This is my first ever fan fiction and I hope it is not as bad as it could be. Feel free to criticize and help make improvements. I will not learn without it.

This story is going to stay as close to the avatar universe as I can make it, in an attempt to keep continuity. I must admit, after reading a few other stories, I really like a few of the additional characters. Got to ask permission to use them though, even as guest appearances.


Disclaimer: I do not now nor will I ever own any rights to Avatar: the Last Airbender. I do however own all the made up places, characters, items and events that I come up with while writing this story. Deal with it.


Rated M: Mature Content. Blood. Guts. Sex. Drugs. Strangely, minimal rock and roll.


Author: And now with an edit, we are beginning our journey into the realm of possibility with a fourth and final book.

Sokka: Why does it have to be the final book? Are you upset with us?

Author: That's not what I meant.

Sokka: Say what you mean, then.

Author: This is going to be a LONG book.

Toph: It's pretty long already. I can see into the future at least thirty-two chapters.

Katara: Since when can you see into the future?

Sokka: Shouldn't the question be, "Since when can you see anything?"

Toph: ...

Author: And on that lovely little bit of insensitivity...


Chapter 1: Peace Talks Begin

Zuko awoke the morning after his coronation as Firelord with a bit of a headache. He had definitely had a bit too much to drink last night. He vaguely remembered the grand ball held with all his friends and guests after his coronation. He recalled dancing with Mai to a grand orchestra, and getting a little too hot. Dancing was never his strong suit, especially with the girl he cared for. A little too much to drink indeed. Still, it was quite a good time. Zuko could not recall the last time he'd had so much fun.

Mai had been in a beautiful gown, and had been by his side, helping guide him and keep him from making mistakes. Yes, she was quite a woman. A smile crept on his face as he buried his head in his too soft pillow. The thought of Mai definitely made him hesitant to get out of bed.

It was just then that a knock came to his door. A servant came in to open the curtains and announce the new day. Zuko sat up in bed, enjoying the huge room he now occupied; his father's old room. All traces of his father's presence had been removed and replaced with more joyous things. Zuko felt a strong need to surround himself with joyful things of late.

"Will you need anything else, my lord?" the maid asked politely, and a little shaky.

Zuko realized that she had no idea how he would be as the new Firelord and she was nervous to displease him. "No, thank you." He replied softly.

Once the maid closed the door, Zuko got out of bed and began to dress. Another knock on the door brought in 3 more girls about his age, each holding a bit of clothing. "My lord, we are here to dress you." One said timidly.

Zuko stood dumbfounded. His father made these young girls dress him? "That's alright. I took care of myself. Please, go ahead and take a short break before continuing your day." Zuko said, slightly off key.

The girls left, and once again Zuko found himself alone. He finished getting ready, as he had a meeting to attend. He had agreed with the avatar and the others that they should meet with the council and their comrades and try to decide how to proceed with restoring balance to the world. Zuko felt another smile come to his lips. The world would finally be peaceful and everyone would be happy again. He was achieving his true destiny.

Yet another knock on the door came, just as Zuko was preparing to go out for the day. "Come in." he called. The door opened and Mae stood there, dressed elegantly and striking the perfect pose of the perfect wife.

"Was that an invitation?" she asked slyly as she approached him. "A girl could take that the wrong way, you know." She added as she stepped into his embrace and gave him a hug.

"Good morning" he said gently into her hair. She smiled into his shoulder.

"Are you ready to change the world?" she asked.

"I was born ready." He replied.


Aang woke up the morning after Zuko's coronation with a strange feeling. It was strange it a good way though. He felt… free; happy even. The war was finally over, and the stress and fear of failure was gone. Aang was free to live his life and be his own man. And he had finally found out how Katara felt about him. Katara... They had danced together at the coronation ball and it had been a magical experience. Aang had been in heaven, almost dancing on air. In fact, He was pretty sure once point that he WAS in fact dancing on air. The slow dance had been his favorite, holding her in his arms…

Aang awoke to a knock on his door. Sokka came in, fully dressed and ready for the day.

"Aren't you up yet? We have a meeting to attend!" he exclaimed.

"Oh yeah!" Aang said, suddenly springing out of bed and 8 feet in the air. Landing gently, he quickly threw on the ceremonial robes Zuko had given him and raced over to the door. "Reporting for duty, sir!" He said half serious.

"You know, after all this time… your still kind of weird, do you know that?" Sokka said. Then he shrugged. "Let's go save the world. Again."


Katara was sitting next to her father in the throne room of the Firelord when Sokka came in and sat on his other side. Hakoda was so proud of his children he almost burst with pride. They had helped the avatar save the world, and now, after it was all over, they sat by his side representing their tribe in the effort to restore the world. Hakoda saw great things in their future. He also saw great things awaiting the world. Once everyone was seated, a fanfare announced the entrance of Firelord Zuko.

Hakoda wasn't sure what to make of the new Firelord. He was quite young, but showed a lot of promise. His checkered past had more than been atoned for with his helping the avatar. Just like his children… Zuko took his seat on the throne. Against normal tradition, a smaller seat had been placed to his side. In it sat his girlfriend, Mai. She would make a good match for Zuko. Hakoda also owed her his life for her help at the prison. He wouldn't forget it. A formidable woman and a perfect match for Zuko. A final fanfare at Zuko's signal announced the grand entrance of the hero of the hour, the Avatar Aang. The mighty double doors opened to admit the short, bald monk. He stepped in, a little less impressive than the entrance hoped, but none-the-less, the whole room filled with applause. Aang walked awkwardly to his seat at the head of the long table, and the talks began.

