Hey it's me! I just started out a few hours back and thought of this! I got inspired by other user here, this one features most of the sonic characters and a few OC anyway, This one is going to take a long time to finish and I hope that you all have the patience for it! When I start another one I won't talk to you like this I'd probably just start right away or tell you an update of when the next one will be posted k? I just read one of these that someone else here posted. This will give me something to do while I'm on here and have nothing to do! Well I guess I should you go now enjoy!(By the way this one is going to be short because there is something wrong with my computer)

Sonic: Age of 17

Tails: Age of 15

Knuckles: Age of 19

Shadow: No age O.o

Rouge: Age of 19

Cream: Age of 12

Eggman(If he shows): Age of 30

Metal: Age Unknown o.o

Omega: Age Unknown

Espio: Age of 18

Vector:Age of 22

Charmy: Age of 13

Shade the Unknown: Infinite

Sanic: Age of 17

"The calm before the storm"


"Sonic...the fastest thing alive huh?" A dark figure in the alley spoke to itself in anger as if Sonic was a fraud. "He thinks he knows speed huh? Well, I'll show him otherwise!" The figure laughed in a way that you could not apprehend. Then walked deeper into the shadows and disappeared into the night without a trace.

--Sonic's House--

"Haaaaawwww! This is boring...why won't you let me leave tails?" a sigh came from across the room. "Sonic...you ALWAYS leave...you never talk to me anymore and you always..." to sonic this would sound like..."Blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, SONIC!" "WHOA!" He fell out of his seat and plummeted to the ground face first. " Ow...what the hell tails...that hurt..." Another sigh came from inside the tornado "You were not listening to me that's why..." Sonic ran over to the Tornado as fast as ever but a little more angry. "I'm going to sleep now! It's 1 am Goodnight!" He speeded off to his room leaving tails alone.

"Well...I guess I should sleep too got to prepare for the next day" The little kitsune retied to his bed as well following sonic lead to dreams what DID await them the next day you'll have to wait no that later!

Sukani: So you like?
Sonic: Whatever
Shadow: I wasn't in this one...was I? TT
Sukani: Nope!
Tails: That was cool! Well some of it ;
Sukani: Catch ya later folks!!