Disclaimer: I don't own Power Rangers: DinoThunder or its characters. If I did Dino thunder would have ended a lot better.

Author Note: Well things in this chapter are going to be very dark!

'talking' Evil Tommy

'talking' Good Tommy.

Rating: Mature

Chapter 15

Tommy walked Kira into the house he started to kiss Kira softly. "I know you feel sore baby but daddy is going to wipe away all your hurt." Tommy said huskly. Tommy led Kira toward his bedroom gently laying Kira in the middle of his bed he turned toward the door and locked it. Without losing eye contact Tommy took off his green tank top and green workout pants.

Standing by the bed naked Tommy slowly ran his eyes down Kira's body. Tommy crawled onto the bed and stalked up to Kira, Kira couldn't keep her eyes off of Tommy's face. When Tommy's face got leveled with Kira he slammed his mouth to Kira's. Kira closed her eyes in passion. Kira knew this was wrong but every time Tommy touched her she lost her mind.

Tommy released Kira's lips and looked down at Kira. Tommy undoes the ties to Kira's pants and pulled the pants and underwear off of Kira. He threw the clothes over his shoulders; He lifted Kira up a little to remove her shirt and bra. He threw them toward the pants, when Tommy was done he looked down at Kira admiring Kira's breast, legs everything on Kira.

'Yes this is where you belong Kira, ever since you walked in good ol' boy Tommy's classroom you woke me up out of those damn chains.'


It was a normal first day of school, the jocks where picking out the seats in the back, the nerds in the front.

When he looked up he locked eyes with a young girl warning a torn up rocker yellow shirt, jean skirt with black and yellow leggings. In the deepest part of Tommy's brain a place he has forgotten, something woke up. Something that was supposed to be gone, 'She is beautiful, and she will be MINE! A weak voice growled.

End Flashback.

Kira laid her hand on Tommy's cheek; she lifted her head and softly kissed Tommy on his lips. "Hey where did you go? I lost you for a second." Kira asked quietly. Tommy smiled, "Nothing just remembering something." Tommy whispered. And kissed Kira harder. Tommy turned them around and had Kira on top of him.

Kira flushed as she saw the position that they were in. "Baby I want to ride me. I want to watch your perfect tits bounce in my face." Tommy growled as he took said breast in his mouth. Kira moaned she felt Tommy lift her onto his dick she felt the blunt tip slowly in her.

Kira moaned as Tommy fully penetrated her. "Yes baby take me in, god you're so tight and wet." Tommy growled harshly. He forced Kira into a hard bounce, Kira threw her head back and moaned at the erotic feelings that Tommy was forcing on her.

Tommy leaned up and wrapped Kira into his arms, he bite, nibbled and sucked Kira's neck. "That's it baby take this dick. You want to cream on this dick don't you baby? Tell me what you want baby." Tommy harshly said against Kira's ear. Kira bit her lip to keep from screaming.

Kira rocked harder feeling her release coming closer and closer. Tommy quickly rolled over and had Kira on the bottom he put Kira's legs on his shoulders and rammed into Kira harder. Kira screamed as she came, quickly followed by Tommy as he yelled Kira's name as she felt the warm jets of cum that he released into her.

Kira and Tommy were breathing hard as they lay in the bed.

When Tommy knew that Kira was fast asleep he pulled her arms off around him and got up and pulled on his clothes. And quietly left the room.

Tommy walked down the stairs and meet Trent in the living room. "Hey you're back early." Tommy said over his shoulder as he walked into the kitchen. Trent fallowed Tommy into the kitchen.

"Without Trini even powering up she took me out early. Where's Kira at?" Trent asked as he grabbed water out of the fridge. "Kira had a rough go so she is resting." Tommy said as he was making coffee.

Something was nagging Trent, he couldn't shake off this vibe that he was coming off of Tommy, he couldn't put his finger on it but it was the same feeling he had when he was evil. 'No that's crazy this is Tommy the paragon of everything good.' He thought to himself.

