Paradocs: Huzzah. I'm back. Somehow.
Anyways, here's a sequel for y'all. But first, a prologue-y thing.

Disclaimer: I don't own Bakura or Ryou or any of the Yugioh characters. Nope. Just Saku and Sesaat.

Mind Games


Names printed in parantheses are what the character goes by predominantly.

Sakurea Toh (Saku)- A 16-year old girl from America with light brown hair, hazel eyes, and glasses. Formerly played host to Sesaat.

Sesaat Toh- Previously known as Rei. Originally the spirit of an Egyptian girl sealed in an earring. Now a teenage girl who looks strikingly similar to Saku, albeit with darker hair, brown eyes, and no glasses.

Ryou Bakura- A 16-year old boy from England with long white hair, pale skin, and brown eyes. Formerly played host to Bakura.

"Ryuu" Bakura (Bakura)- Originally the spirit of an Egyptian tomb robber sealed in the Millenium Ring. Now a teenage boy who looks very much like Ryou, with sharper features and more red-than-brown eyes.

Malik Ishtar- A 16-year old boy from Egypt with very tan skin, lilac eyes, and golden hair. Back is ritualistically 'tattooed'.

Marik Ishtar- Originally a second, seperate personality in Malik's mind, now a teenage boy with more spiked hair and sharper, darker features than Malik.

The Story Thus Far...

Saku, a new transfer student to Domino High from America, arrives in her classroom to find herself in an unlikely predicament: two of her classmates are living with 'dark spirits', and one, Ryou, seems to be intent on being friends with Saku. After a disastrous run-in with Ryou's yami, the violent Bakura, Saku returns to her apartment to be faced with her own yami, a bubbly, if enigmatic, girl known only as Rei. Rei insists that Saku talk to Ryou about her problems and about Rei, and Saku, reluctant, agrees. The following day, a worried Ryou shows up at Saku's door, apologising profusely for the previous day's incidents. Saku forgives him and, tentatively, proceeds to tell Ryou about herself and Rei. After listening, Ryou leaves. The next day in school, Ryou apologises for leaving, but Saku tells him that she understands, and that Bakura was probably making quite a fuss about it, anyway. Ryou denies this, saying that he was 'quiet as a mouse the entire time'. Saku becomes suspicious, recalling that Rei had been quiet as well. After class, the teacher announces that the next period is Gym. After getting permission from the teacher, Saku and Ryou 'cut' class, using the opportunity to purchase a uniform for Saku. The two then spend the afternoon deciding how to get rid of Rei and Bakura, and enjoying scones in a bakery. Saku returns home that evening to find herself facing a very annoyed Rei, who demands to know where Saku has been, and then claims that she'd been at home all day, rather than with Saku. Suspicious, Saku goes to bed. Two days later, Saku approaches Ryou, saying that Saturday's got to be the day for getting rid of Rei and Bakura. Together, they realize that the two yamis are working together. Meanwhile, in the Shadow Realm, Bakura is busy inflicting damage on Rei and, simultaneously, Saku. In the real world, Saku feels a sharp pain in her chest and collapses, unconcious, on the ground, and a panicking Ryou carries her home. Saku wakes up in an entirely new place, and finds it to be her mind, with two rooms: one for her soul, and one for Rei's. Rei approaches Saku, and proceeds to tell Saku her own story, revealing her name to actually be Sesaat. Waking up, Saku sees Ryou watching her intently and asks for him to bring her a spellbook from her room. Ryou complies, and, with Sesaat/Rei's help, Saku reads a spell that seperates her from Rei/Sesaat and Ryou from Bakura. Afterwards, though, the two are a little surprised to find that the spell actually gave them their own, seperate bodies!