Ohayho New York! Konnichi wa London! Konban wa Tokyo! CJzilla here with her last update for "Luna Nerga". Sad? Don't be. You'll see more of my ficitons floating around the FanFiction Land archives... Including El Tigre.

In this final chapter, Manny and Frida are rewarded for their impossible victory and Alejandra plots. Enjoy this LAST installment.

As I swat planes circling my head, alls CJzilla has to roar is this: R&R! Love on me... hate on me... You know...

KingOfTheLab: Behold! The end! Thank you for reviewing. I have to say, I looked forward to your reviews a lot. CJzilla out.

Moranofchaos2: You'll find out what happens to Alejandra and the Titanium Titan... Good thoughts? It depends on who you are cheering for. Villain or hero? Thanks for reviewing.

KnucklesRedFury207.2: Yep. Last chapter. I promise to please and wrap up with style! Thanks for reviewing.

acosta perez jose ramiro: Sorry. I just had guacamole on the brain... but I DIDN'T HAVE ANY TORTILLA CHIPS! NO! Ahem... sorry. Hey, thanks for reviewing; your pointers and tips on the Spanish language made me very happy. And that all Spanish review... CLASSIC; that goes in the vault of awesome reviews.

Amaris Solbes de la Vega: I'm sorry! IT IS THE END! Oh! But it was a blast to write! Thanks for the constructive comments on my Spanish grammar. I know it's not perfect and the next El Tigre fic I write, it will be better!

Chapter 12

Son's Gonna Rise

Manny Rivera stood in near a window of his family's hacienda as he looked out over Miracle City. A weird feeling hit the young boy as he beheld the placid cityscape. You'd never think that just thirty-one hours ago, Miracle City's residences were facing extermination by the hands of a twisted supervillain and that two thirteen-year-olds faced down said demented criminal. Not to mention that the two nutty kids won. To Manny, his battle with La Cortina now simply known as the super-criminal Alejandra Marengo was surreal; like a fading dream that he only remembered in bits and pieces. But then the thirteen-year-old hero would glance down and set a hand on the plaster casing his shattered arm was inside. His fight with La Cortina was reality and the aching throughout his body reminded him of that.

"Manny?" Manny turned at the sound of his name. He saw Grandpapi poke his head out of the kitchen. "Chu is too quiet! How's chur arm?! It hurts doesn't it?! I's get chu some more painkillers! HANG ON!"

The thirteen-year-old hero could help but laugh.

"Relax Grandpapi; my arm's fine." He swatted the air like it was no big deal. But that didn't quiet the supervillain grandfather.

"No grandson! Chu don't know how much pain chu's in!" Then he gasped sharply. "CHU'VE GONE DELUSIONAL WITH DE BLINDING PAIN!"

"GRANDPAPI!" Manny yelled over his grandfather's yelling. The elderly man silenced… momentarily. "I'm fine! Really! Now stop fussing! The nursing-me-back-to-health-thing is creeping me out."

As he smiled uncomfortably, Grandpapi scoffed.

"Please. I's make de excelente nurse. NOW SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN!" Grandpapi commanded, his voice growing high and authoritative. Peeping in terror, Manny sprinted to the nearest chair and sat. "Bueno! Now stay dere while I's steals chu soda."

"Yes sir!" Manny immediately replied, sitting rigid with his hands on his lap. Grandpapi gave his grandson a stare that he'd only got from a teacher before he ran back into the kitchen.

Once his nutty grandfather was gone, the thirteen-year-old super sighed and hopped off of his chair. Walking back over to the window, Manny stared out at Miracle City again. He never thought he'd be grateful to see another day in this crusty, spicy, cesspool of a city.

Then Manny heard the front door open and the jingling of spurs cut through the air. The teen turned, not able to fight down a happy smile.


In walked Rodolfo Rivera, superhero and father extraordinaire. The man's eyes combed the living room for his son and he immediately softened when he saw Manny limp toward him.

"You should be lying down or at least sitting, mi hijo." Rodolfo voiced walking to his son. The spunky thirteen-year-old scoffed.

"Sittin's for suckers." Manny waved off the notion. Then the boy turned his big brown eyes to the only major parental figure he'd known and that he almost lost. "Hola papa."

Rodolfo gave his son a proud smile.

"Hola Manny." Kneeling he hugged the boy.

Manny wrapped his good arm around his father and squeezed. For a few intense minuets there, the boy thought he'd never have another hug from his father. When La Cortina sucked out White Pantera's essence, Manny thought that he'd be gone forever. The teen then realized that no matter how much his father pushed his buttons, he couldn't live without him.

