It's over!! MY anguish over this thing is officially over!!How hte fuck did a one shot-shot manage to run into all this? I apologise for the long long wait but trust me, it is worth it. You have no idea the effort i put into this thing. I came up with three different intros that all sucked so, on a whim, i wrote a poem. Poetry is something i haven't really tried before so i had an exerieced friend help me out. I kept changing my mind about small detials too. I even wrote some while at work when ppl weren't looking. THat's hard todo in a bakery. But it's here!! I can finally sleep again!! Enjoy.

Silence. Silent. Silence

Wisp. Boom. Roar

Thy sand rolls along the golden dunes

For now forever quiet until wind disturbed thy grains

Thy sand whistled in joy

Thy sand sung in harmony

Wisp. Boom. Roar

Thy gold became black

Demons of the sand fall far

When monsters of thy darkest past rise to consume thy sole

Sun beams erupt

Thy eyes open

Wind, you came to me before dark could take me away

But you are Wind.

When you come close, won't I roll away?

"Naruto, you sure you want to do this?" Temari could almost strangle herself with the silence. Bad enough Gaara had locked himself away in his office these last three days but having a silent Naruto was risking the natural balance of universe! Any minute now a gaping hole should appear to rip reality apart. Instead, Naruto just placed a shaky hand over the door knob with an anxious Temari and oblivious Kankuro behind him. There was an important and very delicate matter ahead of Naruto. Temari had her suspicions about what had happened. Kankuro, being the only one not in the loop, had basically no clue what was going on. Temari had reached the top of the stairs before he had the day they heard that horrible scream. All Kankuro saw was his sister holding the knucklehead back. It didn't take a genius to figure out something happened with Gaara but right now it was going to take a miracle to figure out what was going on from the neglected point of view.

Naruto continued to shake from finger tip to shoulder. The image of Gaara's angered face just kept flashing over his vision, terrifying him to the very core at the thought of seeing it again. But, this had to be dealt with. For Gaara's health at least and Naruto's peace of mind at the most.

As soon as the click of the door signalled it was closed, Temari and Kankuro pressed their ears against it. Temari's lips tightened as a trickle of sweat fell from her forehead.

"Geez, Temari. You look like the fight of the century's about to happen in there. C'mon, those two are actually close friends. How bad a fight could it be?" It was a stupid question really and he knew it. Gaara hadn't left his office for nearly a full three days and nights now. The only people who had been in were Temari and himself and that was barely more than a second to dump more paper on the desk. The Kazegage was requesting more paper work. On those few occasions they had been allowed in, their little brother looked worse for wear each day. Had he been eating? Or even drinking? It also looked like he hadn't slept in a while either. Their brother's body had grown comfortable to regular sleep, sudden deprivation was draining the little colour he had in his face and couldn't be very safe if he kept it up any longer.

When Temari didn't answer, he just went back to listening through a thick door. Only faint grumbles could be heard in their ears but that meant what was happening on the other side had to be pretty loud to get through just that much. Suddenly, Temari and Kankuro jolted away from the door as it shook with a loud thud. The thundering sound of what had to be furniture crashing quickly followed. War cries murmured throughout the walls, with no sign a stopping any time soon. By this point, the elder siblings would have burst through the door and, at least, prevent an onslaught. However, to their dismay, the door was locked. Immediately they both slammed their shoulders into it. Not even a centimetre of give. Something was blocking it. That something tickled their bare toes. Two pairs of eyes widened in unison as they saw puddles of sand seeping out from the gap beneath the door and floor. Although it wasn't as strong as it was before, Gaara still retained some of his sand manipulating abilities. It was astounding what he was still capable of without the tailed beast inside him but would he really be that mad at Naruto to use it against him? They couldn't take the chance that Naruto could handle himself in there; that door was coming down and now! Unfortunately they only forceful equipment they had with them was one of Kankuro's new make-shift bomb puppets he'd been working on. It would attract the attention of every Jounnin nearby but it was either that or a dead blonde.