Trent was still in thought when Billy, Ethan and Trini walked in laughing to themselves. "Oh hey Tommy, your kids are really great." Trini said as she jumped up on the counter.

Trini looked around and noticed that Kira wasn't with the guys. Trini jumped off of the counter and went toward the steps, Tommy stopped her. "Kira took her pain meds so she is sleeping right now." Tommy said as he put his hand on Trini's shoulders.

Trini just looked at Tommy. One part of her wanted to listen to him but for some reason the other side want to rush up and hold Kira.

Trini step back and walked closer to Billy, Jason walked into the kitchen with Connor limping behind him. Connor fell into the closer to the chair and just fell into it in a huff.

"Damn I have never hurt this much even when we battled Zantrx, and three monsters put together." Connor murmured in his arms as he rested his head on his arms.

Jason, Trini, Billy and Tommy laughed at him. "I don't know why your complaining rookie I took it easy on you." Jason laughed as he took two water bottles out of the fridge and handed one in front of Connor. Connor took the water bottle and opened it and just poured it on his head.

The feeling Trent had was still feeling was not going away, he didn't notice why Trini couldn't check in with Kira. "Should be talking about hunting down this sick bastard for hurting one of us? I know you said Tommy we aren't supposed to take Justice in our own hands but when anybody man, monster whatever hurts an innocent isn't our duty is to remove evil?" Trent asked angrily.

Ethan, Connor looked at Trent in agreement. Billy wanted to talk the boys down but even he himself wanted revenge for his poor niece and his brother and sister-in-law. Before he could say what was on his mind Tommy popped in.

"Guys we all know what you're feeling but you have to understand we do fight evil but we fight things that are powerful, aren't we then become the evil when we attack this monster with our power?" Tommy asked as he sat down in his "thinking chair".

Trini nodded her head yes in agreement, "There was a time I felt the same, a few years ago Billy and our baby girl Suki where hit by a drunk driver I lost my baby girl and almost lost my husband at the same time. I found out where he lived at and I was close to ripping his life up like he did mine but I saw how broken this young man was I walked back to my husband and prayed and worked hard to rebuilding our family." Trini said as she sat in Billy's lap.

Trent understood but something was still bothering him, Kira was there for him when he was at his evilest, when he came out to his father. And he wasn't there for her and his heart hurts.

The group heard footsteps coming from the back, Kira came into the kitchen in her PJ's. "Oh sorry guys, I heard you guys talking and I can't just stare at four walls. Hi aunty tt and uncle billbill." Kira said rushing toward Billy and Trini hugging both of them.

'If that blue bastard gets his hands off of what's mine I will rip him apart.' Tommy thought to himself.

As Billy and Trini were holding Kira Billy's cell phone rang. "Hold on baby girl let me get this." Billy said. He walked out of the kitchen. "How are you doing baby girl?" Trini asked as she rubbed Kira's back.

Kira was softly crying in Trini's chest, "It hurts aunty. I could have saved them." Kira whispered. "My poor girl there was nothing you could have done, you did what they would want them to do survive honey." Trini reassured Kira.

Billy walked back in the room looking pale and sad. Trini looked up and saw her husband looking bad. "Billy what's the matter? Who was on the phone?" Trini asked. Billy was in a daze and it took him a minute to answer. "Tri can you and Kira come into the living room with me." Billy said as he held a hand to both women.

The three of them walked into the living room. Kira and Trini sat on the sofa as they looked up at Billy. "Uncle Billy you're scaring me what's wrong?" Kira asked. Billy took in a big deep breath. "Honey I don't know how to say this to you." Billy started to say.

Kira looked back at him "Billy what happened? Was that the police did they catch that bastard?" Trini asked. Billy ran his hands through his hair and then knelled down to Kira. "Kira that was the hospital baby your pregnant…"

End Chapter 15