Disclaimer: I don't own them…. –pout-

A/N: Alright, I've heard the reviewers' complaints… I hope this chapter will suffice to their wishes, if not just say whether or not I should move this to Trinity Blood instead. (They didn't have the crossover feature on the story listing when I first posted this story and I chose PSoH because that's where the story started.)

The clang of the shop bell as the door thudded against the wall could only mean one of two things. "Hey, Count," and D would've rather it been a robbery.

"Detective! Do you mind keeping your voice down!" D yelled at a harsh whisper, not wishing to disturb his guest.

T-chan seemed to appear out of nowhere to take a flying leap at Leon, chomping down on his skull. "D! Get this damn goat offa me!"

'Hi Count,' Chris tugged at D's sleeve to make his presence known before trying to get T-chan to release his big brother.

"Please, don't mind them…"

"It's alright," the three behind D froze at the soft voice. "I was raised with siblings after all."

"Yes well," a sweat drop threatened to slide down D's dark hair as the three gathered closer to the voice. "It doesn't excuse them…"

"Count, go easy on them. They are only children after all."

Leon frowned and reached out, spinning around the chair the stranger was in, "Hey buddy!"

"Twee?! Tweeeeeee," Leon blinked at the swirly eyed bird gripping onto the seat cushion for dear life. "Eeee Eee," trying to right itself, the bird toppled out onto the floor in a flash of silver feathers.

"Abel! Are you all right My Lord? Leon, why did you do that?!" D carefully gathered the disoriented bird, laying him onto the couch for fear of another incident.

D left Chris and T-chan to make Leon feel guilty for startling the poor 'bird' and sat beside Abel as he got his barring back. "Why won't you eat, My Lord? You haven't touched anything in nearly a week, neither have you gone hunting." D grabbed a particularly expensive tea pot from the table before the three, still scuffling, crashed into it.

"You're getting better at that Count," Abel smirked.

"I learned because of you. Now, why have you returned to me? You have been with this pet shop for some time and never once chose to leave with anyone. What did they young lady do to have you running back to me?"

"She, wanted to see my Crown…"

"Ah… Human curiosity, the best and worst aspect of them."

"When I became flustered, she said it didn't matter…"

"You are lucky then. Most would've pushed until you did show them."

"I don't want to hurt her."

"Then don't. She misses you. Go back to her." D left Abel to think as he went to disperse the fight that ensued. "I have had enough of your squabbling," grabbing both of the participants, Leon by the ear and T-chan by the horn. "ENOUGH!"

"Squabbling?" Leon yipped when D pinched his ear, hard.

"I'm trying to eat him!" T-chan was left dangling in the air with how high D held his horn.

"In that case, stop playing with your food and eat him already," D dropped them both before ushering Chris toward Abel, uncaring of what ensued behind him.

"Now, Chris, be a dear and escort Abel back home. He knows where he's going, I just want to make sure he doesn't get distracted by anything along the way."

'Uh, okay Count, but what about big brother?' Leon was currently being backed into a corner by a very hungry looking Totetsu.

"Don't worry about him, he'll be fine. Run along."

'Hi Mr. Abel, I'm Chris," Chris held out his hand to the man dressed in white.

"Hello Chris," Abel took the small boy's hand to be walked out of the store.

'This is it? WOW!' Chris stood starry eyed at the large house gate. Abel had led him to. 'Why would you run away from a place like this?'

"I'm afraid I'll hurt the young lady of the house," Abel's clawed hand clutched the boy's lightly.

'With these?' Chris lifted Abel's hand, 'You haven't hurt me, have you? If you care about her, enough to worry about hurting her… You'd never hurt her… Wait, that didn't come out right… Um,' Abel patted the boy on the head to silence him.

"How could I hurt someone I only wish to protect?"

'Yeah! That's it! That's what I meant!' Abel chuckled. 'Um… Is there a bell or something?'

Abel smiled and shook his head. Suddenly black wings unfolded to carry the man upward, toward the main house. "Wait there!"