Toph began to drop off a little as the talks went on. She had no interest at all in this sort of thing. All she had on her mind was the dreaded return home. Now that Aang knew how to earthbend and the war was over, she had nowhere to go but home. Home, to her huge house and fancy garden. Home, to her overprotective, loving parents. Home, to her old, boring, sheltered life. It's not that she didn't love or miss her parents. She really, truly did. It was just that… she had finally tasted freedom, and returning to a voluntary prison sentence didn't have much appeal. Nothing exciting awaited her at home.

"And what of my tribe?" Hakoda asked. "My people have been scattered to the ends of the pole; our cities torn down; our women and waterbender's slain. What of us?"

Zuko raised his hand, calling things to order. "I understand your plight, and we will work to restore what we have destroyed. Our first objective is to release any and all prisoners from the southern tribes, as well as any descendants still in custody." He stated.

Mai stood up, having been quiet this whole time. "I was held in the boiling lake for a few weeks, and while I was there, I had a chance to meet many of the prisoners. Most of them are fire nation criminals or those who led their comrades in retaliation against fire nation reign. I can vouch that there are no water tribe there. It's as if they no longer exist." She stated sadly.

Katara rose at this. "I have personally met an elder of the water tribe who was kept in captivity all this time. She was being held in a different prison. She and her descendants are still there. Those that are innocent can be set free to return home; maybe some are even waterbenders." She finished as she sat back down.

"I will see to it at once" Zuko stated.

"All, except for that crazy woman, right?" Sokka added.

"What crazy woman?" Zuko asked.

Katara looked sad and guilty at the same time. "There was one prisoner that escaped. We ran into her while waiting for the day of black sun. She had managed to master a new form of bending, and used it to break out and kidnap fire nation folks in retaliation for what was done to her kin. We stopped her and freed the people, and she was taken into custody again." she finished. Zuko pondered all this a moment.

"I shall take your statement into consideration when releasing the prisoners. She believed she was fighting an enemy, and we may decide not to hold her actions against her. Now, what's this new form of bending?" he asked, obviously intrigued.

"It's called blood bending, and it's done using the base water in the human body. Blood is very thick though, and requires extra power to allow it to work. She also taught me how to draw water out of the plant life around me, though I don't like to do that." Katara finished forcefully.

"I understand, and we won't probe any further. Perhaps some things aren't meant to be public knowledge." Zuko said with finality. "As for now, I think we could all use a break. Let us reconvene in an hour. There is a buffet in the dining hall." And with that, Zuko rose, and the whole hall followed suit and began to filter out.

Toph sighed with relief and went out into the garden after grabbing a quick bite. Suki found her there and came up behind her, taking a seat on the lush grass. The turtle-ducks in the pool were swimming around near Toph, as she threw small chunks of bread in to them. "Are you feeling okay, Toph? You look a little sad." Suki said gently.

"I'm fine; just thinking about the future." Toph replied roughly, as if she didn't care.

"I guess I can understand that. I am still wondering the same thing." Suki retorted, grabbing a small piece of bread and tossing it to the turtle-ducks. "I am trying to figure out what to do with myself once this is over. Do I go home to Kyoshi Island? Do I travel the world? Do I go to the south pole…" she trailed off.

Toph knew Suki cared about Sokka a lot. She had cared about Sokka herself in that manner for some time. But Sokka returned Suki's feelings, and not hers. That was fine. Toph was used to being alone. "I can see your problem. I don't have it nearly that bad." Toph told her. "I get to go home to a big house and two loving parents…"

Suki smiled. "That sounds great Toph." She said.

"Not really. My parents treat me like an invalid. Because I am blind, I was never allowed out of the estate and was constantly supervised. I am not looking forward to going back to that." Toph said sadly.

"Wow… I am so sorry Toph. I had no idea!" Suki exclaimed. "But… with everything that's happened…" she continued.

Toph laughed, "Nothing will change their minds about me. They sent my former tournament organizer and earthbending teacher to hunt me down while we travelled in the earth kingdom. Saving the world will probably just get me grounded."

Suki pondered a moment. "What if… what if the Firelord reached out to the Earth King and asked him to specifically speak to your parents for you. Think that might impress them?" Suki suggested.

Toph laughed out loud. "You know, it just might work at that. Maybe having the Firelord for a friend isn't so bad after all."


Author: One chapter down; a bunch to go.

Sokka: How many is a bunch?

Author: More than a bit.

Sokka: How much is a bit?

Author: More than some.

Sokka: How many is some?

Author: More than a little.

Sokka: How many is a little?

Author: More than your going to get for dinner if you don't stop that.

Sokka: ...

Aang: One point for the Author.

Author: Start keeping track. I expect to win by the time this is done.


Author's Corner:

know it isn't the best writing in the universe, but since I did the whole thing in just an hour or so, while watching a couple movies and being a bit sleep deprived, I don't think it turned out too badly. I touched on most of the main characters, with a bit more to do. I focused on Toph's background because it was left out of the finale. Yes, they sent a messenger hawk, but that whole plot scheme seems to have fallen off the planet. Let's see where this takes us, shall we?