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Disclaimer: I do not own Sonic, Sonic Team, NiGHTS, or Samba de Amigo.

Sonic the Hedgehog. One of the world's most well-known video game characters of all time. He was created back in 1991 and was an instant hit. His future games were shined on with many praises and fans added every time especially during his tenth anniversary. 2008. Sonic's 17th year in the gaming industry. The franchise has been struggling to continue it's greatness in console games which many often gaining low publicity. 2020, Sonic's 29th year. The fan base continues to struggle now more then ever. Almost no good games are created, the fandom shrunk to almost nothing, and the franchise is at the brink of shutting down...

Tokyo, Japan. This year, Japan has reached the highest in economical history. Many smiles shined the city and no one was close to unhappy... Except a young American immigrant girl who's eyes met death at a newspaper stand.

Ashleigh stared at the news headlines like how her mom did during the day after 9/11. To her, the unthinkable has finally happened.

"No... No, no, no! It can't end like this!" As soon as she cried this out, she dashed right away to the SEGA building hoping that it was not too late.

As soon as she reached the building, she swung the doors open like a torpedo, ran to the Sonic Team HQ, slammed the doors open and shouted, "You guys can't shut down!"

The room was filled with exactly three employees and several boxes stacked up on each other with two employees packing up (the other one is a lazy bum). The three faces began staring at Ashleigh for a second then began packing up again.

"You guys are just giving up?! Think of the fans!" She cried.

"Aren't you, like, our only one?" The lazy bum of an intern asked. Her name was Hima and she had absolutely no interest in Sonic (or video games) what so ever. Everyone presumes she's only here because her resume couldn't get her a better job and Sonic Team was desperate to get new employees.

"No she's not... She's gonna be," sighed the overweight employee who's been here for only one year. His name is Taiko.

The young red head teen with a ponytail as long as a girls'. His name is Kikiyo and he's been here for the longest time. "What are we supposed to do Ash? We're making barely any profits from our Sonic games. Even NiGHTS and Samba de Amigo is selling better," he sighed.

Bummer, Hima thought. Guess I'll, like, be out of work again. I don't, like, care about games or anything, but this was the only job I could get... We, like, need something that can earn us money... A fundraiser?... A talent show?... A telethon?... A telethon! That's it!... And it's, like, totally retro.

"I have an idea!" Hima shouted. "How about we, like, use that dimensional portal and, like, get the Sonic characters here so they can, like, hold a telethon."

"Hima that's... That's actually a good idea," Kikyo said. "Ashleigh, get the Sonic characters. We'll rent a studio to do it on."

Confused with the whole dimensional portal thing? It's the future and my imagination and anything can happen with that combination.


"A telethon? What do you think we are, a bunch of circus freaks?!"

"Sonic, that didn't even make sense... And if you guys are humans but still have those powers then I guess you guys would be considered circu-"

"That's not the point!"

"Geez, you're crabby today. Is it because I began by saying that Sonic Team is closing down?"

Sonic groaned while Amy gleamed. "I think it's an awesome idea! I can finally show the world that my singing doesn't suck!" After that thought, she began singing in a tone deaf way and caused the others to cover their ears.

"... Anyways, there's no other way to keep Sonic Team going. C'mon guys!"

He groaned again. "Alright... But if we have to hear Amy sing again, I'm blaming it on you."

"Hey!" Amy shouted back.

"Great! Telethon starts tomorrow and ends when we reach... 100,000,000,000 yen!"
