Julie Shane made a noise of protest as she was shaken awake…hard. "Sweetie wake up. You start school today." Her mother's voice chirped,

Julie only moaned in response and buried her head deeper in her pillow. "Do I need to sing the wake up song; I used to sing when you were little?" Julie half sat up "No!" She yelled tiredly, "I'm up! God!" She flung her covers off to the side and stood up to prove her point.

"Good!" Her mother chirped walking out of Julie's bed room. Julie sighed annoyed and looked around her room. The north and east wall were dark purple, the south and west wall were a silver gray. Her ceiling was a midnight blue with silver stars painted on it along with a crescent moon. Julie exhaled through her nose and began walking across the hardwood floor to her closet. She threw open the door and grabbed her uniform. ¾ sleeve pale blue oxford uniform shirt, and black knee length skirt.

Julie sighed grabbing her other clothes and went into the bathroom. After a quick shower she wrapped herself in her white robe with multi colored stars and moons all over it and quickly brushed her chocolate brown hair. She then hurriedly dressed and brushed her teeth before running downstairs and put on her shoes. "I'm going! Bye!" She shouted, grabbing her book bag.

Chris sighed irritated, his Aunt Paige need mint, the herb from his Mom's store room, which was on the other side of the school. The same school his mother, father, aunts and uncle ran. He looked down at his uniform, blue oxford T-shirt and khaki pants. Thank god he and Wyatt and Mel talked them out of dress shoes.


"Owe…" a small voice yelped in front of him.

Chris looked down and saw a small teenage girl, with brunette hair wearing the girl version of the uniform, and glasses, papers scattered around her. As he looked at her legs, he noted the left turned inward slightly. Chris bent down and smiled at her, and started helping her pick up her papers, and noticed how she had her eyes trained on the floor "I'm Chris, you new here?" The girl seemed shocked that someone would talk to her.

"Y-yeah. I'm Julie." Her tone was soft and cautious. "Well Julie, where were you trying to go?"

"Um…" She paused and looked at her list, "Potions."

"Your in luck, I just need to pick up some mint for the teacher and then back to class. You want to come with me? I can show you the way back to the classroom."

Julie inwardly gaped at him; her face though was emotion-less, a mask of sorts she learned over the years, of schooling. "S-sure." she choked out.

Why was Chris talking to her? The only people who talked to her and didn't go behind her back later were her best friends. Selene and Madison, and later Megan and Mikayla, after Selene and Madison moved away. Chris smiled at her and against her better judgment; she gave a shy smile back. She didn't really trust him, or anyone. But…But something told her she could trust Chris.

He smiled down at her as she stood up, she was shorter then himself, and he was 5'5. They began walking down the hallway, Julie trailing at little behind him. They continued walking in award silence and Chris almost sighed in relief as they reached his mother's door, but thought better of it.

He raised his hand and knocked. "Come in!" Piper Halliwell's voice shouted from inside. He opened the door and walked in, Julie lingered in the doorway not sure if she was supposed to enter or not.

"Hey, mom, Aunt Paige needs some mint for potions." Chris said easily taking a hand out of his pockets and raking it through his messy hair. Piper Halliwell stood from her desk, her once dark brown hair was splattered with silver here and there, but was still down to mid back. She walked over to a cabinet and opened it, looking at all the jars, before pulling out a jar that was full of green leaves.

She turned around and handed the jar to Chris, seeing Julie in the doorway, she raised an eyebrow at her son. "Oh! Mom this is Julie Shane, she just transferred here and she needed help getting to potions." Chris explained.

"Oh! Yes! Welcome to Halliwell School of magic." Piper said to Julie. Julie ducked her head blushing. "Thank you." Piper smiled at her kindly, "Okay you two get back to class." Chris nodded and turned, and led Julie out of the door.

Neither teen spoke as they walked into the Potions classroom, Chris handed his Aunt Paige the jar of mint and walked to his seat in the middle row. Julie took a deep breath and handed Paige the slip of paper.

"Alrighty then. Kids! We have a new student, Julie Shane." She finished smiling kindly at the obviously shy girl.

"Why don't you go sit by Chris?" Julie nodded, keeping her eyes trained on the floor, using her puerperal(Did I spell that correctly?) vision, she saw where Chris sat. She walked nervously, aware of all the eyes on her to her seat.

Julie clutched her books to her chest so tight her knuckles were white. 'Don't trip…don't trip…don't trip, only a few more steps your locker…don't trip.' She repeated that mantra in her head, until she reached her locker. She smiled a small smile doing a mental happy dance. She undid the lock to her locker and put her school texts away, and pulling out a composition notebook, a gift from her cousins. Julie absentmindedly put the book in her bag, and closed her locker, and looked up nearly gasping in shock as she saw Chris's face as he leaned against the locker beside hers.

