Chapter nineteen: On the eve of battle

Sesshoumaru hated to admit it, but he was restless. As soon as Kagome had left, the gates had come under attack. He was now glad that she had been sent a way; almost. It was clear that it was being attacked for her. Naraku had a plan and he had the jewel. The two together were scary indeed.

A single candle burned in his study; at the time light seemed annoying. The attacks had somewhat stopped after realizing that they would not breach the walls without help. But he was no fool; Naraku was on his way. It was almost as if he could feel it in the air. What was that old human quote "Something wicked this way comes." Well it was certainly the case here.

True to what he was told, Miroku had managed, through the destruction of everyone starting to be attacked, to tell everyone what Yuka had said. First he told Rin when she woke, who had immediately ran to tell Shippou who upon hearing was with Kukyo so told him, Kukyo-amused let it "slip" to Gashunaru, who told Inuyasha when he saw him who got upset and raged on out loud to everyone. Which was how Razu found out.

He was not particularly upset about the gossip wheel at the moment. Being with Kagome was an added a charm. However, he wasn't so sure of how Kagome would act. Although he kept his feelings and emotions at bay, somewhere deep down, he wondered if she would reject the idea of him and her. Now that would upset him.

He stilled and moved his chin up. There was noise down the hall and downstairs. One of two things; another attack or Kagome and Yuka were finally back. He stood knowing that either way he would have to get up.


They were teleported to where they had left. "I don't think that I will ever get use to that." She admitted to him and he nodded weakly.

"Yes well it takes a lot out of me. Please excuse me, I must rest immediately. Please come to inform on anything that happens. The generals are so much harsher then you." He winked and headed off to the direction of the stair cases where the bedrooms were held. She looked around to see that no one was in the lobby entrance of the gates except a few guards.

She sighed wondering if she should go to bed. She shivered at the thought of her dream with Jikoen. He was no longer among the living, but somewhere he was still fighting for her. Just like any good father would do.

Deciding that it would serve no purpose to stay awake and do nothing she followed after where Yuka had gone. What she really wanted was to sink out to the hot spring for a bath; but that would require asking Gashunaru for permission.

She made it to the top floor after several minutes; the gates were completely quiet which was weird. Someone was always awake here and doing something. She was certain that all the generals could not possibly be asleep at the same time.

"You idiot! You're going to get us all killed!" she heard Inuyasha's voice coming up the stairs and stepped into the shadows.

"Well if we don't figure out something we are all going to get ourselves killed." Razu's annoyed voice answered him.

"Yeah I am aware of that Razu. All I'm saying is that was a stupid move when the whole gates is under attack!" Inuyasha stilled suddenly and his eyes darted to where she stood. "What you hiding from?" he asked in the same attitude and she came from the shadows and shrugged dumbly.

"What attacks?" she asked and Inuyasha looked at Razu.

"The gates have been attacked all day. It had just recently stopped." Razu answered and Kagome gave him a nervous glance. In her stomach was a very uneasy and unexplainable feeling.

"Was anyone hurt?" she asked in concern and he shook his head.

"No one that you know."

"That wasn't what I asked." She told him somewhat strictly earning her a surprised look. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you. It's just this war has suddenly become very real to me."

"Feh. Like it wasn't real before?" Inuyasha commented.

"The weight of hope wasn't resting on my shoulders before." She replied coolly and the three feel silent.

"Kagome!" She looked down the stairs to see Shippou.

"Shippou!" she called back with a smile.

"What are you doing on that floor?" Inuyasha asked him suspiciously when he reached their level.

The kit ignored him. "How are you?" Razu laughed at this.

"Coming from Rin's room are you?" Inuyasha growled a little.

"Hey did you'll forget that I have a green light on this?" he said in his defense and Kagome laughed.

The three looked at her, their eyes lighting as if they all had come to the same thought.

"Speaking of green light-"

"-what the hell is this about you and Sesshoumaru-"


She laughed nervously. "I guess Miroku didn't hold his tongue." She said and they all continued to look at her.

"No!" Inuyasha yelled back and she rolled her eyes.

"Calm your little doggie blood down." She told him.