The device was no bigger than a child's toy. Small and simple but packed a hell of a wallop. The fuse was lit, smoke sizzled, hands covered ears-KABOOM! When the smoked cleared a tiny recess could be seen between the frame and the door, trickles of sand pouring down from it. They sprung to their feet, bolting for the door with all their might. Sand splashed into the air as the door fell heavily to the floor. The majestic desk had been tossed across the room, the grand chair missed two legs and a giant black blob where a ink bottle connected with the wall dribbled black streams from the pale walls to the floor. But, no Gaara. Or Naruto.


Despite the office's lack of size and the amount of clutter that filled it, Naruto could still hear the thundering click of the of the door lock echo like an endless cave. He had turned his back as he came through the door, still trembling at the thought of what was about to ensue.

"Get out of here" Naruto's breadth hitched. His shoulders tensed tighter than the rocky boulders of the outback and he could already feel the sweat forming on his forehead. But, there was still hope. Gaara's voice wasn't nearly as harsh as Naruto had expected. Maybe he'd calmed down?

"No" Naruto said with a quiver in his throat. "I'm not going…not until I talk to you"

"You've talked. Now get out." Careful. He's already getting mad. One wrong step and things could get ugly. This couldn't be put off though. Gaara was Naruto's closest friend and well…they were intimate too. Something like this happening between them isn't an excuse to shove all they've shared under the rug.

It took every ounce of Uzumaki gut to turn and take those five bold steps up to Gaara's desk. He'd only taken three steps when the Kazekage stood up, slamming his hands on the table. Their eyes made contact. The past three days had not been kind to the red head; years of insomnia suddenly forced to work overtime after adjusting to sleep had left Gaara's skin to turn into a sickly pale tone. The rims around his eyes must have lightened at some point because now the pitch black sky of the evening sky would have trouble competing with these dark bags. It didn't look like the Kazekage had much strength in him either; the slight weight he was forcing on his arms was causing the elbows to wobble a little. However, he held his gaze with Naruto. The Uzumaki had better pick up on the warning soon. Unfortunately, he didn't. He had just raised his left foot-

"I said get out!" The Kazekage must have had some strength in him because at that moment he leapt from his desk! He threw himself at Naruto, slamming them both into the door. Naruto gnashed his teeth when the back of his head whacked hard against the thick exterior of the door. He had a split second to feel something sizzle behind his back before Gaara pulled his back to take a swing at the startled blonde. Natural ninja instincts kicked in, telling Naruto to spring his legs forward into Gaara's stomach. However, that hadn't removed Gaara grip on his jacket which meant they were both sent flying back at the desk. Their weight and speed caused it to topple over . Naruto tried to get his back on his feet but not before Gaara tackled him again. There was a moment where all the blonde could register were the papers flying over him as he soared half way across the office. His back took the brunt of the fall, taking the air right out his lungs. He suddenly realised he couldn't move his arms, they'd been pinned to the floor by solid sand! When he dared to look up, the first thing he saw was Gaara's fist crashing towards him. Oh, this is gonna hurt. The impact never came though. It was the massive thud next to his ear that made him open his eyes again. Gaara had slammed his fist into the floor, no more than an inch away from Naruto's face. Gaara's heavy breadth fell over Naruto's cheeks, he looked ready to pass out any moment.

"Why?" he croaked. "Why did I let myself get so attached to you?" His lungs drew in large breadths. "I knew you weren't going to stay. I knew even before all this even started. But I still let it happen" Even though Gaara's voice was no more than a dry whisper from lack of hydration, Naruto caught every word of it. He lay motionless, worried if he moved or even made a noise Gaara wouldn't let himself out. The red head's eyes were shut tight, his jaw clenched firmly and fist digging deeper into the hardwood. "Just lie to me already!" What? "Just say you'll stay here. I know you won't but just say it!" He lowered his body onto Naruto's, burying his face into the cotton padding of his chest. "Please. I need it"

Naruto soon felt the sand restraints begin to weaken around his wrists, slowly turning into puddles of dust. When the gave way, Naruto cautiously wrapped both arms around his exhausted friend. In hope of keeping Gaara calm, Naruto gently kneaded his knuckles into the back of the red head's neck. The coarse bristles brushed between his fingers.

"Have I ever lied to you before?" There was no verbal answer but Naruto took the silence as Gaara's own response. "I don't lie to my friends, Gaara. Especially not to you"

Gaara tried to shrug Naruto's arms off when he attempted to sit up. All he could muster though was to lift his heavy head.

