HOLY HANNA BATMAN! It's been a very very very long time since I've done anything with this fic, and finally I've finished a chapter after many many many years, or months or something xD

ANYWAYS, I really hope that whoever reads this enjoys it! The end is soon to come, so be prepared folks.

Slowly Sweeney woke, his head throbbing wildly from hitting the ground.

"Are you alright?" a voice from beside him said quietly

He shook his head "no"

Mrs. Lovett sighed "can I get you anything"

"Just sit with me" he said quietly, his voice no longer held the anger merely disappointment.

Helping him up into a sitting position she moved to sit beside him, her head resting on his shoulder.

Sweeney sighed, trying to ignore the splitting headache and the pain in his back. It was nowhere near as bad as before, but still a dull pain gripped the scars slightly.

"Mr. T?" she said softly


"You are so bloody stubborn"

Sweeney couldn't help but chuckle, a small smile spreading across his features "Am I now?"

"Yes you are, the most stubborn man I've ever met"

"And I suppose that makes things hard for you?"

"Very" she gave him a light hearted glare "it would be so much easier if you just set your pride aside"

He chuckled again "I am right now, when have you ever seen me sit on the ground still unclothed from the waist up, beside you because I need someone just to sit with me"

Mrs. Lovett's expression changed to that of realization, he was right. For the first time in awhile he was showing her a softer side, one that did not worry about being strong and enduring but merely a Sweeney that wanted to be near her, to have her with him.

"When I decided to ask you to marry me, it was the best decision of my life" he rested his head against hers, their foreheads touching "I don't ever want to lose you"

The kindness in his voice was startling, sending her to a loss of words. She'd seen him be caring before, but never like this, she had never seen an emotion this pure.

"I- I-"

Smiling ever so slightly at her loss for words he kissed her lips softly, before placing another on her forehead "I love you"

Sweeney stood by the window, glancing out towards the buildings of the small town he'd made his home.

Months had passed and he'd managed to buy out that shop he saw when he'd first arrived, everything seemed to be going smoothly, Toby was fully healed and helping Mrs. Lovett with the shop seeing as business was booming.

Absentmindedly he polished his razor as he moved from the window over to the chair sitting in the center of the room. His parlour was set up much like that of Fleet Street, though the wickedly mechanical chair was missing as well as the multitude of blood stains, it was very familiar and calmed him ever so slightly.

Business had been going well for him, it didn't take long for word to travel of his immense skill in the tonsorial expertise.

Sheathing his razor he sat down in the chair, letting his head fall back lazily against it.

"Mr. Todd?"

The sound of her voice made him smile slightly "yes Mrs. Lovett?" the fact that even though they were engaged and still called each other by formal names made him smile even wider, it had become more of a nickname than an actual formality.

"Are you coming home for dinner?" she asked curiously, walking into the room to stand beside his chair.

"In a minute" he replied quietly.

Smirking she leaned down, pressing her lips gently to his.

Sweeney smile merely double in response before he opened his eyes reaching out and pulling her back towards him for yet another.

Giggling as he pulled her onto his lap she kissed him passionately, shifting so that she straddled his waist.

"Mr. T" she whispered softly in his ear.


"Your dinner's getting cold" and with that she was off him and starting towards to door.

Groaning quietly he pushed himself out of the chair and followed after her hastily "you are a cruel woman, you know that?"

She smiled triumphantly, leading him down the stairs and towards her shop and their home a few buildings away "oh I know"

Quickly he caught up to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her up before spinning her around playfully.

Mrs. Lovett shrieked girlishly before turning to face him the moment her feet were on the ground, happily she wrapping her arms around his neck a wide smile plastered to her features.

"I was thinking" he said, pulling her close to him "that we should have our wedding this spring"

Her face lit up as kissing his cheek "that's perfect!"

Sweeney smiled, the scar she'd left in his face creasing slightly. It was odd that an act of violence appeared only in times of happiness, Sweeney had told her time and time again that it was his fault and that she should not feel guilty, and so she'd learned to move on despite the twinge of regret she felt when she remembered where the scar was from.

"Then it's settled, in a few months you shall be my wife"

~~ Please review! It would be greatly appreciated 33 ~~