"How are you feeling, my son?" Rodolfo questioned. Manny left his father's embrace and wiped a small tear from his eye.

Clearing his throat, the super-macho teen was too proud to be seen crying.

"I'll live." Manny puffed out his chest. "It's just a few scrapes, bruises, a mild concussion, broken arm and strains. I'm not ticklish!"

Rodolfo chuckled and rolled his eyes. The teen held in his breath until it hurt his aching ribs. Puffing out his breath, Manny cradled his throbbing arm.

"Ai." He peeped, chewing on his bottom lip. The teen then hobbled over to the couch and sat. "So papa, do you want to hear how me and Frida defeated Alejandra again?"

"Definitely, but not now mi hijo." Rodolfo replied and walked to his son. He gave the teen a beaming proud smile. "You must get ready, Manny. Have you forgotten about the award ceremony that Municipal President Rodriguez and the city are throwing you?"

Manny's eyes widened with shock.

"San Diego! I totally spaced it!" The teen hopped off of the couch and began hobbling towards his room. "Oh man! I've never gotten an award before! … Uh… what happens now?"

Rodolfo snickered.

"It's very simple, mi hijo." The superhero walked up to his son, picked him up and set him back on the couch. "You show up at City Hall as a superhero, smile, wave, accept your reward for your bravery and walk off. That's it."

Just then Grandpapi came skittering into the living room. The retired supervillain had a bottle of soda in his hand while several robot arms of his golden sombrero held candy, comic books, video games and a stack of waffles on a plate.

"All right, hito. I's got chu a soda, video game, candy and waffles!" Grandpapi cheered. It was heartwarming to see the naughty villain cater to his grandson's needs while he was hurt.

Rodolfo gave a giddy giggle and surprised his father.

"Oh papi! I didn't know you had it in you!" White Pantera cooed at his elderly yet naughty father. Grandpapi gulped and looked for excuses.

"Oh! Well, I-… I's just robbed de video game store, comic book store and waffle house! I t'ought dat mi ailing grandson had use for dis junk." The retired supervillain stuck his nose in the air, hoping to throw suspicion that he was doing something… nice! "Here Manny… I's don't want to see dese candies anymore."

With that Grandpapi gave the teen a big bag of candy and set the other things on the coffee table. Rodolfo couldn't keep that syrupy look off of his face. Grandpapi simply avoided his son's eyes.

"Thanks Grandpapi!" Manny cheered, stuffing handfuls of candy into his mouth. Then he quirked a brow at his father. "So no speech or anything?"

Rodolfo then looked a little uneasy. Manny stared at his father for a long second.

"Well… If you feel the need to say something while receiving your reward, then please do… But I must warn you Manny, your award ceremony will be on public television." White Pantera put a hand on his boy's shoulders. Manny's brown eyes got wide.

"You mean-! You mean to tell me that all of Miracle City will be watching and listening to every word I say?!" The thirteen-year-old whispered. Rodolfo nodded.

Suddenly the teen snickered evilly, his mouth curving into a wicked smile and his eyes sharpening. This is what Rodolfo was afraid of.

"Manny… I-, which is to say-… uh… just don't say something you'll regret, all right my son?" White Pantera cocked his head at his only child. Manny suddenly gave his father a big, cute stare.

"Why papi! I would never do something that I'd regret later on!" For added affect, he batted his eyelashes. Rodolfo wasn't buying the "cute look" but he nodded.

"Bueno. Now the award show starts in twenty minuets. We have just enough time to meet the Suárezs downstairs." White Pantera beamed. Manny let out an excited squeal.

"Awesome! Frida's here! GRANDPAPI! Let's GO!" Manny hopped off of the couch and slowly began to hobble toward the door. Rodolfo and Grandpapi watched the injured teen shuffle and the sight was pathetic.

"It'll take a lot longer if we's let Manny walk." Grandpapi cocked a brow. White Pantera nodded.

"Then let's take the express." Rodolfo walked over to his son and flung him over his shoulder. Grandpapi then transformed into Puma Loco and grabbed his son holding his grandson.

Without another word Grandpapi ran out the door and dove off of the building's roof. Manny screamed in excitement as he, his beloved father and naughty grandfather were freefalling to the ground. It was good to have Miracle City's favorite super family reunited and pulling off the same craziness they were famous for.

At the last second, Puma Loco activated his rocket feet and the Rivera family gently landed on the ground. Manny was squealing as Rodolfo hopped out of Puma Loco's arms and landed on the ground.