"It's the Uchiha, isn't it? He's the reason why you won't stay" he stated blankly, probably because he didn't have the energy to say it any other way. It wasn't really a matter of 'won't stay', it was more like he couldn't. Naruto's life, friends, those he considered family were all back in leaf. His dream to be a Kage, just like Gaara, was in Konoha. It's his home.

There was the definite temptation though. To be by Gaara's side day and night. To sleep in the same bed together, maybe even carry out rough missions together. It all seemed so clean cut. However, there was still a piece of Naruto missing out there. Even if he decided right now to stay in the Sand until his dying days, he wouldn't feel complete without….oh.

"Gaara, do you think Sasuke means more to me than you?" There was a sudden twitch at the mention of that name. "You…you idiot!" The suddenly furious fox roughly grabbed Gaara by the shoulders and sat himself and the red head up so that they were looking each other straight in the eye. Blonde eyebrows furrowed in anger. "Why would you think that?!" Gaara hung there in Naruto's grip. He'd never seen his friend this worked up before, not since they first fought. Those bright blue eyes he once seen filled with dessert moonlight seemed to be morphing right before him. The grip on his arms suddenly vanished. Gaara quickly recognised the familiar attempt to fight off a demon sized headache. The poor blonde clutched his forehead tightly, as if he could actually grasp the throb forming behind his right eye. "Gaara…"he groaned. "Sasuke, means a lot to me. Ever since I met him, I've always wanted to beat him. To show everyone that I deserved the same respect as an Uchiha." Gaara continued to stare with tight lips. The headache must have settled a little since Naruto rest both his hand on his lap. The blonde stared at them but didn't really appear to be looking at them. "I nearly did beat him but, it was to save him. And I couldn't do it. He'd never admit it but, he's just like us. He wants his name remembered in his own way." Why would he want that? He's already got the legendary name. Gaara may not know much about sentiment but he could see selfish a mile off. "I always thought saving Sasuke would mean more to me than anything. Gaara-" He looked up again, a stern and serious look taking over his features. "When you died I thought nothing would take away that pain I felt. You're…you're the closest friend I ever had and some bunch of bastards took that away from me. But you came back." Gaara suddenly felt light headed and winded all at once. "I'm happy. Happier than I ever have been. Because of you" Naruto's eyes clenched tightly. "I want Sasuke to feel like this too. I want someone to love him just like I-" KABOOM!


When the dust cleared a crevasse appeared in the corner of the door. Temari shot straight forward like a mouse darting for the hole in the wall. She could only squeeze half way through though. Right above her head was the door knob and covering were the layers of sand she had once grown accustomed to seeing. If this were the old Gaara or three days when he would be at full strength, there would be nope of getting that door open. Thankfully the odd were in favour of the older sibling. Her right hand clawed away at the layers of stubborn crystals blocking the door frame. Crusts of gold and black fell over her face but she kept of scrambling until it looked enough had come loose. Kankuro was ready on the other side. Once he saw his sister affirmative eyes he crashed into the door once again. They both stood in the door way, not quite sure what to do now that they had actually past this part. When they finally processed the room was in complete disarray the realised no-one was in the room. Or so they thought.

"What the fuck was that?!" Flailing arms and a blonde top gave Naruto away but where was Gaara? Oh god, he didn't jump out the window did he? Not in his condition? Two breadths sighed simultaneously when they found their trouble making brother hiding behind the toppled over desk with Naruto, completely out cold.


What a relief it would be on life if we could forever remain in a dreamless sleep. Or to have those precious, completely unaware seconds we wake up with every day to last for eternity. Sadly, life loves to be cruel. Sleep is only a period of rest from the conscious world. Sooner or later, we all must face our lives once again. Gaara's life began when he opened his drained eyes to an empty room. To be able to experience a dream for one night would be glorious. To wake up with a feeling of pleasant memories instead of the reoccurrence of one's truly foolish behaviour. As if sensing his friend's wallowing thoughts, Naruto appeared at the door.

He peered at Gaara. "Hey, how you feeling?" He asked tentatively. Tension seemed to spindle wildly throughout the room like a chaotic spider. Gaara did not reply, only coiled himself within the folds of the duvet cover. Naruto swallowed deeply and slowly came to the bedside, knelling on the floor. He couldn't see Gaara's head or face but he bravely put unsteady hand where he would have felt those dry locks between his fingers.

