One night, very late, I decided that there aren't enough female arrancar, let alone strong female arrancar. So, I made one. I hope this doesn't dissappoint.

Ulquiorra made his way toward the large training room, thinking about the instructions that Aizen had given him earlier that day. He'd been instructed to hone the abilities of a particular arrancar. He'd been warned that his patience might be tried with this particular arrancar and that was the only indication of its nature he'd received. He attempted to question his master further in order to prepare but was shooed away.

He entered the facility and, thinking he was alone, he paced about the room, waiting for the other to appear. After a few minutes there was a giggling coming from one of the darker corners of the room. He stopped his pacing and turned toward the sound to find a pair of red eyes watching him. He placed his hand on the hilt of his sword and waited as the figure in the shadows emerged. He was a little surprised by the figure. It was very female, just shorter than he, with long black hair. Her mask was a jagged tiara that circled her head. She wore a tank top with a plunging neckline, revealing the hole in her throat in much the same place as his. Her grin never wavered as she approached him, skipping. She stopped only inches from him and looked curiously up into his emotionless green eyes.

"Who are you?" he demanded as he took a step back and took his hand off his sword.

"I am Midori. Aizen-sama told me if I waited here long enough, he'd send me a playmate," she giggled, hopefully eyeing him. "Who are you?"

"Ulquiorra. Aizen-sama sent me here to train another arrancar. Please leave."

She gave him a displeased look and didn't budge.

"I have no time to waste on inconsequential underlings. Leave," he ordered again.

"I don't like your verbiage," she complained and stepped toward him.

"That doesn't matter. This is the last time I'll tell you to leave. Then, I will use force."

She smiled at him again. "That's right! Let's play that game. It sounds fun!" she skipped around him playfully.

Ulquiorra allowed the slightest irritation to cross his features before he reached out to strike the woman. He was surprised when she a flash step to flit away from him. She giggled when he missed. "You're going to have to try harder than that!" she playfully scolded.

This continued for several minutes before she landed only inches behind him. "You can't sense my raietsu…my movements, can you?"

"I can't sense something that isn't there," he insulted, assuming that because he didn't sense her when he entered and still could not sense her, that she had no spiritual pressure worth sensing.

"Maybe it's just too much for you to sense…" she suggested as she dodged another blow.

"I doubt that."

"Then why can't you catch me?"

He didn't reply, he simply tried to go after here once again.

"This is boring," she complained, easily dodging another blow.

"I'm not here to entertain you," he complained.

"How 'bout we make this more interesting? If I catch you, then I get to stay but if you catch me, then I will leave."

"I don't have time to play games with you!" he scolded.

"Then you should catch me quickly," she suggested.

Over the next several minutes, as he continued in his attempts to make her leave, he began to get the distinct impression that she was just playing around, toying with him. It also appeared she was starting to get bored once again. He turned to strike her again, missing, and turned back to find her only inches from him. Suddenly, she tackled him to the ground and straddled his waist.

"I caught you!" she told him victoriously. "That means I get to stay."

He violently pushed her off and she landed with a thump next to him.

"That was very rude. I'll have to ask Aizen-sama for a nicer playmate next time," she pouted.

"I told you. I am not here to play with you."

She jumped on him again, pinning his shoulders to the hard, stone floor.

Just then, the door to the facility opened once again. It was Aizen and he was smiling.

Ulquiorra pushed her off again and stood to bow to his master.

She too stood but instead of bowing she gave Ulquiorra an odd look and Aizen a smile.

"Ah, Ulquiorra, I was hoping to introduce you two myself but it seems you have already met."

"Yes, she was here while I was waiting for the arrancar that you wanted me to train." Ulquiorra explained. He couldn't help the appalled look he gave her when she skipped up to their master.

Aizen affectionately patted her on the head and played with her hair. "She is the arrancar I'd like you to train."

"Train?" she sounded appalled. "That is no fun at all. You told me I'd have a playmate!" she complained childishly. "Besides, he can't even sense me. Are you sure he's an espada?" She squinted at the green-eyed arrancar.

Ulquiorra was thoroughly insulted but said nothing.

"I am quite sure, dear. I numbered him myself as I number all my powerful arrancar, you know that."

She eyed the dark-haired man suspiciously but did not argue.

"I'm sure Ulquiorra was holding back so as not to harm you, he didn't even draw his sword on you so I can hardly assume he was trying. Besides, you were hiding, weren't you? That's hardly fair. If you'd stop hiding from him, he might take you more seriously." Aizen suggested. "Now, I have other things to do." He left as quickly as he entered, closing the door behind him and leaving them alone once again.

"So, you are my playmate," she marveled as she approached him again.

"I am your trainer and you will respect that," Ulquiorra attempted to reassert his dominance over the situation once again.

She sighed in resignation. "I suppose I should since it is Aizen-sama's request…" At that decision, she stopped masking her energy and allowed him to feel it in full force.

"That…energy…I've felt it before. It's you? Why haven't I seen you around before?" He asked accusingly.

"You really need to work on your manners," she chided. "I've seen you around. It's not my fault you haven't noticed me. Don't worry. I don't believe many of the others have noticed me either. So, what will we play now?"

