Konnichi wa New York! Konban wa London! Ohyaho Tokyo! CJzilla here with her newest creation: "Luna Negra" a fiction about El Tigre!

Synopsis: An old friend of Rodofo's returns to Miracle City and she is flaunting newly aquired superpowers. Within hours of her arrival something is savagely attacking all of Miracle City's supervillains and... draining their essence. Are the heroes next? What of Grandpapi? Can Manny stop this mysterious danger before it strikes someone he loves?

As I tread all over this city, alls CJzilla has to roar is this: R&R! Love on me, hate on me... I don't care.

AN: CJzilla owns nothing belonging to El Tigre. I do own my "OC", your reviews and sanity!

Luna Negra

Chapter 1

Monsters for Lunch

Ah, Miracle City during the noontime lunch rush. A welcomed break from work and scholastic activities, that half an hour or forty-five minuets of freedom could be like a glass of cold water in the middle of a sweltering desert. Though, there isn't much of a line between school food and prison food. Government food feeds all incarcerated persons, so what the convicts in the local Miracle City Prison were enjoying, the children of Miracle City Leone Middle School were trying to choke down.

Manny Rivera, an ordinary thirteen-year-old boy with an extraordinary alias, poked at the mass of orange slime that the school system deemed: "Especiál Carne Empanadas". The boy's mouth creased in disgust as he watched how the blob of government food quivered around his plastic fork. THIS looked nothing like empanadas let alone meat! Looking up Manny hoped his best friend, Frida Suárez, had brought a lunch from home so he could at least steal a nibble to hold him over until he got out of school and to some REAL food. To his horror, the thirteen-year-old rocker with short blue hair was wolfing down the "Especiál Carne Empanadas".

"Frida! You're not supposed to eat this! That's totally gross!" Manny dropped his fork and flinched. Frida Suárez looked up and blinked.

Swallowing her mouthful of the cafeteria's special, the girl nodded.

"Don't tell me what I'm doing!" Frida scooped up another forkful of the "food" before she made a face. "If I don't eat something, I'll never make it until the bell rings!"

The young teen quivered before shoving the "Especiál Carne Empanadas" into her mouth. She took three swift chews of the stuff before she swallowed. Shuttering at the taste, texture and smell, Frida fought off a gag. Taking another forkful, her eyes watered even before she put the school food in her mouth.

"You're right, dude. You're not supposed to eat this." Holding her nose, she plunged the food into her face.

Manny didn't know what was more disgusting; watching Frida eat the food or watching Frida swallow. Pushing his plastic lunch tray away from him, the thirteen-year-old crossed his arms over his chest.

"This is gross. Why couldn't a monster made out of Horchata ice cream trash the city nearby? I'm STARVIN'!" With that overly dramatic outburst, Manny plopped his head onto the lunch-table and gave a loud death rattle.

Frida cringed again as she slammed her fist on the table, choking down the food. She too, had enough.

"Yeah, this is lame." The blue-haired girl grabbed her lunch tray and threw it behind her. The "Especiál Carne Empanadas" smacked a kid on the back of his head, to which he preceded to ralf his guts out.

Both Manny and Frida had their heads on their table, wishing for some decent food.

"You know what I want?" Manny's mind began to wander to delicious things and that made his mouth water.

"To take over the school system and make them teach us pyrotechnics and rock and roll and order some EDIBLE FOOD?!" Frida cheered, hands in the air. Manny cocked a brow.

"Uh, no." He returned, half-closing his brown eyes.

Frida relaxed and joined her best friend by letting her head rest on the table.

"I want a HUGE chicken burrito smothered in my mom's red salsa." Manny could visualize his desire. "Then a bucket full of guacamole with a forest of tortilla chips! And for dessert, fried ice cream with cinnamon and a big jug of watermelon Horchata!"

Frida and Manny drooled. But then an unusual roar broke through the lunch hour. Peeling their drool-covered faces off of the lunch table, both thirteen-year-olds looked up. Towering high above the cityscape was a large monster eyeball, complete with gooey tears and long tentacles.

"Aye, yiy, yiy." Manny groaned angrily as his stomach rumbled and he stood from his chair. "Fighting a giant eyeball on an empty stomach is gonna KILL me."

Frida scoffed.