"We should have a family freefall more often." The teen beamed as he set his two feet on the pavement and limped around in some sort of injured happy dance.

"Manny!" Manny heard his name. Turning he saw Frida running down the sidewalk to him.

"Hey Frida!" The boy staggered toward his best friend. He hadn't seen her since they both got separated when he had to go into the hospital for his broken arm.

The little blue-haired rocker laughed as she skidded up to him.

"Awesome cast!" Frida squealed. "Can I sign it?!"

"Duh! You can sign next to Señor Chappy and my dad!" Manny pointed at a blank area of plaster. Suddenly obtaining a black marker, Frida doodled her name on her friend's shattered arm bone.

"That is SO cool!" She gawked then gave Manny a mischievous look as she pointed at his arm "Could you see your bone? Was it sticking out of your arm?!"

Manny shook his head.

"It was just a hairline fracture but it made an awesome X-ray! I've got a copy in my room!" The thirteen-year-old hero cheered. Frida slapped him on the back.

"I gotta see it! The worst I got was a little cut on my hand." She presented her right hand. There was a black band-aid with little skulls covering the slight scratch that she got somewhere in the battle with La Cortina. "You wanna sign it?!"

"Sure!" Frida gave Manny her marker and he wrote his name on the small band-aid.

"Awesome!" The girl cheered, throwing her hands in the air. Then Rodolfo and Grandpapi came walking up to the two kids.

"Hola Frida." White Pantera greeted giving her a respectful nod. Now that Frida helped save the city and HIS life, Rodolfo saw her as more than just a blue-haired goofball.

"What's up, Mr. Rivera! Hola Grandpapi!" The blue-haired rocker cheered waving at both Rivera men. "You stoked for our award ceremony?!"

White Pantera gave the hyperactive girl a proud smile.

"Indeed. I am very proud of both of you." He ran his fingers through Frida's blue hair. The girl laughed but straightened out her goggles as she turned to Manny.

"Dude! Did you know the ceremony's gonna be broadcast over every major TV station in Miracle City?!" She hissed with excitement. Manny laughed.

"Yeah!" Then he and Frida gave the same evil laugh. Mischief was soon to follow.

Rodolfo rolled his eyes as Grandpapi gave an approving chuckle.

"So Frida, where is your family?" White Pantera questioned. Frida gave a shrug.

"They're at City Hall. I told them I'd get a ride with Manny." The girl returned with a big smile.

"Chu three will have to go without me." Grandpapi stated. "I's be watching on a rooftop. All dat policia in one area is no good for supervillains!"

Manny gave his grandfather a big, gooey smile.

"Come on!" Frida complained. "We gotta go! We only got fifteen minuets before the ceremony starts!"

Nodding, Manny turned to his father.

"Papi, can you give me and Frida a ride? I kinda can't hold onto her and jump over rooftops…" He glanced down at his plaster arm. Rodolfo gave a smile and nodded.

"Of course Manny." Hoisting his son and friend onto his shoulder, White Pantera turned to Puma Loco. "We'll see you at the award ceremony, papi."

Grandpapi gave an evil laugh as he gripped the controls of his Puma Loco suit.

"I's be de last ting dat de policia see." The naughty retired supervillain rubbed his hands together.

"Just make sure you hold off the villainy until AFTER we get our awards." Frida smiled back.

"Though it will kill me, I's will." Grandpapi nodded his face twisted with agony.

With that Puma Loco took off into the sky as White Pantera began running toward the City Hall, his son and friend screaming wildly on his shoulders.

Flying down Main Street, Manny, Frida and White Pantera were coming in on City Hall fast. People clogged the streets awaiting the two young saviors of their city. It was time for an explosive entrance. Smiling Manny spun his El Tigre belt buckle. In a flash of green light, the teen became his super-powered alias.

"Frida!" Manny yelled over the wind. "Grab my tail and hold on!"

The blue-haired rocker grabbed her best friend's tiger tail and nodded.

"All right dad! Hit the breaks!" Manny said to his dad.

"Gotcha mi hijo!" With that Rodolfo came dug the heels of his Bronze Boots of Truth into the pavement. At that second, Manny jumped off of his father's shoulders.

Frida and El Tigre went flying into the air and sailing over the street. Laughing hysterically at the surprised looks on the bystanders' faces, the blue-haired girl let out a loud whoop. Manny filled his lungs full of air and gave a loud El Tigre roar. All heads craned around and the peoples' cheering only got louder. Cheering, yes cheering! Hundreds of people stood behind velvet ropes, screaming their heads off as they celebrated the two teens that had saved Miracle City.

