

A/N: Another drabble/ficlet/uber short fic for the fanfiction themes. This is un-beta-ed work here. So if there are any mistakes, I apologize. Again, I'm uber new at writing any boyxboy pairings. But I absolutely love the non-canon pairing of Nakao and Minami. I really hated that Nakao got rejected in Hana Kimi and I almost wanted to cry. And it SUCKS that there aren't many of these stories, with this pairing. So, this adds one more to this pairing. ;; And hopefully, there are going to be more people who will write these stories.

My name is Nakao Senri. I'm not going to lie; I am an extremely beautiful boy. I'm not gay; I have no interest in boys. But, funnily enough, I can't help but be in love with Nanba-senpai.

It's absolutely ridiculous, I know. But every time I see him with another girl, some lucky girl who giggles as he bows at her gallantly, even though his intentions are less than gallant, I can't help but want to break down and cry.

But, boys don't cry.

So, instead, I glare evilly at the girl, hoping she'd just trip or fall or something! Because I can't help but feel jealous because it's not me who he's smiling at, it's not me who he sees as he bends down to kiss her hand, and it's definitely not me who he brushes his lips against.

And I just can't help but feel bitter because I know Nanba-senpai is 100 percent straight and I know he'll never even look at me that way.

Crap! He notices my stare and slowly leads the simpering blonde away. Tch. I am prettier than her. What does he even see in her?


I whisper hoping maybe he'll realize his mistake. That I'm the one he's suppose to be whispering sweet nothings to, not her. I silently plead for him to turn around and finally, truly notice me.

But he doesn't. He never does.

My eyes widened as I see Nanba-senpai running towards me. What's going on, I wonder. The girl is still there, throwing me odd glances, as she fidgets.

"Hold out your hand." Confused, I do as he says and hold out my left hand; he places something in my palm before walking off with the blonde again. He simply says, "Enjoy" as he makes his way back to the girl, who is still staring at me like I'm the devil's advocate.

I look down to see a piece of dark chocolate, before I pop it in my mouth, savoring the slightly bittersweet taste, though I wasn't so sure if it was the chocolate that was truly bitter or not.

Read and review please!