"I'm sorry. I made a fool out of myself because I was jealous. I let him get to me"


"Yashamaru, my uncle. I let him hurt me again. He's dead. I know that for sure but, it was like he was right next to me. I'm truly sorry, Naruto" There really wasn't much to say in a situation like this. All Naruto could think to do was to caress his fingers into the blanket, to reassure his friend that everything was really ok. A pale hand peeked out from beneath and lightly clutched Naruto's. Gaara still kept his face hidden as he took Naruto's hand into the sheets, took one of the fingers and popped it into his mouth.

It was awkward having to stretch his right arm over his left but the blonde softly pulled away the concealing fabric to see his friend, quite adorably, sucking on his indent finger. Fuck, that's sweet he thought to himself. Naruto almost wished he could pull a trick like that off.

"What's that for?"

"Jusf fhelt like it" Gaara mumbled with the finger still inside his mouth. Naruto's cheeks blushed and rose with a wide grin. Soon enough his grin turned into parted lips as Gaara suddenly kissed him. His lips were dry as old parchment but set off a pleasant warmth inside the blonde's gut. "I like feeling this way with you" Naruto took Gaara by the chin and pressed their mouths together again. There was still that cute uncertainty in Gaara's lips; the way they seemed to ask for more yet kept tightly closed at the sensation of something so new against them. Weight from the blonde was pushed into the red head, bringing them both into the mattress where Naruto could let his hands explore. He wanted touch every piece of Gaara, let him know how each part would feel when Naruto touched it. It would be tender and careful, almost like a pair of newlyweds. Fantasy only lies in the eyes of the beholder though. Just when Naruto lifted his face away he was roughly pulled in again by the neck and was quickly devoured by Gaara's sudden hunger for him. This wild desire made Gaara push himself up so that he was sitting up with Naruto straddling him. Lungs quickly burned for air and panted heavily when given the chance.

"Again. I want to feel it again, Naruto. But….more. Just like you said." Naruto could almost hear the cogs turning inside that, probably blood starved, brain of Gaara's. "Sex. You meant sex, didn't you?"

"You….know what that is right?" Gaara just nodded. "I mean…you know….you didn't exactly know about other stuff so….."

"I was taught reproduction, not affection or pleasure." He tugged on Naruto's white T-shirt, letting his hand wander inside it. "You showed me that. I want to know more of it." That wandering hand found the centre of Naruto's back and pulled him closer. "Do me" Those two little words created an unbelievable arousal inside Naruto. Screw sissy sex. This was too hot to waste.

He lunged. Full on frontal attack. Their bodies bounced against the mattress at the force of the kiss. Naruto held Gaara's face in his hand while he smothered the red head. He frantically yanked off his shirt, barely breaking contact as he did so. Pretty soon, lips were no longer the limit. He had to find more. Suddenly feeling grateful that he had taken off Gaara's robe prior to putting him to bed, he quickly removed Gaara's light vest. A flick of tongue against the corner Gaara's lip turned into a sweep along the jaw. Suckles and nips on an open neck became a teasing of the coaler bone. Gaara fought the pulsing warmth inside him. He wanted to take part in this more. He craved the sensations Naruto caused in him but wanted to have a little control over himself. He is a kazekage after all. He clutched the hands now resting by his shoulder and brought them to his chest, position the fingers over his nipples. He tried to speak but his voice had resided somewhere deep inside him. Luckily, Naruto picked up on the hint. He took one of the already hardened nubs and pinched it between his thumb and forefinger.

"You liked this that night right?" He whispered above. "I could tell. Did you like this?" While crafty hands worked magically over sandy, erect buds, a skilled and wet muscle danced inside Gaara's reddening ear. So much heavenly stimulation was being blessed over Gaara's body but he still wanted more. And more he got, when he felt the shape of Naruto's erection press firmly against his own. Naruto's hips rolled back and forth lake a tide of sand being pulled in two directions.