The feeling was awesome. Over the whistling wind in his ears, Manny heard the crowd's screams of gratitude. The teen could no longer hold in his smile. Finally! Recognition!

Standing on the threshold of City Hall was Municipal President Rodriguez. The short man with glasses, bald head and big hair grey tuffs had to stand on a few commerce members just to reach his face to the podium microphone. Rodriguez was going on and on about rebuilding plans and erecting statues in his image around the battlefield, just in case anyone forgot who "lead" Miracle City through one of its darkest chapters. As the short man bored the crowd to death, something flew through the air toward City Hall.

Rodriguez barely had time to dive to the cement when Manny Rivera and Frida Suárez shot through the air but came to a soft stop. The banner hung over City Hall's threshold, ironically celebrating their victory over La Cortina, cushioned their fall but untied in the process. As the two teens gently fell to the podium, the hanging sign covered all those standing on City Hall's steps, including the Municipal President, most of the Policia Bureau and the TV cameras. While the police, including Frida's father fished around under the banner cloth for Rodriguez, the two teen cheered, their hands in the air.

"Awesome!" Both Manny and Frida screamed.

From a nearby yet shady rooftop many of Miracle City's more uninvited citizens looked over the large celebration. Though this event honoring two small children, one of which being a HUGE annoyance left a bad taste in their mouths, most of the city's supervillains respectfully attended. After all, if the little Rivera kid hadn't done anything, not one of them would be functioning. But that didn't mean all of the villains were taking El Tigre's heroic victory to heart.

"Ugh. Dr. Chipotle Sr.'s going to be sick." The mad scientist with the large metal arm groaned as he watched the banner-covered chaos. Dr. Chipotle Sr., the first of the supervillains of Miracle City to be attacked by La Cortina rolled his good eye.

"I agree." General Chapuza's smoky undead voice was equally annoyed. "How those two pueril chuckleheads saved the city is beyond me."

Then the zombie general heard a weapon cock right next to his ear.

"Watch what chu say Chapuza! Chu too metal scientist!" It was Puma Loco, not taking General Chapuza's comment lightly. The old man narrowed his eyes from inside his intimidating mech suit. "Mi grandson save all of our nalgas! Show more respect or I's BLOW CHUR UNDEAD HEAD OFFS!"

Chapuza snorted fearlessly at Puma's daunting firepower.

"Tranquilizante Puma." He calmly replied. The zombie general turned to his old rival and stared at him. "In one way or another, we are all grateful to your grandson. But even you cannot deny that El Tigre had to have an insane amount of luck on his side to land La Cortina in prison!"

Puma Loco nodded and retracted all of his laser guns, missile launchers and porcupine bazookas away from Chapuza.

"Dis is a fact." The elderly supervillain agreed. Then there was a huff from another supervillain.

"You are darn right!" Don Baffi of the Moustache Mafia wheeled into the conversation, literally. "I fought with the crazy dame; I know! Your little punk grandson would need the luck of an entire forest of four-leaf clovers to pull of a successful fight!"

Puma Loco and Don Baffi glared each other down.

"Does anyone else feel de shames, man?" El Oso asked over his shoulder as he crouched near the edge of the rooftop. The rest of the supervillains cocked a brow at the fuzzy thug. "I's mean dat niños beat La Cortina? It's like we's have… no respect, mans."

The villains rolled their eyes but felt the indignity circling the rooftop.

"Oso!" Dr. Chipotle Sr. blasted at the bear-based criminal. "You're thinking too hard! Go stare at something shiny for a while!"

El Oso growled and stood from crouching.

"What chu say, man?!" The fuzzy thug growled, stomping over to Dr. Chipotle Sr. The mad scientist glared down the not-so-bright supervillain.

"You heard me! You're no good at thinking, Oso!" The scientist folded his arms. Oso fumed.

"Maybe not, man. But I's can pummel chu into a tortilla." Grabbing the mad scientist by the front of his smock, El Oso cranked back a fist. Dr. Chipotle Sr. and El Oso got into a fight.

The other villains completely ignored the lucha and kept talking amongst themselves.

"El Tigre will turn out just like his father, White Pantera." Lady Gobbler voiced, shooting Puma Loco a mocking stare. The demeaning hero comment definitely got the old villain's attention.

Spinning, Puma Loco glared daggers at the old turkey-based villainess.