"As I've told you, I am not here to play games with you. Now, I would like to see more of your abilities. What else are you capable of besides hiding your raietsu?"

"It's no fun if I just show you," she complained.

He gave her am impatient stare.

"Fine," she whined.

He felt her energy surge and then the strange sensation of it boosting his own. He liked the way that felt. Her energy was warm and it mingled with his own. "That's very interesting."

"You think that's good, check this out," she grinned mischievously and pulled her energy back from him along with quite a bit of his.

He glared but gave her an impressed nod. "That's very good, now return my energy so we can continue."

"I'm not finished yet." She repeated the process, forcing his energy as well as a fair portion of hers own back into him before withdrawing it almost completely. She continued with increasing in strength and speed. Energy rushing into him and then being drawn back out, it was likely the most nauseating feeling he'd ever felt. She giggled when his skin grew even more pale than it normally was.

When he felt she wasn't going to stop, he waited until most of their energy was in him and used every bit of control he had to hold on to it. He was very successful and she appeared weak and irritated that he stopped her.

"That's a reckless tactic. What will you do now that you've given the majority of your energy to your opponent?" he taunted.

"It is still my energy, still under my control even if you have it contained in your body."

"Little good it seems to do you. You can barely stand."

She could tell he was antagonizing her and her eyes narrowed. He suddenly felt very heavy, his legs began to shake, and then he fell to his knees. "At least I can still stand," she countered.

He tried to return to his feet but found he could not. He glared at her and she smirked in return.

"Are you ready to return my energy now? It appears to be weighing you down." She felt him release his control on her energy but she did not remove it from him.

"Take your vile raietsu," he ordered but he could feel her warm energy circulating throughout his body. The sensation was overwhelming. It made him light headed and he still could not return to his feet.

"You are too attached to your control," she accused as she slowly approached him. With him on his knees, his head only came to her waist. "You really need to learn to let go, live a little." She teased as she ran her fingers through his hair.

"I am not here to learn. I am here to teach you," he protested.

"And what can you teach me from your knees?" she asked, her manor becoming increasingly condescending instead of playful.

He wasn't sure which was worse. He wanted to summon Aizen to back him up but he was incapable. He could only look up at her and glare, a scowl becoming imprinted on his normally emotionless features. He was about to say something about how he could teach her a lot about respect and self control but he felt something strange stirring inside himself. It was a churning in the pit of his stomach and he wasn't sure what it was, only that she was the one causing it and that he was glad it wasn't making him nauseous this time. No, this time it was much more pleasant and it was making his mind foggy.

She brushed the back of her hand along his cheek and gave him a pleased smile when a slight flush formed on his skin. She traced one of the lines on his face from his eye down to his jaw with the tip of her middle finger and continued to let it trail down until it reached the zipper at the top of his collar. The corner of his mouth twitched when her finger came near along it's way. It was too dark for her to see it but she could feel it.

"What are you doing?" he asked incredulously.

"I want to see your hollow," she informed as though he should have known.

At first she was disappointed that she didn't get to unzip him very far to find what she was looking for but at the same time she was pleased that they should have that in common. She felt him tense when she ran her fingers along the edges of the hole in his throat.

"Why do you hide this? It is beautiful and it is who you are."

"I do not need to show it off in order to know who I am and beauty means very little to me," though felt unnervingly captivated by her.

She appeared dissatisfied with his response. "Where is your brand?"

"I don't see why that matters." He told her with a sigh of resignation. It was apparent that unless she became distracted, he was to be held in place until she was finished with whatever it was she was doing.

"Fine, be that way." She continued to unzip his shirt in her search. Again, she didn't have to go very far. She pulled the zipper down to the top of his stomach before she saw the black number peak out. Harshly, she pulled his shirt down off his shoulder to reveal the four on his chest. "Four, huh? That's no so bad." Again, she sounded condescending, something he was not very happy about.

"Are you nearly finished?" He asked her impatiently. His body was warm, too warm and he knew it was her fault. As much as he would hate to admit, it was nice to have his overheated skin exposed to the cool air that surrounded them.

She traced the number with the tips of her fingers and watched with delight as goosebumps formed on his skin. "Hm?" she distractedly replied as she noticed his nipple becoming erect. She couldn't help touching it. Surprisingly, he jerked away from her touch as best as he could. It was a violent, involuntary action that would have made him fall flat on his back if she hadn't been holding him in place.

"If you're not going to let me train you, then we should just leave. This is pointless." he scolded as she continued to touch him. Every touch sent electric shocks through his body and toward a certain part of his body. He could feel himself hardening and he couldn't tell if it was his natural reaction to her or if it was due to her manipulation.

She sighed. "But I haven't gotten to show you my favorite ability," she complained. "Don't you want to see exactly what I can do before you try to hone my abilities?"

"I don't see what this has to do with…" his voice caught in his throat when her shin brushed against his erection.

"What have we here?" she asked knowingly and bumped the hard flesh again.

"Release me!" he demanded, renewing his struggle against her.

She giggled. "That's exactly what I intend to do…you just need to be more patient. It's no fun if I release you right away."

