K this is a Shadamy story…

K this is a Shadamy story….I hope u like it!!

Amy and Rouge were walking through the park talking.

"I totally gave up on Sonic. He never even gives me a passing glance! And he always runs away. He had his chance…" Amy said to Rouge. Rouge looked at her with an arched eyebrow.

"So your saying that you don't like Sonic even a little?" Rouge questioned, still staring at her.

"Well, maybe a tiny crush. But I love someone else!" she covered her mouth and turned bright red.

"Oh my god! Who? Is it Silver?" Rouge asked with excitement.

"No! We're just friends." She said, still blushing hard red.

"Um, If it's Knuckles I'll kick you're a-" She was cut off

"No its NOT Knuckles!" She shrieked.

"Alright. Is it…..Shadow?" She asked.

"Um…no……" she blushed even harder.

"OH MY GOD! YOU LOVE SHADOW!" She shrieked, wide eyed.

"Shut up! Not so loud!!" She whispered and covered her mouth.

"Mmhhhmh" Rouge said behind Amy's hand.

"Oh sorry." She laughed and removed her hand.

"Its okay. But SHADOW!? He cares even less than Sonic!" She yelled but not so loudly this time.

"Well, he has been through a lot of pain in his life. He has feelings, but he doesn't want to show them. Plus, he's really cute. And when he does smile he looks hot!" Amy said. She and Rouge walked away chatting about different things. Up in the tree that they talked by, Shadow sat wide eyed and jaw dropped.

"She…loves…..me?" He still was in shock.

Okay hope you liked it. Plz review. And about my story Miracle, I will update ASAP, but I hit horrible writer's block. So if I do update, it will probably be short. Writer's block sucks.