"No he won't!" He spat back, his mech suit standing threateningly. "He will be a villain just like his grandpapi!"

Lady Gobbler shrugged and pursed her wrinkly lips, satisfied that she got her crush's goat.

"Chur grandson saved de city Puma. Not exactly villain material." The short old woman returned. Puma Loco gritted his teeth and squeezed his mech suit's controls.

"He is evil I's tell chu!" The old supervillain declared. "I's heard dat Manny used Sartana's Místico Guitarra in his battle with La Cortina! Definitely a villainous sucker punch."

The other villains "Oooh"ed. Puma Loco folded his robot's arms and gave the elderly supervillainess a smug grin. Lady Gobbler gritted her dentures. And speaking of the devil… In a puff of otherworldly red smoke, the unmistakable rattling of undead bones and a soft guitar cord sounds followed. Anyone who valued their life knew who it was. Sartana of the Dead's gravely chuckle was heard and her beaming crimson eyes stared into every villain's soul. Puma Loco couldn't be happier. The elderly supervillain gave a girly squeal and zipped over to the undead skeleton lady.

"Hola… mi vida." Puma Loco cooed flirtatiously and took Sartana's skeleton hand. The undead super-evil supervillainess brought her other hand to her mouth and gave an uncharacteristic giddy giggle.

"Oh Puma. You know exactly what to say." Sartana flirted back making the other supervillains gag and/or toss their lunch. Puma Loco blushed so hard that he steamed up the inside of his mech suit.

The undead skeleton lady slinked over to the edge of the building and cast her haunting eyes toward City Hall. She let out an amused chuckle. There was the entire Miracle City Policia Squad using their highly-trained skills to fight a cloth banner as they tried to get Municipal President Rodriguez out from under the flying sign. El Tigre and Frida Suárez were standing on the steps of City Hall, laughing their little heads off at the sight. Sartana of the Dead knew that the two children were responsible for making the entire Policia Bureau look like fools; that made her scaly lips curve into a smile.

Then she heard Puma Loco's mech suit's hydraulic joints hiss beside her.

"You should be proud of your grandson, Puma." Sartana voiced quietly so as not to be heard by the other villains. She looked up at her wayward lover. "To fight La Cortina, El Tigre has to have great love for his familia. It is a bit… virtuous and stupid but nonetheless impressive."

Puma Loco gave a goofy smile. Just then the two villainous lovers got a loud shush.

"QUIET!" Dr. Chipotle Jr. hissed from below. Looking over the edge of the building Sartana and Puma Loco saw Dr. Chipotle Jr., Black Cuervo and Señor Siniestro were perched on fire-escapes, watching City Hall with great interest. "The blue-haired vixen is about to get an award for saving the city!"

The three villains gave Sartana and Puma Loco loud shushes as they turned back to City Hall. The skeleton lady glanced over at the retired supervillain. Both shrugged and listened to Municipal President Rodriguez as he found his way up onto the podium.

Manny and Frida fought off their laughter after getting venom glares from Municipal President Rodriguez as he was finally rescued from the rouge banner. Straightening his glasses, the short man cleared his throat, climbed up onto the backs of two Chamber of Commerce members and tapped the microphone.

"Citizens of dis fine city, I, Municipal President Rodriguez presente to chu de two who saved Miracle City from de evil clutches of La Cortina! MANNY RIVERA AND FRIDA SUÁREZ!" He gestured toward the two teens smiling brightly beside him. The crowd… went… NUTS!

Frida threw her hands in the air, her joyous screaming drowned out by the commotion of the crowd. Manny simply grinned and waved his good arm. Rodriguez held up his hand and the crowd went reluctantly silent.

"Now I, Municipal President Rodriguez, would like to present Frida Suárez and Manny Rivera with de Golden Hearts of Miracle City." The short man gestured for an assistant off to the side. Out of the crowd came White Pantera, Maria Rivera, Police Chief Suárez and his wife.

The White Pantera held a big wooden box in his hands as the two sets of parents walked up City Hall's steps to Rodriguez. Nodding a curt thanks to the superhero, the Municipal President took the box, which was nearly his size anyway, and opened it. Pulling out two golden metals in the shape of a heart with wings tied to regal red ribbons, Rodriguez tossed the box to the side which bounced into the crowd and gave someone a concussion.

"Rivera, Suarez, step forward por favor." The short man commanded. You didn't have to tell Manny and Frida twice.

The two teen zipped up to the podium with big smiles. Without another word Municipal President Rodriguez slipped the metals on Manny's neck and then Frida's. The crowd went crazy again!

