
"I'm SO glad you're engaged!" Kagome said happily, clapping her hands together, grinning from ear to ear. Sesshomaru and InuYasha cringed, the pitch reaching an unprecedented level. Kagura's eyes just narrowed. "Now we can have a double wedding!"

Sesshomaru and Kagura looked at each other from the corners of their eyes. How to break this gently...

"We're already married."

Or not so gently as Sesshomaru chose. Not that Kagura really opposed him there.

Kagome looked crestfallen for a second, eyes falling to the the ground in disappointment before bouncing right back. "Well then," she said, eyes twinkling "we'll just have an official double wedding!"

"No," Kagura said, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes at Kagome.

"No?" she echoed, blinking in surprise.


"So..." Kagome ventured, trying to find a way out of this. "That was a... yes?"

"No, it was a no."


As InuYasha dragged Kagome off, trying to tell her that he did not want his wedding ruined by having (that bastard) on the (fucking) altar with him (in the crowd was ok, but on the alter. Kami no. He would rather be circumcised without any anthestetics than getting married near him-that bastard), Kagura grinned up at her husband. "Well then," she said, turning away. "That's that, isn't-"


"Why won't it ever end?" Kagura muttered, rubbing the bridge of her nose.

Jaken skidded to a stop, panting and wheezing heavily. "M-M'lord, there is a letter from-oh."

Kagura blinked at him, surprised. Since when had Jaken shut up for anything? The toad demon shuffled nervously, poking two fingers together over the scroll in his hand. "You were... erm... about to consummate the marriage, were you not?"

She blinked in surprise before turning to Sesshomaru. "Were you?"

For once, he looked a little lost and indecisive. "Maybe?"

"A-anyways," Jaken coughed, blushing lightly. "There is a letter from your honorable father." He thrust the scroll forward.

Kagura blanched. "I thought he was dead!"

"So did I," Sesshomaru said, taking the scroll. "But it appears he is like a cockroach; he never dies."

Jaken shook his head. "Oh no, M'lord!" he cried, waving his arms. (Kagura thought that he was trying to take off and fly out the window). "He wrote this before his death with strict instructions to give it to you should you ever marry."

Scowling, Sesshomaru broke the wax and opened it, face showing the barest traces of surprise every once and a while.

Suddenly hands landed on his shoulders and pulled him down, letting Kagura look over his shoulder. "What does it say?"

"Um... let's see... He-he knew we were going to get married..."

She blinked in surprise. "How?"

"Ah... he um... says that... I'd only marry a woman that has more balls than I do..."

A strange silence passed then before Kagura finally broke it. "So then... despite that it's kinda true, what with my breasts... who's going to be giving birth?"

His expression never wavered. "Better be you."

Kagura's fingers stroked her fan. "And why, love, would that be?"

"Because I would be a horrible mother."

Her fingers left her fan. "Wise choice."

The End

The Epilogue of the Epilogue

Six Years Later

A keening wail swept through the castle as several guards clutched their ears, a couple of the more sensitive ones feeling blood run down the sides of their faces. This was, unfortunately, an uncommon occurrence in the castle.

Kagura's frantic footsteps slapped against the wood floor of the castle as she raced towards the source of the noise, her heart in her throat.

Skidding to a stop, she gaped at what she found. Her five year old son held his ears, cowering from the cradle given to them as a gift from a Dutch emissary that held her infant daughter.

"I broke her!" he shouted above the screeching. "I didn't mean to though! Haha-ue! Make it sto-o-o-op!"

Kagura sighed and rubbed her temples. This wasn't the first time little Aiko had shown just how large her lungs were. While the baby was clearly blind, having inherited her grandmother's blue eyes and Sesshomaru's silver hair, she was certainly not deaf, since she seemed to know which pitch hurt the most.

Suddenly there was a thump and Kagura looked up to find her son pinned against the ceiling, the wind pulling his cheeks back into a grimace. Her daughter had inherited her powers over the wind, as well.

"H-Haha-ue," Keimaru, her son, managed through clenched teeth, tears springing to his amber eyes. "H-help… please?"

Sighing, Kagura flicked her hand and the winds ceased. Keimaru landed firmly on his face. Sitting up, he slowly broke out into full fledged, body-racking sobs to join Aiko's wails.

Kagura rubbed her temples again, trying to fight off the oncoming head-ache. "Why did I marry, again?"

The displacement of air next to her and Sesshomaru's hair brushing against her cheek was the only thing that alerted Kagura to his presence. "Because you love me," he ventured, eyes set on their children as Keimaru wiped his striped cheeks in an attempt to calm himself down.

She "Hm"ed and reached behind her, running her fingers through his hair.

"Or, this Sesshomaru thinks," he said, voice slightly amused "that you married this Sesshomaru for his hair."

Kagura just "Hm"ed again.

"You didn't, did you?" he asked, tilting his chin slightly and wrapping his arms around her waist as Keimaru finally stopped crying as was attempting to calm Aiko down by tracing her moon. Surprisingly enough, it worked and the room fell silent.

Kagura smiled softly as Sesshomaru's arms tightened around her. He was feeling a little insecure. How cute…

"Which do you love more, me or my hair," he said burring his nose in her neck.

She laughed and leaned her head against his, muttering "Shhhh-don't make me choose."

The Real End

(A/N: Ah, it's finally over...

FMQ: -runs around in circles screaming- IT'S FINALLY OVER!!!!!

Blue Moon: Yes, it's over... no thanks to you!

FMQ: What!? I did the writing! And the saving. And the... the... the ideaing...er... coming up with-

Blue Moon: You also got sick, hit by a car, got dragged into an alternate universe called 'Looking for Group', procrastinated, lost the 14th chapter, and said when you were going to do it... -mumble mumble-

Dei: Hi un!

FMQ: Yeah, well... shut up! I helped tremendously when it counted!

Blue Moon: Yes, but when you actually WERE-

Yeah, she's going to be ranting for a while, so we're just going to close with that. I'm glad that you people read Windswept and liked it (at least, we hoped you liked it... You better have liked it. Even if you didn't like it, you like it. Or we'll send our minions after you, muffin AND water AND Deidara ((Un!)). What now?). On , I'm planning on putting up a manga version of this, and maybe Keimaru's little mini-plot as well... Look for it on GraveyardHag's profile. Hope you liked it, ja!

Dei: H-hello? Un? -sobbity sob sob sob-

-from background- GET BACK HERE!!!!

Eeep... not safe un... Ja! (un))