'Wow! He had wings?' Chris stood stunned as Abel disappeared around the house.


Caterina sat in a daze, trying to read. She sighed and closed the book, it wasn't working. "Twe heh!" She blinked, shaking her head, how many times had she gone searching for that sound only to find out it had been another noise all together. "Tweeeee! Heh heh!"

The book dropped to the floor as she bolted for the door. There had been no mistaking it that time as a silver star shot across the window, "ABEL!" Tearing through the house for the nearest exit she threw open her arms to catch the speeding bird.

"Ooof!" They both tumbled to the ground when he couldn't maneuver around her. "Oh Abel…"

"Twee heh?" She laughed and gave him a kiss on the head. He was blushing beak to tail when she picked him up to clutch him to her chest.

"Never leave me again."

A blackened wing reached out to brush her blond hair out of her face. I promise.

A growling suddenly erupted as Abel sweat dropped and looked at his stomach. Caterina laughed. "I knew you'd come back! Just as soon as you got hungry enough. Come on, let's get some lunch."

Abel's head shot up, happily peeping at the concept of food. When he suddenly remembered. "Twee!" He pulled away from a startled Caterina to fly toward the get. "Heh, heh!" He called for her to follow.


Chris frowned and paced at the gate after losing sight of Abel. "Chris! Chris!" Abel came back into view to wave at the enthused boy. "I have someone I'd like you to meet," Abel landed on his side of the gate to place a hand on his shoulder. "She needs a friend her own age… She doesn't have anyone to be around but me and the servants. You'll like her, honest."

"Abel! Wait up! You know I can't keep up with…." A young blonde-haired girl came into sight. "Oh… Hello."

'Hi!' Chris held up a hand.

"Abel," the girl looked worriedly at Abel holding onto his shoulder.

Abel suddenly flew to her side of the gate to kneel next to her to hug her. "It's okay, I promised. Chris helped me get back home."

"Oh… He brought you back to me… Thank you," the girl looked at a loss for a name.

'Chris,' Chris frowned before looking at Abel, who was somehow sitting perfectly balanced on her shoulder.

Abel shook his head, sending a small gold cross shimmering in the sun, "She can't hear me like you can, nor see me as you can."

'Oh…' Chris' frown depended.

"Why don't you come in and have lunch with us? As a 'thank you' for returning Abel." The girl pulled open the gate enough to let Chris in.

'Thanks!' He smiled as she pulled it closed behind him. 'Uh…miss?'

"Caterina. Come on, Molly makes a wonderful chocolate dessert cake."

"Cake!" Abel jumped into the air before flying for the house. "Yay! CAKE!"

"Oh no, there he goes. Come on! Let's catch up or they'll be none left for us. And Molly will ban him from the kitchen again." Caterina grabbed Chris' wrist to run after Abel's fading form.


The bell jingled softly as the shop door opened, "Welcome to , oh Chris there you are! I was beginning to worry, it's after dark."

'I'm sorry Count. When I took Abel home Miss Caterina offered me some lunch and then we started laughing about stuff and then Abel knocked over a lamp trying to catch a mouse that got inside and we had to chase him and the mouse all around the house and then we lost the mouse and Abel and had to find him… I ended up getting lost four times and Abel ended up finding me! Caterina has a reeeeealy big house.'

"That sounds fun, but doesn't explain the times," D smiled down at the overly happy boy.

'Well, by the time we found Caterina again she said it was late enough for supper and I should just stay and eat before I went home. I'm sorry…"

"It's quite all right but next time, call," he patted the boy and returned to the task he had been doing."

'Ok Count.' Chris took a seat in one of the chairs after his long day, noticing Totetsu grumbling to himself on the couch. 'What's wrong T-chan?'

"I couldn't do it, I just couldn't do it!"

"Don't mind him Chris, he just lost his appetite earlier."

"The man reeked as if he hadn't bathed in days! I prefer my food properly prepared…" Chris frowned at the pouting expression on his friend's face.

The Count merely chuckled at the whining.