"De savors of Miracle City, señoras y señores!" The short man gestured. Manny and Frida stared at their rewards carefully before posing together, holding up the golden metals.

As the crowd went bananas again, the photographers' cameras flashed wildly, nearly giving everyone within close distance a sun-tan. Then Rodriguez held up his hand. The cheering came to a screeching halt.

"Now I, Municipal President Rodriguez, will give the microphone to our savors. A few short words will suffice-" But the small man was shoved off the podium by the two teens. Manny was the first to the microphone.

Clearing his throat and taking a breath, El Tigre looked out over the people.

"I would just like to thank mi papa, mi mama, and mi grandpapi and mi best amiga for this award." The teen smiled as he looked over his family and his grandfather, across the street on a rooftop. Then Frida stood along side him and spoke into the mic.

"And I would like to thank mi familia too and the best friend a girl could ask for!" Frida cheered and gave Manny a quick hug, holding up her metal with her free hand. For some reason, Manny fought off a blush.

Then both children cleared their throats.

"And both of us would like to say…" Frida and Manny said into the microphone. Then they looked at each other mischievously. "HOLA MIRACLE CITY! PPPPPBBBBBBTTT!"

They blew a huge fart sound into the microphone. The crowd went dead silent as the children's families fainted on the steps. Manny and Frida high-fived and laughed their heads off. It was the fart sound heard around the city!

From across the street the supervillains were also stunned. Jaws hit the building top. Then Puma Loco laughed.

"Dat's de signal!" He tossed a glance over his mech suit's shoulder. He cocked his guns. "TIME FOR DE TPING!"

Igniting his rocket feet, Puma Loco soared above the rooftops. The other supervillains climbed down from the rooftop.

Flying over City Hall, Puma Loco fired hundreds and hundreds of rolls of toilet paper over the government building while the rest of Miracle City's supervillains invaded the area and tossed the harmless ammunition. Sartana of the Dead summoned skeleton banditos with a strum of her black magic guitar and the undead began throwing toilet paper. The Moustache Mafia used their mobile moustaches to toss TP over trees while the Chipotles used a guacamole monster and a HUGE roll of TP to blanket the street. General Chapuza and El Oso ripped off a toilet paper truck and were taking armfuls of TP and tossing them in all directions. In the air Señor Siniestro and the Flock of Fury rained toilet paper from the skies.

As toilet paper rained down from the sky, Manny turned to Frida; Frida looked right back. The two teen shared a moment that they would not soon forget. They basked in the limelight as best friends that no supervillain could tear apart.

As City Hall was being terrorized by TP throwing supervillains, the mood was far different at the Miracle City Prison. On the lowest and most secure level of the penitentiary Alejandra Marengo sat in the corner of her impenetrable cell. Her body was covered in an unbreakable white straightjacket, binding her hands to her sides. The authorities were not taking any chances with this powerful woman. The woman scoffed at the idea. Her alien ring was gone as was most of the energy it had but Alejandra could still feel some power coursing through her body. The gift from the stars loved her enough to leave her a small amount of its power in her body as it died. It was nothing compared to the power she grasped thirty-one hours ago but it was something. With a little rest and a few essences, she would return to power and avenge the dreams yanked out from under her. Alejandra heard the upper level inmates roaring with laughter. She knew why and it sent burning anger to her nose.

Manny Rivera with his dumb luck and villainous resistance and White Pantera and his cruel expectations; both would pay dearly for what happened to her.

As Alejandra Marengo's dark thoughts clouded her mind she heard footfalls on the prison floor. Looking up, she expected to see another prison guard taking either to gape at the "monster" that nearly destroyed the city or to tease her for her failings. Like she thought there was a guard, but not one she'd seen before.

"Alejandra Marengo?" He asked. Alejandra cocked a brow into the air but gave one nod.

Suddenly the guard shape-shifted and the form of the Titanium Titan was seen. Alejandra's heart soared.

"Titan! Oh Titan! You're here!" She said but the Titanium Titan immediately shushed her. Bringing his liquid metal arm up, he shoved his finger into the cell door's key hole.

"I never thought I'd be breaking INTO a prison instead of out." The Titan whispered. Suddenly the cell door unlocked and the short ex-sidekick rushed in.

Looking over his partner, a soft look came to the Titanium Titan's face. Alejandra looked tired and roughed up. Gritting his teeth, he went to work on her straightjacket.

