pairing: Lockon/Allelujah

summary: "Lockon will not tell Allelujah that he has feelings for him, because he does not love Allelujah enough to hurt him." But Allelujah...

setting: The island and villa they frequent down on Earth

Hm. Where's the question mark?

Not there.






Allelujah doesn't seem to notice that the phrases escaping his mouth each time he compliments Lockon are words a man usually would not express to another.

"Did you know, Lockon, that when the sun's high, your hair gains a particular shine that brightens the emerald coloring of your eyes exquisitely?" Allelujah enlightens Lockon one day while the man is driving, with his elbow against the dashboard and head on his palm, staring at the older man attentively. Lockon promptly veers off the road for six seconds, which in turn caused Tieria to hound him with half an hour's lecture at the mall.

Lockon cannot bring himself to blame the younger man, however, and thus spends ten dollars of his well-earned cash on a green cardigan that catches Tieria's eye, which the boy rarely ever wears afterward, anyhow.

When Allelujah brings him sprigs of Jonquil at the villa another day, Lockon finds that he could do little but stand there, moving his lips yet verbalizing nothing. Setsuna pounds his back from the misinterpretation, then has to Heimlich the mint out of Lockon's throat. Apparently, Allelujah is also clueless of the language of flowers.

So today he leans against the glass panes in the side room by the repairs, staring at the back of Allelujah's finely-defined body, and decides.

Lockon will not tell Allelujah that he has feelings for him, because he does not love Allelujah enough to hurt him.

Allelujah pauses, turns back to him for a moment, gives a smile and a wave of his hand, and then leaves.



Allelujah is on the path back to the villa when a flower catches his eye.

"I don't think Lockon knows anything about the language of flowers," he tells Hallelujah quietly.

He made his choice, Hallelujah rejoins curtly.

But Allelujah plucks the sprout of red carnations from their place, and turns back, resolving that he will throw them at Lockon's face this time around.






'Cause as if Allelujah would allow Lockon to break his heart. Damn. ;O

Jonquil: Return my affection

Morning glory: Love in vain

Red carnation: My heart aches for you

