A/N: Hope you guys enjoy this, please be kind in your reviews. You can rant if you want, I prefer the longer reviews, but short ones are nice and welcomed!!

Disclaimer: I own a death note, that's about it.

Chapter 1

Time seemed to freeze for him, the rain falling from the sky feeling like sharp icy needles piercing his skin. His eyes were wider than they ever were, his heart beat beating a hundred miles per second. It couldn't be happening could it? The bloody body in his arms proved it to be real. But why? Why did he do that for him? He whom was the main Kira suspect, Light Yagami, his enemy.

Though he should have been reveling over this, -and a small, very small part of him was glad it had happened- all he could really feel was sorrow invading his whole being, his whole heart.

His whole frame shook as all his senses returned to him. He clutched the ravens limp and lifeless body tighter, bringing it closer to his chest as tears begun to fall from his eyes, mixing with the rain.

He couldn't speak, but a single letter kept repeating itself over and over within his head, that letter being the letter 'L'. The name of the man that stared up at him with dead eyes causing his heart to shatter into a million of pieces. He never took notice of his surroundings until the sound of sirens filled the air.

He turned his head and stared as doctors and helpers running towards his direction. He felt hope rise in his pain filled heart as they neared him. "Please save him." He chocked out as the doctor pulled the raven away from him and checked his pulse as he looked at his watch. The doctor tensed before slowly looking up into the mahogani haired teen with sad eyes, and gave a slight shake of his head.

"I'm sorry, we were too late." The doctor said sadly.

"No..." Light heard himself whisper as he felt himself about to break. "No, you have to help him! You're a fucking doctor! It's your job!!" Light shouted in despair.

The doctor ignored him and was about to signal for the others to take the lifeless into the car. Light scrambled and took hold of the ravens body possessively. He was trembling uncontrollably, but could one blame him?

"Please...ju-just one more time, please. I beg of you..." Light pleaded as tears fell onto the red tainted porcelain skin of L's lifeless body.

The doctor was surprised at the expression the young teen had on his face and couldn't help but feel sorry for him. He signaled the others to start up the machine, it wasn't completely impossible to bring someone back to life. But he highly doubted that it would work for the raven boy, he had lost too much blood, and seemed to have internal bleeding along with a few broken bones.

Two men had struggled to pull L's body out of the other teens tight grasp, once freed they laid the ravens bleeding and lifeless body on the stretcher they had prepared for him. Light quickly followed them and held on tightly to L's cold wet hand. Hope filled Light's eyes as they started up the machine at the doctors signal.

"Ryuuzaki, please hold on." Light whispered tightening his hold of the others hand. How he had managed to use the others alias at such a time was a mystery to him, and would always be.

-- --

Warmth surrounded his whole being accompanied by a bright welcoming white light. It was comforting, the pure white light surrounding him made him feel at ease. Yet, one hand felt warmer than the other.

All he could see surrounding him was that bright white welcoming light. Where was he? Slowly but surely the light begun to fade, turning into a thin layer of mist.

His wide eyes widened a fraction more in surprise as he saw the flashing red lights of the ambulances, a mass of people crowding the area in hopes to see what had occurred, and then, what he saw next surprised him even more.

Light Yagami was kneeling next to a stretcher, holding tightly to the others hand as he cried. He was curious as to know whom the person was that could reduce the great Light Yagami -Kira- into a crying and quivering mass of human flesh.

He was about to get closer when the name that Light uttered stopped him. "L, please." The name was uttered quietly for no others to hear. The name was said in such a sad and desperate tone of voice that it caused L to look at the teen with concern.

L was now more curious as to whom the other was so he went to Lights side and gasped. It was his body on the stretcher, his body lying there, bloody and lifeless, his hand that Light held so desperately, the same hand that felt so warm.

The white light burst around him, only this time he could stare right into it, it didn't hurt his eyes like it would had he been staring at the sun. Hew could feel the light calling to him, and he took a step forward as his mind begun to cloud over.

The warm feeling that engulfed his hand pulled him back, clearing the fog in his brain, making him remember everything. No matter how warm and inviting the warmth and light was, there was someone waiting for him, crying for him, he couldn't leave yet. The world needed him, but most important, that one person needed him. Light-kun...

He just stood there, in between, looking back and forth between the white light, and Light. He would have to choose between which light he preferred. He heard his name being uttered again and again, and the warmth on his hand seeming to feel warmer seemed to pull him back more and more.

He listened intently as he heard the doctor speak. "I'm sorry young man, but it was a failure. Let go."

"No! One more time, he can't be gone! He just can't be!" Light cried and he suddenly felt a warm blanket surround his form. He didn't want to go to the welcoming white light, and was glad that Light had been holding his hand, keeping him from going.

Now he knew that he was in the border of life and death. He was being given the chance to choose, either going into the warm welcoming white light...or going back to life, where he would have to work on cases every day of his life, dealing with criminals til death...but with Light,

even if his love for the mahogani haired teen was never to be returned. Yes, he loved Light Yagami, his number one Kira suspect.

"Ryuuzaki! Do you hear me? Please, you can't go! I-I won't fight with you anymore, I'll work twice as hard if you want! Just come back, Co-come back I beg you! No more witty replies, how about that? You can accuse me of being whatever you want and I won't go ballistic."

"Young man, please understand that he is-"

Ignoring the doctors hurtful reply, Light shouted. "Damn it Ryuuzaki!! Can't you see that I love you!? I haven't even told you yet, you have to come back! You still have to punch me for telling you!" Light shouted, more tears falling from his honey colored eyes.

Sighing, the doctor spoke up. "Last time, 400!" He said, Light whispered L's name the same instant the button was pushed for the machine.

A lone tear fell from L's eyes as the yearning to go back to life, to Light, overwhelmed him. The warmth of the hand pulled him back to his body and he felt a horrible and painful sensation before everything went dark.

The warmth on his hand was now more evident than it had been, he could feel the touch, not just the warmth radiating off of it. He also felt warm liquid falling on his hand; tears he concluded.

The heart machine begun to beep, showing that there was, indeed, signs of life, beeping in unison with L's heartbeat. Light looked up from L's hand where he had buried his tear stained face. A relieved look now filling his eyes, he couldn't believe it, L was back! He knew L was strong, he just knew his love wouldn't give up that easily.


The doctor was in complete and utter shock, he didn't, couldn't understand all of this. As soon as he shook off his shock, he ordered the others to put the raven boy in the ambulance, and so they did. Light reluctantly let L's hand slip away from his, following the ambulance to the hospital in a taxi that had stopped to see the commotion.

A/N: So? Bad? Good? Perfect? Oo? Please tell me via review. Oh! And I borrowed this plot from a friend, so thank you Bakanishi!!...What? That's her nickname!! I swear! Anyhow, please review people!! Again, I don't ow death note, so please dont sue me!! -cowers under rock-

Also, please forgive my lack of hospital equipment knoledge, I am but a young, dumb, high school girl.