"I'm going to chop that El Tigre into salsa the next time I get my hands on him!" The Titan hissed. Alejandra giggled.

"I thought El Tigre finished you off, Titan. I was worried." She cooed and rested her head on his arm. Titan gave a tiny grin as he fiddled with her bonds.

"No. He just-…" He cringed when he thought of the crotch-hit he sustained. Giving a little whimper the Titan bit down on his tongue at the still painful area. "He just got lucky."

Just before the Titanium Titan undid the last strap of Alejandra's straightjacket the cell door locked automatically. Lights flashed, alarms wailed and the prison went in complete lockdown. Then hundred of incoming footfalls were heard. The Titan gave a groan.

"Don't worry, mi amore. I can get us out of here." Alejandra voiced calmly. Before he could question his partner's thinking, about a dozen guards, armed with tazer-guns and pepper spray gathered at the cell door.

"FREEZE!" All of the guards shouted at once, their weapon cross-hairs on both villains.

Alejandra chuckled coolly and stood.

"Never mind them. Grab me and hang on Titan." She glanced down at the ex-hero-sidekick. The Titanium Titan felt his arm wrap around Alejandra's curvy waist.

With one last glare at the prison guards, the supervillain woman smirked. Just as the officers pulled the triggers on their tazer-guns and pepper spray bottles, Alejandra teleported in a puff of black smoke leaving behind her straightjacket. Tazer darts and a cloud of pepper spray covered the empty cell; the Titanium Titan and La Cortina escaped.

The next thing the Titanium Titan knew, he was looking out over Miracle City from the outskirts of the city, MILES away from the prison. In fact, he could see the prison from here! Whoa! Just a second before he and Alejandra were facing down dozens of prison guards with tazer-guns and pepper spray! Then he heard a soft thud from behind him. Spinning, the Titan saw Alejandra on the ground, too weak to hold herself up.

"Alejandra?!" The Titanium Titan scooped his partner up off of the ground. He cradled the woman in his liquid metal arms hoping that something was not seriously wrong with her.

Alejandra gave a weak grin as she opened her green eyes.

"Sorry… mi amore… I… don't have as much energy as… I used to." She said slowly, taking in big breaths between every word. The Titanium Titan held her carefully.

"You-… You will be all right, won't you?" He questioned. Alejandra giggled slightly.

"Sí. All I need is a little siesta." She sighed and blinked heavily.

The Titan then thought of something.

"Wait… If you could teleport… then why'd you stay in prison all this time?!" He stated like she was stupid. Alejandra laughed at his question.

"Simple, Titan. I needed the rest and to build up my energy to escape." Then she couldn't hold in a loud laugh. "And I wouldn't want to miss that supremely romántico rescue."

The Titan's face flushed and he couldn't help but feel a little stupid. Then her laughter died down to a seductive giggle.

"That was super-macho, mi amore." Alejandra placed her hand to the side of his head. The Titan kissed her hand.

She smiled and let her touch fall to his neck, shoulder and chest.

"But now they will be hunting you down too." Alejandra gave him a concerned look. The Titanium Titan scoffed.

"Old news, mi vida. But right now it is best for both of us to hide out for a while." He glanced down at his partner. "Perhaps Calavera until you get back to full strength."

Alejandra sighed as she looked out over Miracle City.

"Very well." She felt a little like a defeated coward to hide. Then she gave the Titan an icy stare. "They have not beaten us, Titan but let them think they've won."

The woman then stood from her lover's arms and looked out over the city that used to be hers, her back to the Titan.

"Let them think they've won; let them think that we are broken. They will just give us a rest." Alejandra made a fist at the sunbathed city. Then she turned back to her lover, her eyes glowing sinister purple. "When the opportune time comes we will prove to everyone how wrong they are and how nothing could break us! La Cortina and the Titanium Titan will rise again and nothing will be able to stop us!"

The two supervillains looked down at the city. In the not-so-distant future, Miracle City would be theirs once more, even if that means taking out the superheroes, starting with El Tigre and White Pantera.

About thirty minuets after the awesome award ceremony at City Hall, the Rivera family including Frida were seating in the living room of the Rivera casa. Everyone's eyes were fixed to the television screen and the evening news. A curvy newswoman was standing outside the Miracle City Prison, covering the latest and most unnerving story of the day.

"Alejandra Marengo a.k.a. La Cortina, the supervillain that held Miracle City captive less than forty-two hours ago has escaped with the aid of the Titanium Titan." The camera moved to the side of the anchorwoman and zoomed in on the maximum security prison. "Details are sketchy about the escape but Police Chief Suárez urges the residence to stay calm yet alert for these two highly dangerous criminals."