"Don't be so melodramatic. You're at school as in: "The No Fight Zone". The vice principle won't let you off of school grounds." She propped her cheek on her hand. "Besides, some other hero will get that; maybe even your dad."

Agreeing but still not happy with his empty stomach or the fact that he couldn't leave school grounds without parental consent, Manny plopped back down on his chair. Hoping the growling of his stomach would somehow drown out the roar of the rampaging eyeball, Rivera simply sighed. But the monster's moaning came closer and closer. Then Manny heard Frida gasp. Looking up at his friend, he saw her dark blue eyes craned upwards and her mouth practically on the lunch table.

"Holy buckets of Tres Leches!" Frida peeped. Manny cocked an eyebrow and lifted his head off of the table, a question about to pop out of his mouth.

But then something warm and slimy touched the back of his head. Squirming, the boy leapt from his seat and clear over the table. Now Manny saw why Frida looked like someone dropped an electric eel in her pants. The monster, slimy eyeball creature was halfway inside the middle school's cafeteria area.

"Eye… Caramba…" Manny peeped. The huge eyeball then bellowed an ear-shattering roar before slamming a tentacle over the school's clock tower.

Children fled in all directions, dodging bricks as debris from the decimated clock tower showered down on the cafeteria. Frida had taken cover under a lunch table as Manny just stared at the huge eye-based monster.

"Manny! Do I HAVE to tell you to use your El Tigre powers?!" The blue-haired girl quivered. The thirteen-year-old boy gave a wily smile.

"No." Manny returned like she was stupid as he spun his belt buckle. In a wave of mystic green incandescence, a tiger yowl was heard. "EL TIGRE!"

Manny Rivera suddenly became the super-powered El Tigre, a tiger-based super powerful, super brave, super macho superhero! Slashing the air with his iron claws, El Tigre smirked.

"Oye Ojo!" The teen superhero blasted at the eyeball monster, grabbing its attention. "Don't you know it's rude to stare?!"

With that El Tigre jumped into the air. Letting out another tiger roar, the boy superhero extended his claws and gave the monster a slash. Flinching under his sharp claws, the slimy eyeball brought a long tentacle from wrecking buildings and gave the thirteen-year-old super a swat. El Tigre grunted on impact as the monster decked him. Skidding across the cafeteria floor, he came to a rude stop inside the kitchen of the cafeteria.

There was a silence as El Tigre gathered his thoughts and a few ingredients. Busting back out into the open, the teen superhero had his arms full of various spices and chilies.

"Prepare for a black eye, you gooey mess!" El Tigre cheered. There was an awkward silence that cut through the battle.

""Gooey mess"? WHERE in the world did that come from?! LAME!" Frida scolded from under her safety table.

Manny/El Tigre rolled his eyes.

"Frida! I'm fighting evil here!" He returned. The young superhero regained his swagger and jumped into the air. "Eat this!"

And he spun. Chili powders of various colors, pepper flakes, grapefruit juice and mustard powder spewed from jars El Tigre held in his arms. The spices hit the eyeball monster dead on. At first the monster blinked its giant eye before the chili set in. Screaming loudly, the eyeball monster quivered at the pain before withdrawing its tentacles and stumbling away from the school.

"HA! That's cookin' El Tigre-style!" El Tigre called after the monster. Emboldened by his cheering peers, Manny set a foot after the monster before he was stopped.

"Rivera!" It was the vice principle. Manny froze but sighed.

Heeled shoes not unlike those of a dictator sounded on the floor of the cafeteria. Manny knew what was coming next.

"Rivera!" Vice principle Chacal growled, the child's name coming out of his mouth like acid. "Chu know de rules! No super-powered shenanigans within school grounds! Now, knock it off or chu will be expelled!"

Manny made a face before spinning his El Tigre belt buckle again. In a green flash, El Tigre became his true form, Manny Rivera.

"There." The thirteen-year-old boy huffed, folding his arms.

"Very good. Now, de next time chu see a monster trashing de city, let a real superhero deal wich it." With those words the vice principle turned on his heel and walked away.

Manny growled and made fists with his hands. If he was any less a superhero, he'd string that no-good vice principle by his underwear so fast, he wouldn't know what hit him. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Relax Manny; Chacal's always been out to get you. You're a totally real superhero-" It was Frida but Manny swatted away her hand.