"Indeed." The four turned to see Sesshoumaru down the hall. Kagome's stomach dropped and next to her Shippou tensed.

"Aren't you on duty with Kukyo?" Sesshoumaru asked him and Shippou nodded.

"Yes, I was just taking my break." He said and only bowed before he ran off in a hurry. Inuyasha laughed mockingly

"He is weak!" he said and Razu to laughed.

"Not as weak as you alls defense today. I will say that there have been no attacks since the duty has shifted." Sesshoumaru replied dryly and Inuyasha cursed some under his breath.

"Yea well this sorry excuse for a general made sure of that." Inuyasha replied defensively earning a punch from Razu that sent him into the wall "You-" was all Inuyasha growled before Sesshoumaru cut him off.

"Take this somewhere else. Kagome, follow me."

"Why does she have to go with you?" Inuyasha asked loudly and Sesshoumaru did not grace him with an answer. Kagome shot them a nervous look, but slowly turned to follow Sesshoumaru.

"I think he's a bit cranky." She answered when she could no longer see the two.

"The gates being under attack should make him cranky- as you say it." He answered her broadly and she nodded.

"So…what now?" he lead he further down the hall, pass the hall that lead to his study and towards where her and his bedroom laid.

"Go to sleep." He told her after stopping an equal distance from his room and hers.

Kagome looked at her bedroom door and back to him again. He wasn't meeting her eye, but was instead looking to her door. He seemed more tense. "So you told me to fallow you so I could go to sleep?" he glanced at her and then looked away once again.

"Yes." He answered simply. Why was he acting so strange?

"Okay weirdo." She mumbled and made her way to the door.

Her hand was opening the door when she felt his hand grab her wrist and she found herself pushed up against a wall. The way Sesshoumaru's face was in hers she could not even tell if she was in the hall or her room. And the pressure on her wrist was starting to hurt.

"Sesshoumaru?" she asked through clench teeth. "Hello that hurts!"

Sesshoumaru looked her over carefully. Maybe Inuyasha's nose was not as good as his own, but there something different in her scent. And he didn't like it.

It brought his nose to her neck ignoring her questions and comments. He could not name it. It was just different. Like she was changing. "What happened?" he asked roughly. She stilled and didn't answer causing him to growl.

"Kagome. What happened?" he asked again meeting her wide and slightly confused eyes.

His voice was gentler and the pressure on her wrist slacked. She couldn't find words to answers; mainly because nothing had happened but also because something had happened. He stepped away from her, his eyes never leaving her.

"Your scent is changing." She knew that he was trying to be his stoic self, but he wasn't acting like himself at all. He was still noticeably tense, his jaw was clenched, and his eyes were narrowed as if trying to figure out a puzzle.

She shifted nervously. "Well Sesshoumaru…" she locked eyes with him. "I am changing." She answered softly, saying it more to herself. She walked past him and grabbed clothes from the large closet. She turned to see that he was standing there. Sighing, she pulled the closet shut and changed into sleeping clothes.

Taking a deep breath and trying not to hope that he would still be there. Which he wasn't. She felt her heart sink.

"You didn't answer me." His voice came from deeper in the room. She turned her head to see he was looking at the bookshelf that was close to her bed in interest. Her heart fluttered.

"Yeah I did. I told I was changing." He looked over at her coolly. It didn't seem as tense.

"That can be told by your scent." He said and looked away. Somehow, it didn't matter what she was feeling. In a few days, she wouldn't be here. She couldn't explain how she knew, but she did. The power inside her was like a rising well ready to spill over.

She slowly took a seat on her bed. "Jikoen said that once he triggered the power, then I would be on a countdown. Maybe my scent is changing because soon, that power is going to overtake me." She answered him and he said nothing. A moment of tension passed before he made his way to stand in front of her.

Sesshoumaru knew it had something to do with the Kea Ooki, but her saying it only made him more angry. "How long?" he found himself asking. He watched as she took a deep breath and leaned back on the bed.

"I don't know." She whispered. "But I don't want to talk about it." This much he understood. Smirking and perhaps without thinking, he leaned over her.