Then the news shifted to various superheroes patrolling the city for the two fugitives.

"Miracle City's own superheroes swear that they will not rest until La Cortina and the Titanium Titan are found. Odds are stacked high against them since there has been no sign of the two supervillains since their daring escape." The newscaster went on. "If anyone knows of the whereabouts or has seen the Titanium Titan or La Cortina, they are urged to come forward to help put these two criminals behind bars."

Rodolfo turned down the volume on the television and looked over his family.

"This is troublesome." He voiced gravely. "I knew bars would not slow down Alejandra. She's too powerful and she has an alliance with the Titanium Titan."

That sent shivers of fear and nausea through the room.

"This means that we are still at risk for another attack. We barely survived our last fight with La Cortina and the Titan! We cannot take another battle; not this soon." Rodolfo started pacing.

"Easy, mi hijo." Grandpapi gestured calmly. "Something tells me dat another attack is not coming for a long time."

Manny hopped off of the couch and wobbled over to his pacing father.

"Yeah dad. Alejandra's so weak, she's probably still picking out guacamole from her hair." The teen snickered. "And the Titan? This is the Titan we're talking about! "Look! In the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's the Titanium Titan the super Booby!""

The thirteen-year-old hero crashed to the floor, laughing at his own joke. But then he winced at his tender arm and his laughter died down to giggles.

"But you gotta admit… it's SOOOOO romantic! Two baddies, head-over-heels in love with each other stage an elaborate prison break only to run off together! A "the devil may care" scenario with a juicy twist of vendetta for those who did them wrong! OOO! Fun." Frida beamed, kicking her feet excitedly as she watched an image of Alejandra and the Titan's escape on the TV. The room went silent as everyone stared at her. "What?"

Manny scoffed and got up off of the floor.

"Gee Frida. Are you a girl or a sidekick?" He questioned, hand on his hip. Frida stuck her nose in the air.

"For your information, I am both." She answered then looked back at the screen. "And they do make one sweet couple; a sweet, revolting yet very successful hero-butt-kicking couple. I'd be scared if I was you, dude."

"Um, YOU helped bring Alejandra down too! Remember?!" Manny gestured angrily. Frida stared off and gulped.

"Okay. I'm scared now." She shivered. "La Cortina and the Titan will get us, capture us and lock us away for all eternity!"

Rodolfo rolled his eyes and began walking toward the kitchen.

"Then it wouldn't matter, Frida. You two are still grounded from earlier on today... For all eternity." The superhero walked into the kitchen. Grandpapi gave the two teens a thumbs-up before he followed his son.

Manny and Frida snapped their fingers.

"It's not fair." The teen hero growled. The blue-haired rocker got off of her chair and walked up to her best friend.

"I know! The award ceremony TP prank was AWESOME! And the "fart noise heard around the world" was wicked cool too!" She folded her arms and cocked her hip. "Adults just don't have the same sophisticated taste in humor as we do."

Then the two friends laughed.

"Those were very good pranks, ya gotta admit." Manny snickered. Frida nodded.

"The next time we save the city, we need to get together a BETTER prank for the award ceremony! We need to keep out-doing ourselves!" Frida cheered. The teen hero glanced down at the metal around his neck.

Smirking, a devilish thought crossed Manny's mind.

"I think I'll wear this to school tomorrow and shove it up Vice-Principle Chacal's nose." He snickered and held up his metal. "This proves that I am a real hero! I am a real hero who will jump on any city-trashing monster whenever I want."

"Aw. See? You got your wish." Frida beamed but then grabbed her friend by the front of his shirt and yanked him to her face. "You make another wish like that again and I'll HURT you."

Manny chuckled warily at his friend's intenseness.

"Relax, Frida. Let La Cortina and the Titanium Titan come. We beat them once and we'll beat them again!" Then the teen hero spun his belt buckle. In a flash of green glow, a tiger roar was heard. "They will have to tangle with El Tigre, his super-macho family and Frida Suárez! They have no chance!"

Giving another tiger roar, Manny Rivera made it clear who the protectors of Miracle City were. As the evening sun bathed this large city and pigeons flew to their dovecotes, Miracle City couldn't be in safer hands.


Well... That's it. CJzilla hoped it was as fun to read as it was to write. It's been fun kids and CJzilla parts with these last words: R&R! LONG LIVE ROCK AND ROLL! Oh and a sequal you ask?... Eh... Why not?