reversed Eight of Wands. You are to experience jealousy and quarrels in your future. Let it be your own envy or that of the people around you who dispute in violence for your eye. A force of courage and boldness might need to be applied."

Kyoya's mind drifted to Tamaki and Hikaru. This was too accurate. What was this which? Surely she was just guessing well. For all he knew, she could've been watching them from the window moments ago to see the men Haruhi had around her and made an educated guess.

"Eight of Cups. A new love interest will arise among the jealousy and deceit. Though things maybe seem impossible, keep your eyes forward and mind clear to take everything in. Next and last is the Page of Pentacles. You are a scholar. You will need your generosity and kindness as well as your level head to guide you through your life. Be open to knew ideas and opinions, they may surprise you." She said then gave the girl a smile before looking at Kyoya. "You next, boy?" she said. Kyoya adjusted his glasses and narrowed his grey eyes at the elder before him. The slur of a nickname did not suit him. Haruhi stood from the chair and let Kyoya sit and stood behind him as he did her. Unknown to the girl, the Shadow King took pleasure in her closeness.

The old fortune teller proceeded to go through the motions as she did with Haruhi until there were five cards laid out before him on the table. He looked at her as she looked at him. Her black, all knowing eyes made him want to turn and leave, dragging Haruhi with him. But he stayed in his place only for the reason that Haruhi counted on him doing this since she had to.

The old woman's knobby fingers fell on the first card and flipped it.

"The Hermit. You do not permit yourself to go beyond your boundaries you have made for yourself though you play the part nicely. You have an inner strength and intellectual counsel that others will want for themselves but you detach yourself to be of any help to them." She said and moved to the next card. Kyoya glared at the woman as if his glare would either tell her to confess to being a fake or shut up for the sake him and Haruhi.

"Reversed Sun. Unhappiness and realization of loneliness is in your future. There will be a moment in time where the people you call friends will no longer be behind you and will disappear by your own hand."

There was another eerie silence. Haruhi was surprised by the cruel and dark card that read his future. She had to be wrong. Tamaki and the others would never leave Kyoya alone. He meant too much to all of them. He was Kyoya-sempai.

"Ah, Reversed Four Wands. In your journey, you will learn to appreciate little things in life that money can not buy. The beauty of nature, peace and harmony." But with the next card flip her features changed to a look of seriousness. "But even in your new eyes do you hide the Reverse Knight of Cups, full of deceit and trickery, you are. Your lies and fraud will be unveiled though you wish it not so. Only to reveal your last card, the Ace of Swords. You will experience a harmony and victory of battle after your deal with the darkness and mockery within you. With the ability to love with ardor, a new and valiant leader will be born."

Though her words ended on a some what of good note, Kyoya stood and took out his wallet. He placed the amount of money the woman deserved for their fortunes and turned, walking back to the front of the store, his hands in his pockets. Damnable old hag. What did she know? Too much, that's what. All his words of lies and deceit made his skin crawl and a small spark of guilt appear in his chest. He was not being deceitful or tricking her. He was simply moving forward to woo her for the reassurance of his rightful place as heir. Sure he would gain but so would she, therefore he was not as selfish as one may think. The sound of soft quickened footsteps behind him made him slow a bit as he opened the door; the small gold bells rang after him as Haruhi walked out of the shop with him.

"What was that about, Kyoya-sempai? I thought it was interesting." She said. He gave her a look before looking forward again; his eye was caught by a blond head that shone in the sunlight not too far away. He sighed.

"Interesting it may be but pointlessness of it was so overwhelmingly horrible that I had to get out of there before I decided not to pay."

Haruhi gave him a look and walked next to him as they made their way down the street to where Tamaki and the twins were looking at a women's clothing store in which it was obvious who they were getting clothes for. She sighed, much like Kyoya had before they walked into the tarot card place. It was one of those 'I don't really want to do it but I guess I have to' kind of sigh. She walked into the store, Kyoya behind her. As soon as the small ding was heard from her walking through the door, all eyes were on her and all clothes in their hands were dropped. They ran over to her.

"Where did you go?"

"Why didn't you take us with you?"

"Why did Kyoya get to go?"

"What happened?"

Haruhi sighed again and rubbed the back of her neck, "We just went to a small magic shop, no big deal. What are you guys doing in the women's clothing store?"

Grins were place don the twins' faces and even Tamaki smiled.

"Funny you should ask." Tamaki said.

It was hell from there.

For the next two hours Haruhi tried on outfit after outfit. Even Kyoya participated in the game by choosing his own outfits he thought would look good on the small host whose face showed how annoyed she was of this game. And a game it was. Tamaki and the twins made it into a battle to see who could pick the cutest outfit. Once again Kyoya seemed to secretly participate by seeming to be on Tamaki's side. She couldn't help but find this oddly ironic that they would be acting like this just after she had been told that there were going to be jealous people around her. But though she suspected right, she didn't know half of the turmoil within the men before her. Each had their own little plan to try and get Haruhi to themselves during the remainder of the trip.