"Naruto, yours has gotten big" God! How can he make that sound so fucking cute? Naruto ground his pelvis in harder, hovering his head above Gaara's as if to breadth in those sweet moans. Gaara's hands took a life of their own. He hooked his thumbs into the loose fabric of his slacks. However, he couldn't quite lift his legs to pull them off his position so he had to wiggle around. Little did he know that his actions were already sending a horny fox into an even wilder frenzy. Underwear waist band quickly caught Naruto's attention. Fevered memories were flashing over his eyes. Memories of Gaara's lying beneath him like this; sprawled out with his creamy skin just beckoning to be tasted. While giving Gaara room to strip, Naruto did the same thing, never taking his eyes away. A question suddenly popped into Naruto's head which, he hadn't realised 'till now would be so awkward.

"Gaara? You got any…..lube" He stammered. "Or cream or something around here" Kind of a stupid question. Like Gaara would keep that kind of stuff when he just discovered stuff just a week ago? To the blonde's surprise though, Gaara reached over the small drawers by the bed and pulled out a small, triangular bottle.

"You mean this?" Naruto just stared in complete awe and the black and red labelled product.


A tiny voice called out from some region Naruto wasn't really sure he should hear from.. Just take and ask questions later, dumbass. Don't complain when he has what you asked for!

Ignoring and complying at the same time, Naruto took the bottle and squeezed a generous dollop of red gel onto his palm. He took the base of Gaara's cock and began to spread the crimson goo, silently marvelling at how well it blended with Gaara's maroon curls. Those slick hands caused the red head's hips to buck against his will. Legs unintentionally spread wider when slathered finger tips teased his slit in playful circles and his jaw struggled to keep in the sultry moans. Words started to slip out of their own accord.

"More……Na…Naruto" He wasn't quite sure what to expect but, having his legs pushed to the point where his knees touched his chest wasn't something he would have guessed. Suddenly the position of his legs wasn't a concern when he felt something wetter much lower.

Naruto's tongue was spoiled with the taste of strawberries. Seeing that delicious looking mess just ooze between Gaara's legs was simply appetising. He flicked his eager muscle at the exposed entrance, not leaving a spot untouched. Soon enough his fingers felt the need to join in, finding their way past the initial boundaries and deep within the caverns depths. Naruto lost track of the number of gasps. (Like he was really counting to begin with) After a while it felt like Gaara's muscles had stretched well and were loose enough to let more than fingers in. He gently tilted the red head to his side and lay behind him, pulling Gaara's body close so that they were chest to back.

"You're going to put yours in me right?" Came a yearning pant. "Shouldn't I be on all fours?"

"This position's better first time." He guided himself towards Gaara's rear end, slickly sliding himself between those moistened cheeks. "It'll barely hurt, I promise"

"How do you now that?" A sudden silence followed and it wasn't arousal that made the Uzumaki's cheeks blush bright red. "Naruto," he said firmly, "how do you know that?" It may have been excess jealously still wanting to fuck things up or just a sudden strong curiosity, regardless, something told Gaara to brake free and find out now. He had Naruto pinned by the shoulders and looked at him with what could only be described as a combination of lust and annoyance. The blonde couldn't quite look him the eye but told him nonetheless: "I've….uh…tried it" He squeaked out that last part.

"With who?" Naruto really couldn't blame Gaara for reacting this way. But how the fuck would he react when he found out Naruto had been practising sex with- "Who?"

"Myself" He said with tightly shut eyes. "No-one'sreallylookedatmethewayyoudo. I'dneverevenkissedanyonebeforeyouandIwascurioustoknowwhatstuffwouldfeellikesoImadeclonestofindout!" Most of that came out as one gigantic, slur but Gaara picked out what he needed to hear. Naruto is Naruto. Selfish as it may seem, as long as Naruto only cared about Gaara the way he did now, he couldn't really care what the blonde did behind a closed door.

Naruto opened his embarrassed eyes again when he felt Gaara's weight leave him. The red head returned to the position Naruto had placed him in, only this time, he gave a half lidded glance over his shoulder while clutching on his ass cheeks and spreading it open.

"I'm curious too" Dammit! There he goes again with that cute act. Ah, who cares at this pint anymore.?

Gaara was warm inside. No, he was blazing. His insides clamped tightly as the tube of flesh penetrated the muscular walls.