The thirteen-year-old growled as he stood rigid, watching the eyeball monster flee into the distant city. Manny Rivera was a true hero! He saved this city's butt more times than one and that fun-sucker Chacal had the gall to call him down! Just for that, Manny would toilet paper Chacal's house tonight. Then Frida walked in front of her friend.

"Just let it go dude and let's see if we can't get something real to eat." She sympathized putting her hand back on Manny's shoulder.

Sighing but relenting, the thirteen-year-old boy nodded. Both Manny and Frida walked through the wrecked cafeteria yard, on their way to the candy vending machines.

Three o'clock couldn't have come sooner. Running like crazy people, children fled in all directions as fast as they could, getting away from the educational prison that society somehow accepted. Only Manny Rivera and Frida Suárez left the Leone Middle School slowly, a black cloud still hanging over Manny's head. Frida knew her best friend was troubled and so she stuck by his side, no matter how much it killed her to walk slowly!

"What a jip!" The thirteen-year-old boy grumbled. Frida knew a rant was soon to follow. "Chacal had no right to lower my hero status! NO RIGHT! I've saved this city a billion times!"

At that Frida cleared her throat.

"Yeah, sure; I'll give you that. But Manny, half of those billion times, YOU caused the trouble that nearly destroyed Miracle City." It was the honest truth. Manny spun to his best friend, nostrils flared and anger clearly on his face.

"A little support here!" He barked, hands in the air.

Frida gave an uneasy smile before she shrugged.

"Aw. Don't let Chacal get to you, Manny. He's always gonna be one of those people who don't like you." Then she giggled. "You got lots of those!"

Manny puffed out a sigh as he slouched.

"I just wish there was a way to show that nasty vice principle and everyone else that I AM a hero! I mean, something so convincing that they'll be talking about it for years to come!" He expressed before falling silent again.

The blue-haired girl cringed at the thought.

"Manny? You always want to be identified as a goodie-goodie "eat your nutrition" do-gooder?" Frida questioned. "I mean, kinda like your dad."

At her thoughtless comment, Frida slapped her hands over her mouth. She didn't mean it the way it came out. Thankfully, Manny didn't take her comment the way it sounded.

"No, not like that. I do want to be seen as a hero though." The thirteen-year-old boy returned. "And that'll give Chacal something to stick into his grande nose!"

That was only reasonable. Frida shrugged.

"We can dream can't we?" The girl forced a smile. "But seriously dude, be careful what you wish for 'cause you just might get it!"

And then Frida gave a rowdy laugh. Manny rolled his eyes. As he did, his green eyes saw something flying right toward them; it was huge and screaming right at the two teens! Manny could tell it was a monster but it wasn't attacking; it looked like it was reeling from a blow.

"Whoa!" The young teen superhero choked out as he nearly stumbled in his tracks. Frida walked into her best friend but when she saw how he was watching to the sky, she looked up too.

Frida's blue eyes widened.

"Holy fire in the sky!" The girl's mouth hit the sidewalk. The monster flew out of the sky and struck the road.

Pieces of asphalt spewed in all directions as the monster came to a long stop. A wave of debris rose high into the air. Frida heard Manny spin his belt buckle and then she felt him grab her hand.

"Hang on Frida!" Manny called to her. The girl grabbed onto her friend's shirt.

El Tigre bolted down the sidewalk, dodging rubble as it rained down. Zipping to an alley, he hugged the wall and used his body to block any debris from hitting Frida. As the monster's body dug into the roadway, skidding past the alley way before coming to a smoldering stop, rubble showered the nearby buildings. Finally a plume of dust covered the street, then everything fell silent.

El Tigre opened one of his eyes when everything was silent. He stood.

"Whoa!" He heard Frida gasp. Turning to his friend, El Tigre found her brown with dirt.

Frida shook her head and a blanket of dirt fell off of her. El Tigre did the same.

"Dude!" Frida awed before she zipped to the end of the alleyway, peeking around the corner toward the monster. "What the heck? The forecast for today was sunny skies, not raining monsters!"

El Tigre shrugged.

"This is Miracle City, Frida; stuff that shouldn't fall from the sky usually does." He walked up to his friend. Frida gave an evil smile.