Finally Haruhi came out with at least five bags of clothes that the boys refused to let her put back or buy. They bought everything for her, telling her that it was their gift to her. She sighed, "Don't rich people have better thing to do then buy pointless things?"

"Like do work on their phones?" Kyoya said with a small smirk on his lips. She glared at him.

"Like having fun without money."

"Like being cheep."

"Like being reasonable."

"Like being hard headed."

"Like being calculating."

"Like being at a disadvantage."

"Like not needing an advantage."

"Like giving up?"

"Like not caring."

"Ah, like being impermeable."

Tamaki fumed as they walked. Not only was their arguing getting on his nerves but all the attention that his best friend was getting from Haruhi was excruciatingly inequitable. It was like he had to try twice as hard to get her attention and all Kyoya needed to go was strike up a pointless topic to speak about and she was instantly in his arms. He didn't understand. He bought her nice things, took her out to a western restaurant knowing she liked that food and he got no credit what so ever.

Hikaru's thoughts were along the same lines but while Tamaki was trying to find out what he was doing wrong, Hikaru was tearing Kyoya apart in his mind. How stupid. This pointless game. It wasn't even fun it was just dumb. Kyoya was being childish. Everyone thinks he's so smart and he must think he's that much superior to him. Ha. That was laughable. He didn't know how Haruhi put up with the emotionally constipated man. Maybe if she got away from him for awhile and be around someone with a real personality, she would stop hanging out with him so much.

"Like being unmerited." Haruhi said; neither of them looked at the other as they spoke.

"Like being foolish." Kyoya replied. Though his ace and tone was serious and immovable, though on the inside he was enjoying the pout and cute irritation Haruhi showed on her face.

"Why do you contradict everything I say?" Haruhi asked, narrowing her brown eyes at him Kyoya pushed up his glasses and looked down at her.

"Why do you question everything I do?"

"Why do you answer my question with a question?" She said and oddly felt like childishly stomping her foot.

"Because he likes to be an ass. Haven't you figured that out yet?" Hikaru said out loud. Tamaki blinked at his out burst while Kaoru laughed awkwardly, not sure how to explain his brother's behavior. Neither Mori nor Huni looked back at them as they stopped at a small ice cream shop, the small blond boy once again on the larger boy's shoulders. Kyoya looked at Hikaru but showed no emotion to his words, not even the annoyance he felt.

"That was kinda mean." Haruhi said. Kyoya shrugged,

"He's only making an ass out of himself so why should I care." He said in return making Hikaru clench his fists at the Shadow Kings cool attitude. Tamaki grabbed the bags from Haruhi and took this chance to grab her attention for himself and protect her from the two angry teens like a good daddy should.

"Haruhi! Let's get some ice cream. What kind to you like?" he said and led her to walk in between the little devil and Kyoya. She shrugged,

"I'm not much for sweets but I like strawberry."

"Then strawberry it is!" Tamaki said with a smile as they walked into the small ice cream shop followed by Kaoru though the other twin didn't go inside, instead he watched the two men idly, waiting for their next response. Hikaru glared at him.

"Just what exactly are you trying to pull, Kyoya?"

Kyoya put his hands in his pockets, "I don't know what you mean." He said smoothly. Hikaru fumed as he stepped closer to look at the Shadow King in the eye. Kyoya wanted nothing more then to put his hands on Hikaru and shove him back a couple steps but instead he held fast to his control and simply raised an eyebrow.

"You know exactly what I mean. What? All of the sudden you take an interest in Haruhi over night? Not likely. I'll figure it out, Kyoya but if you hurt her for some money greedy scheme of yours, you're going to have to answer to me." Hikaru said, meaning every word that came from his lips. Kyoya's grey eyes gleamed and narrowed. He was never one to take challenges lightly. And this wasn't just a challenge; it was Hikaru confession of his feelings and jealousy in the making.

"Is that a threat?"

"It's a promise." He said. There was a thick silence before Hikaru turned and walked back into the ice cream parlor. Kyoya stood there for a moment and watched him go. This was getting more interesting by the minute. Kyoya walked coolly to the small side shop as well but took a look across the street to the small tarot shop. In the window, the old woman at her cashier desk handing a bag of things to the present customer, a smile on her wrinkled face. She moved her old yet wise black eyes out the window and looked at the teen. She smiled and gave a nod of acknowledgement.

Her old and wheezed words rang in his mind:

"Reversed Sun. Unhappiness and realization of loneliness is in your future. There will be a moment in time where the people you call friends will no longer be behind you and will disappear by your own hand."

Old fool.