She could feel his rage growing but his efforts to dislodge her energy from him and regain control of his body were ineffectual. He'd waited too long to struggle in earnest.

"I will release you, if you do something for me first," she began slyly as she finished removing his shirt. "I'll even allow you to train me if you allow me to finish what we've started here," she told him suggestively.

He didn't reply. He was too angry with himself as well as her for allowing this situation to take place. He couldn't tell what, exactly, she was up to but he was more uncomfortable than he'd ever been. That feeling only increased when she began to toy with his lips. When he didn't voluntarily open his mouth, she used her energy to do it for him. "So stubborn…" she mused. It felt as though she was exploring every inch of his mouth with her fingers and the small sighs of satisfaction she made in response only made him more uneasy. The urge to bite her when she played with his teeth was almost unbearable. He tried unsuccessfully to distract himself from what she was doing by looking up at her, examining her features and looking for a weakness. Her skin was flushed now as well. Her eyes, once bright, shining rubies, were now slightly glazed over and half lidded as she looked down at him. She bit her lip as she ran the soft tips of her fingers along his tongue. Her breathing was heavy now and his perspective was perfect for watching her chest heave and her nipples begin to poke out of the thin fabric of her tank top. She was a rather enticing sight but that was not something he wanted to think about at the moment.

When she withdrew, she tasted his saliva on her fingers, again, making small sounds of satisfaction. He was left to stare up at her in astonishment. When she was finished, she untied her belt and let her pants slide down her legs.

"What are you doing?" he asked, suddenly more concerned than before.

"You have a beautiful mouth. You will use it to bring me pleasure and then I will release you. If you cannot…then I cannot say what will happen." She took another step toward him and hitched her one of her legs over his shoulder.

"And if I simply refuse?" he continued his defiance unaware of how good his heated breath felt on her exposed wetness.

"Then I will leave you here like this for someone else to find and they will do as they please with you," she told him in a heated voice, her fingers tangling in his hair on one side of his head and grasping his broken mask on the other. "I assure you, it will be worth your while to make me come," she pulled him closer and gave a slight moan when his lips brushed her.

Her scent filled his nostrils and it was intoxicating, only adding to the fever he already felt. Tentatively, he flicked his tongue out to taste her. That one small taste was all it took to get him going. She was sweet and hot and already dripping with arousal. Apparently, all of this had been foreplay for her. When his sharp teeth grazed her swollen clit, she gave a strangled cry of pleasure that echoed through the training facility. Her cries rang in his ears and resonated through his body. Every reaction sent wave after electric wave of pleasure to his groin and he began to long for release. He began to lap at her in earnest for a few minutes, making sure to taste every drop that escaped her before diving his tongue deep into her wetness. Her head flew back in a deep moan as he probed her, unable to get enough of her sweet taste. For the most part, she guided his movements with the grip she had on his head but as she came closer to climax she began to use her grip to steady herself as she balanced on one foot and rested much of her weight on his exposed shoulder.

When her balance began to teeter she spoke to him again between heated gasps. "I knew you'd be good at this. I'm going to release your arms. If you let me fall, I will break your neck."

He felt the control return to his upper limbs and he quickly used it to grasp her hips tightly, digging his nails into her skin. The sudden pain mixed with the ongoing pleasure he was giving her was enough to send her tumbling over the edge and she screamed his name when she came flooding into his mouth. When she did, he felt her energy leave him completely and he too found release as he came hard in his pants. Slowly, she withdrew from him and knelt before him on the cold stone floor. They both took a few moments to catch their breath before breaking the silence.

"That was certainly interesting," he barely complimented.

She appeared dazed as her energy began to settle. "I thought you might like that," she giggled a little.

"You could have simply told me what you were doing." He still didn't like the idea of her forcing herself on him even if he did end up enjoying himself.

"If you had been willing, my point would not have been as strongly made. I'm sure you realize that." She touched her hips to find puncture wounds where his nails had dug into her. "You made me bleed," she barely complained.

Of course, he didn't apologize. He was hardly sorry. In fact, there was a portion of him that was quite pleased with that fact. "Put your pants back on," he ordered.

She complied though dissatisfied by the way the blood from her hips stained her pants while he put his shirt back on.

"I assume that is not the only use for that technique," he began as he stood, he legs still just a little shaky.

"No, but it is by far the most amusing…and the least harmful to my 'victim'. I can just as easily make someone's heart explode…well maybe not just as easily if I were up against someone like you but it would definitely be just as easy if it were someone weaker than you," she nearly bragged.

"I see. So, you specialize in energy manipulation."

"Don't we all?" she asked knowingly.

"It will take me the rest of the evening to come up with some training exercises based on your abilities. Meet me here tomorrow at the same time." He straightened his clothes and hair before heading to the door.

She followed him out. "You are a better playmate than I thought you would be. I'm sorry I underestimated you. I realize now that it was rather rude of me."

"It seems I've underestimated you as well. It won't happen again," he warned.

She didn't like his tone. "We'll see about that."

With that, she disappeared along with her raietsu. He knew he had to speak to Aizen about this but he wasn't sure what should be said.