"Geez!" She breathed holding a hand to her throat. Chris chuckled, "Do you want me to show you to the lunch room?" Julie looked shocked at the question Chris noticed, and frowned inwardly, what the heck happened to this girl? He mentally sighed and smiled at her. Julie blushed lightly and gave a shy smile back.

"Sure." She whispered quietly still apparently shocked, "I'd like that." Chris now grinned at her before taking her hand and leading her to the lunch room. Julie gasped as she felt the sparks that flew into her arm as soon as Chris grabbed her hand. Chris smiled back at her as they neared double doors. Chris pushed the doors open and began leading them to the lunch line, still not letting go of her hand. Chris smiled at her reassuringly before letting go of her hand to get his lunch. Julie sighed inwardly at the loss of contact, before she nervously got lunch, praying she didn't fall with her tray, her knuckles were white as she grasped the tray with her food.

"I'll be right back, I'll find somewhere for us to sit." Chris said as they reached the end of the line, Julie nodded, not trusting her self to balance and speak. She watched as an older blonde guy with blue eyes got out of his chair and began speaking to Chris. Chris caught her eye and smiled at her before going back to his conversation, before a girl moved in front of her line of vision.

"Well, Well, Well, if it isn't the new girl." She said in a snobby voice. Julie looked up shocked before placing on her emotionless mask and looking at the girl, she had tanned skin, brown eyes and brown hair; she just looked like a rich mean girl. "Can I help you?" Julie asked coolly.

"Yeah. You can help me, by like, leaving Chris alone. He's mine." She said stepping closer to Julie.

"I think he's old enough to figure out who he wants to hang out with." The rich-girl sneered shoved her shoulder into Julie's as she walked away. Julie only managed to gasp in embarrassment before she and her tray clattered to the floor.

Chris who has been across the room talking to Wyatt looked over as he heard a tray clattering to the floor and a thump, he saw Julie sprawled out on the floor with her tray and food splattered all around her. Julie looked up and she saw everyone staring at her, some hiding back laughter, other in sympathy. She quickly gathered herself to her feet, before running out the doors, hiding her red face and the tears in her eyes. Chris thrust his tray into his older brother's hands before walking over to where Julie had fallen.

"Bianca! What did you do?!" He hissed, Bianca smiled flirtatiously at Chris, "What do you mean Chrissie?" Chris looked at her disgusted before shaking his head and grabbing Julies bag and running after her. He jogged through the halls of the school 'did they have to make these halls so long?'

He turned the corner and heard sniffling in an unused classroom. Chris walked over quietly and opened the door, poking his head in the room. He saw Julie on the windowsill and had her head buried in her hands, her shoulders shaking. He looked at her sadly before walking into the room, and going towards Julie.

She looked up as the door closed hurriedly wiping her eyes. Chris smiled gently at her, sitting beside her.

"You forgot your bag." He said quietly handing her, her black over the shoulder backpack. "Thank you." Julie whispered just as quiet, taking the bag from him, keeping her eyes trained on her hands.

"Are you okay? Bianca can be, well her." He questioned. "If you mean I didn't hurt myself, I'm okay; I shouldn't even be crying I'm used to girls like her. Or I should be at least." Julie said bitterly. "What do you mean?" Chris asked as he looked at her concerned.

"I'm always made fun of at schools."


"Because I'm a freak." She said after a pause, finally looking up at Chris, and he could see pain in her green eyes. "Why are you a freak?" Chris asked. He really wanted to hear this. "I'm handicap Chris. I have Cerebral palsy, it's why I don't have great balance, why my left foot turns in -yes I know you saw in the hallway- it's also why I only have two best friends. Why mean, rich girls pick on me." Julie said bitterly, her voice cracking.

Chris stared at her slightly shocked; out of all things he didn't expect this. "You can go ahead and leave now, I understand if you don't want to be around the disabled girl." Julie's voice pulled Chris from his thoughts.

"I'm not leaving. I don't care. I don't care if your disabled, I don't care if you don't have great balance. I don't care if Bianca and her brats are going to pick on you or if you only have two best friends. I don't care!" He exclaimed finishing his mini speech.

Julie looked up at him apparently in shock. "I-I-" She tried to say, she paused and swallowed back tears she knew were coming.

"T-thank you Chris…Just thank you." Chris grinned at her,

"No problem, I'll help you anyway I can… But can you explain to me, what Cerebral palsy is?" Julie grinned completely forgetting her mask. Chris grinned even more; he thought she was beautiful when she smiled.

"So it affects a certain part of the brain…"

End Chapter one.

Well? Was it alright? Yes Julie is based on me, and yeah i do have Cerebral palsy, I do have the same issues Julie does, and I have been picked on alot. But I have four best friends that i can count on and an amazing huge family. I'm not posting this for pity or sympathy, because I dont need it.