"It's….in" He muttered hotly. How could so much sensation be found through such a simple movement? A massive wave of inferno burned it's way through Gaara's being from the tip of his nose to the soles of his feet. Naruto was inside him. It felt too amazing to even comprehend yet, there was still something more to discover. He could feel it. The desire to have it told him to bring him arm around Naruto' back just like how the blonde had an arm wrapped around his chest. His mind was swimming but he had enough coherent thought to push against Naruto's back. He wasn't quite sure what it was meant to achieve but it was there somewhere.

Having, what could be called, experience Naruto managed to interpret his friends sloppy actions. There was an almost displeased groan as he pulled himself out but, he knew how to quickly fix that. The arm around Gaara's torso was used to flip the red head over and land him on top of the blonde's chest. A little gyration of the hips gave away to Uzumaki's intentions.

"Show me what you like" A divine, porcelain hand took hold the dark, aroused flesh prodding his cheeks and let it become sheathed inside once again all the way to the hilt. Gaara's hands fell back to grab Naruto's thighs as his back curled at feeling of being so full.

"I…I think I hit something, Naruto!" His body shivered all over but not from cold. It was like he had pressed something to send his body trembling with pleasure. Naruto gave his hips a quick upward nudge.

"Ah! Naruto! That was….good" The Kazekage's vocabulary seemed to be slipping further away from him but, 'good' was definitely the way to describe it. Especially, that angelic white trail of cum glowing brightly down the underside of his swollen member. Gaara placed his left hand on the wall, steadying himself for something he could just feel would be something glorious.

Naruto couldn't help but grip Gaara's hips tighter and tighter each time his cock was swallowed. Every time that wonderful heat rolled away from him he pulled it right back in. Each pelvic thrust caused both of them to moan aloud in ecstasy. Tightly wound up coils threatened to spring loose inside them. Both were close. So desperately close. Out of the blue, Naruto threw his body forward, causing Gaara's arms to spread wide across the crumpled sheets as his body lay flat with sweat glistening across it. Naruto grabbed both Gaara's legs and pinned to his ribs like the handles of a wheel barrow. Gaara writhed and squirmed as powerful thrusts slammed into him over and over again.

"I can feel it!!" That swelling bubble was growing inside him again. Any moment he'd feel it again. It just needed that little extra push. He grasped his own aching flesh, wildly tugging and jerking until that sweet, glorious bliss would sweep his body away to the place where no thought existed. Two backs arched into C's almost simultaneously as their orgasms popped. Hot, fiery liquid shot deep inside Gaara, filling him to the point of where it was spilling out of him and soaking the sheets. Naruto legs wobbled at the knees like spaghetti trying to stand on end. He collapsed into a heavy, sticky mess but a mess that came with a panting red head.

"I don't think…I'll ever get used to that" he puffed. Naruto smiled to himself and nuzzled into Gaara's neck.

"Your not supposed to" He rolled off; chest heaving and eyes staring dizzily at the ceiling. He suddenly felt his hand being gently grasped into a soft embrace.

"I heard the after glow is supposed to be the best part of sex. I believe it now" Those words sounded strangely familiar.

I heard that the fear of being caught is supposed to heighten the pleasure.

The blonde tried to ask as innocently as possible. "Where did you hear that?" The distinctive sound of hissing sand could be heard rolling around on the floor below them. A drawer was opened and sandy tentacle held a black book above Gaara. He reached for it and passed it along.


If he had the energy, Naruto would have leapt up so high he would have cracked his head against the ceiling.

"Where'd this come from?" he asked nervously.

"Your friend, Sai gave it to me. He said every man should know how to use their penis to their full potential. It came with that bottle" A sudden queasy feeling took over Naruto's stomach which caused him to toss the book across the room. When the day came when he had to return to his mission, Sai will wonder how several of paint brushes have handles but no bristles. Until then, he'd curl up next to his friend-lover. Suddenly a rumble echoed from inside Gaara.

"I'm hungry"

"I could go for something myself." He gave Gaara a peck to the forehead. "No brownies though"

Well, there is was. Did you all enjoy? Just to let you all know i have been working on a couple of pictures to go with this too. So there will be another chap upload soon showing the link if anyone is interested I thank everyone of you for being part of this project. You can no onger threaten me with you update requests!! HAHAHAHAHAHa tired.