"What do you want to talk about then?" he asked her, smiling when she blushed.

"Nothing." She said then widening her eyes she stuttered on. "Well not that we shouldn't talk opposed to doing something else- but not that you want to do something else." She smiled and his own widened.

"And what would be something else?" he leaned closer into her and she blushed deeper. He liked making her blush he realized.

She smiled. "Sleeping?" She watched as his smile faded slightly but his lips were still upturned.

"Very well." He told her and he stood and moved to the further side of the bed looking at her before settling into it; under the covers. She gaped at him moving herself into proper sleeping position also. "You wanted to sleep did you not?" he asked in a teasing voice and she nodded.

"Yeah but I didn't know you were going to sleep with me." The two fell silent, lost in thought. "Sesshoumaru what is this?" she asked finally unable to hold back any longer. Golden eyes full of emotion met hers.

He leaned over to her till his face was over hers. "What do you want it to be?" he asked so softly. His eyes had turned soft also and…hopeful?

She sighed. "I'll be gone soon." She admitted and his hand came to her cheek. He brought his cheek to her own.

"I do not want you to go." Her eyes widened at the tone of his voice. He was angry and hurt. He sounded lost and frustrated.

"I don't want to either, but it's just how it has to be." She wondered if she should tell him there was hope. How would he take it? Would he care? It was obvious that he felt something for her, but what if she did not survive? Would it affect him?

His golden eyes once again met hers. "You don't understand. I do not want you to go." His voice had more of an edge and she felt herself tear up.

"Make me understand." She said softly. She really did want to understand. She needed to see him now. See the very core of him before it was too late. Maybe just maybe if she saw who he was underneath she would have enough strength to fight on when the time came.

Sesshoumaru was conflicted. Didn't she know that he had already said so much? Reveled enough. Couldn't she understand that. But he didn't blame her; there was more than he was putting off.

"Kagome…" how could he explain? And then she surprised him; she brought her head up to kiss him. He applied pressure until her head was resting on the pillow again. The kiss was innocent and sweet; just like Kagome was. They broke for air.

"Kagome I need you to stay." The words left him before he could hold them back. Him need someone? Never. But it was true; he knew it. Half of him hoped she would reject him. If she did then he might be able to move on. But if she didn't then there was no stopping his feelings. She was right; soon she would be gone and none of this would matter. But he could not let her go. Even if he wanted to he could not leave her now.

A tear fell from her eye and he growled softly. "But I can't stay…" she said weakly and he put his forehead to hers.

"And if you could?" he couldn't believe his words, but this was what Kagome did to him. Made him lose his precious control; and secretly he liked that the most.

Kagome was trying not to cry she took a deep breath. She was shocked at his words and then at the same time she wasn't. She was so happy and then so much more depressed.

"What good will it do?" she asked trying to look away but he only directed her eyes to once again look into his.

"There must be a way." She stilled. She couldn't keep the hope from him; but what if she didn't survive. "What is it?" he asked, surely sensing her uneasy.

Sesshoumaru brought his nose down to her neck and inhaled her scent. How long before he wouldn't be able to smell that lovely scent?

"I can't make any promises." She said softly and he had to remember what it was she was talking about. Her body was tense; he didn't like that. He kissed her neck gently and she relaxed some. He smiled. No one else should be allowed to do that.

He growled at the thought of Mysouge's mark. "Then don't." he replied. He turned and brought her back into his chest. Resting his head into her neck he closed his eyes; completely content. Except for the fact that she was about to cry.

He kissed her cheek. "I'm sorry I have made you upset." She turned to look at him

"You have made me happy. That is way I am upset. It will be so much harder to face death when you have made me happy." She told him and suddenly he was more angry then he could ever remember being. She should not die. He would gladly take her place if he could but this was simply not fair. Death could not have her. A hand on his cheek calmed him.

"We have until the end." He told her knowing she would understand but she only shook her head sadly.

"The end is very near. Naraku comes as we speak." He knew she was right.

"When?" he asked her again and she shrugged.

"Tomorrow? The day after? Soon." She told him and he said nothing. So that was it?