"Like our super awesome molé and fudge pranks? Cool, right?!" She chuckled mischievously. El Tigre grinned wickedly and nodded. "I could go for a monster bashing right now! Let's get a front row seat to the beating!"

"Awesome!" El Tigre cheered, grabbing Frida by the hand and racing down the totaled street.

The two teens bolted to the crash site. As they neared, the air was still covered in dust from the monster crashing into the ground and the path of the monster was clearly smashed into the roadway. Manny and Frida could see the end of the creature's trail but a plume of smoldering asphalt was blocking their view. Running to the crater, the two mischievous teens peered into the hole. As they did, they nearly knocked heads with a dizzy monster, peeling itself from the crater. It was the same eyeball monster that Manny fought earlier today.

Gooey tears rushed from the slimy monster's body as it stumbled around, clearly nearly knocked out. As reality set back in, the eyeball creature roared.

Frida gave a surprised shriek as El Tigre grappled one of his hands to the nearest building. Grabbing his friend, Manny and Frida were propelled upwards and safety.

"Whoa! It's the same gross eyeball that you fought at school!" Frida commented as they landed on a rooftop. Manny pounded his fist into his hand.

"Well, I'm gonna teach that nasty teary eyeball a lesson it'll never for-!" Then someone tackled the eyeball monster, and it wasn't El Tigre.

Someone in a costume that looked like a black blanket-cloak flattened the eyeball monster and cranked its tentacles to the side. The eyeball creature roared in anger before it flexed it tentacles. The superhero lost grip on the monster. When the giant mutant eyeball felt the hero's grip loosen, it gave the super a stroke across the body with one of its huge, slimy tentacles. The superhero went reeling and the eyeball monster pounced after the hero. Landing on the wrecked street, the superhero saw the monster come rushing. The eyeball creature slapped four of its six tentacles on the hero's wrists and ankles, immobilizing the super. The monster growled its animosity as its pupil began to glow blood red. A hum of energy cut through the deathly silence.

"Manny! Get your carcass down there! That hero's gonna get creamed!" Frida rushed, hands over her mouth. El Tigre was way ahead of her.

Leaping down to the street, El Tigre swiped at the monster's tentacles holding down the hero. Screaming in pain, the eyeball reared and, as it did, a huge red laser misfired from its huge pupil and cut through the sky. Manny landed in front of the hero and helped peel the twitching, dismembered tentacles from around him. The cloaked hero, still on his back caught the eyeball monster lash out with its two remaining tentacles. Taking a handful of the teen superhero's shirt, both heroes tumbled out of the way as the monster slammed its appendages into the roadway.

Manny and the hero hopped to their feet.

"Gracias niño." The hero's voice was feminine and husky. Manny stared at the hero like SHE just grew another head.

He heard a light giggle out of the female hero though she was in a costume that covered her face. Without missing a beat, the female superhero pounced back onto the eyeball. El Tigre snapped out of his surprise and was right next to the woman. Both heroes slashed, punched and/or pummeled the sorry eyeball monster. Finally, the creature fell with a loud, pained groan. Closing its giant eye, the eyeball monster lie quiet.

"Woo!" Manny cheered, hands in the air before he zipped over to the monster and verbally harassed it. "And don't you ever forget it!"

The monster groaned again and the female hero laughed. El Tigre spun around to the new super he'd never seen before.

"Extraordinario young one." She voiced as she began to change shape in front of Manny. Her black cloak moved from her face like gooey oil.

Her morphing cloak formed into a long black dress with a hip-high slit on her right leg. The woman had an oval face, light skin, big green eyes and plump lips that held an impressed smirk at the teen hero.

"Tell me, who are you?" She asked approaching the thirteen-year-old boy. Manny blinked at her.

"M-My name is Manny Rivera." Then he face-palmed. "I mean El Tigre!"

Again he slapped his forehead. Manny just spilled his secret identity to this woman. Great!

"A pleasure El Tigre." The super-heroine's voice cut through his thoughts. Manny peeked at the woman and she smiled. "I am La Cortina. I finally get to see another superhero; it's been weeks."

La Cortina? Meaning, "the curtain"? The thought must have surfaced as a funny look on his face because Manny heard the heroine giggle as she neared.

"And just so we're even, Manny, my name is Alejandra. You have some super macho moves for a young one." La Cortina placed a hand on her hip. Manny froze.