"We have now then." He told her and she smiled. "Kagome you should be mine. Let me make you mine." She was surprised, he knew by her widened eyes. He was surprised too. He had had every intention of walking her to her room and leaving and here he was, putting himself out on the table.

"But I can't be." She said softly and he felt a pang at being rejected. "Death defeats that. I will not commit to you only to leave you." It was honorable; but he still hated it.

He kissed her lips again. "Try to pull through Kagome. And if you do, I'll be waiting." He would wait. She could not be replaced.

Another tear escaped her and he nuzzled her neck before kissing it. This is where the mark would be. "Sleep Kagome. We did not know what tomorrow will bring."…

She awoke with a completely safe and secure feeling. Sesshoumaru lay next to her still asleep. She smiled; he was beautiful. She wondered at his words from the previous night. He had basically spilled his heart out. She would never forget the emotion that his eyes held or the softness of his voice. What had she done to earn his affection.

"You wake." His voice came and her smile widened. She should have known he really wasn't asleep; his eyes, however, remained closed.

"Sesshoumaru?" she asked timidly.

"Hn?" he replied rising an eyebrow but not opening his eyes.

"What if I wasn't the Kea Ooki?" Golden eyes finally opened to her.

"I would have mated you." She laughed at his serious and casual tone.

"Just like that?" he looked at her questioningly. "I think I would have had you whoo me a little more. You didn't do much of that." He made something like a snort. "Geeze your terribly romantic. If I get through this I think I deserve more romanticism." She told him playfully and he became serious.

"There is a chance? Do not lie to me." He added and she sighed and looked away.

"Yes. Jikoen said there was a chance that I would end up in limbo and from there I could fight my way back." Sesshoumaru considered her words. He had never heard of someone fighting their way from limbo. Usually once in limbo, a person lost their thoughts. But still that was a chance.

A knock at the door interrupted their conversation. Sesshoumaru remained laying slightly annoyed of the intrusion, but Kagome sat up quickly. He almost sighed.

"Come in Gashunaru." He said and Kagome looked at him in shock.

"I'm not even out of bed!" he gave her a bored look as the door opened. Gashunaru paused at the sight of them too but proceed with his reason for coming.

"My Lord, I am sorry to disturb you. Naraku draws near. He will be here by nightfall." His general told him and Sesshoumaru nodded; now sitting up.

"Very well. Meeting room- now." Gashunaru nodded and left. Sesshoumaru stood from the bed and glanced over at Kagome. "That includes you." She nodded and also stood. He quickly came to stand in front of her. Before she could question he captured her lips.

"You will survive this." It was not a question. It was an order.


The five sat in silence. Four of them had come to know this room very well over the last few years. They all, however, got the feeling that this could be one of the last meetings held in it. Naraku was near. This war would soon come to its end; none were too happy about it. It would all come at such a great price.

They all looked to the door as Sesshoumaru walked in calmly. He was always like; steady and confident, but never stupid. Always calculating. It was why they had all joined underneath him. It had been Inuyasha who had suggested it. Inuyasha was the heart of it but Sesshoumaru was the actions. The mind.

Behind was a blushing Kagome. The thought crossed all present; what exactly was happening between the two. Sesshoumaru had never acted how he acted with Kagome.

Sesshoumaru took a seat at the head of the table and Kagome between Inuyasha and Shippou.

"Naraku is near." He said in his unemotional voice. "There are two objectives to this battle. Get the jewel and keep Kagome safe. If the Kea Ooki happens and we do not have the jewel. This will all be for nothing."

And for hours the seven talked about battle strategies. But somehow, it was only half hearted. Strategies would not save Kagome. Nothing would now.


what ya think? Poor sess and Kag:[

well…im thinking this will have only one more chapter… a long oneish.

Sorry this took so long!! Been super super busy

But thanks for all who were holding out for it and reviewing!! That answers to all the question(mainly if Kagome will live or not) is soon to bo on the way!!

I was also thinking...if i wanted too...i could so make a sequal to

but i wont unless you'll suggest it! So alot of reviews will earn a sequal cuz i dont wanna write if the story should end u know? So let me know your thoughts if not now then at the end of chapter twenty :]

Thanks alot!