Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns Twilight.

One of my many ideas. Hopefully this will go the way I want to it, haha. I must say that Twilight freaking rocks. I have never cried when a book ended, ever. And when Twilight did, I cried. I reread over and over again, I am obsessed, or as my friends say I am a nerd.


Chapter One


His lustful emerald green eyes bore into my plain brown ones. One hand gently glided onto my waist as the other cupped my neck. His eyes closed as he moved closer and closer…

"Lindsey Lohan was caught kissing another girl yesterday; we even have the pictu…"

I groaned as I smacked my alarm clock. Dumb radio, the reason I got the thing was to wake up to music, but all you get is the host gabbing away about some celebrity or something.

I grabbed my glasses and headed off towards the bathroom, to take a much needed shower, of course cold.

I wrapped up in a towel to make my morning coffee, usual routine. Wake up, shower, make coffee, get dressed, brush hair, drink coffee and eat toast, brush teeth then go to work. Love it huh?

I walked into the office with my work bag and purse slung on my arm.

"Hey Bella." Mike Newton cooed. I rolled my eyes as I muttered my greeting.

"Bells, thank goodness you're here!" My best friend Alice whined. "Mrs. Culligan gave me another article to write, I have three this week! How can I get three articles done in a deadline of three weeks?" She cried.

"What are your articles on?" I asked; shifting my bags further up my shoulder walking towards my office, okay my cubby hold.

"Fashion, hair and make-up." She groaned. I stifled a laugh.

"Alice, you're good at those things. I think you can manage." I laughed.

She rolled her eyes but still smiled.

"What's your article about?" She asked.

Alice, Rosalie and I have been friends since the first week of college and now at our age of twenty two or twenty three we all worked for a magazine, with the latest gossip, advice columns, fashion, and well everything. Every two or three weeks we are given articles to write and in two to three weeks we have to hand them in. Some are ridiculous and others are amazing. Mine, ridiculous.

"Don't tell me, embarrassing moments again?" She groaned.

"Worse, feminine problems, sex, acne, periods, birth control, pubic hair." Alice and I gagged.

"I can't believe that's still there. Ask and questions about anything and always get an honest answer." She rolled her eyes. This article floats around to everyone at least once. But me, five times and I've been working here for about a year.

"Rose!" Alice squealed. Rosalie looked up from her paperwork at Alice and smiled. She then began to talk to herself. Oh, interview. She stuck out her pointer finger as she jotted a few notes down on paper.

I dropped my bags on my desk, a few cubicles away from Rose as Alice sat at hers next to mine.

"Miss Swan." I rolled my eyes as Alice looked at me. "Your article information. Remember, due in three weeks. Mrs. Culligan, the boss of the magazine reminded me as she plopped a big manila folder on my desk. "Do all of them. I may steal you away later on, so beware. Get as much done as you can in the time I give you today. Get to work." My lazy, amazingly tiny bossy boss with too much make up on walked away. Alice swiveled her chair around to get a better look at the folder.

"Holy shit Bells, three weeks. There has to be about thirty thousand in there."

I groaned. "I freaking know." I said as I ran my hand through my dry hair.

"Bella! You gave me an idea." She squealed.


"Make-over. I could ask Mrs. Culligan if I can combine them into an article about giving someone a make-over, with tips and pictures of before and after and stuff." She jumped out of her chair clapping her hands.

"Who's gonna be your Barbie doll?" I groaned already knowing the answer.

"Bella Barbie, pleeeeaaaasee." She whined.

"No, no, not a chance." I said waving my hands and opening the folder.

"We can finally get Edward Cullen to look at you. The company's hottie." She sight at the thought. Too bad she was happily dating Jasper Whitlock, best friend to Edward and Emmett Cullen, who was dating Rosalie Hale.

"Alice, no."

"Please Bella. Just think, Edward Cullen, Edward Cullen."

Rose sat up, done talking to whomever she had been talking to, now able to join in our conversation.

"Hottie alert." She smiled. All heads around us turned, mostly female with occasional men, some groaning others staring in delight, our office has a lot of gays here, as the hottest guy that worked for the magazine, he helped Mrs. Culligan but he was also the editor and chief of the magazine, although Mrs. Culligan was the real boss. His dark emerald eyes twinkling and roaming around all the faces that had turned to him, a smile forming on his very kissable lips, his amazing body almost floating as he walked, he definitely worked out, his gorgeous face with lush sex hair, bronze, all along with a perfect crooked smile. His tan pants hung loose but not too loose, with his black work shirt that fit him perfectly with rolled up sleeves and a few buttons undone showing off some of his perfectly sculpted chest.

I sighed.

"Rose, Alice, Bella." His perfect velvet voice rang, along with a nod to each of us.

"Hi Edward." I breathed. He smiled, causing my heart to flutter. I watched as he turned out of sight, but I kept staring after him.

"Bella, Bella. Earth to Bella." Alice was waving her petite little hand in front of my face.


"So about the make-over?" She asked.

"Huh? Yeah, sure." I said dazed. He smiled, he really smiled at me.

"Great, I'll go ask Mrs. Culligan now." She danced away to go find our boss.

"Bella, Bella, Bella." Rosalie laughed.

"Shut up." I snapped.

I quickly began working on my many questions and problems, answering as best I could; some were really awful I didn't even know hot to respond. Alice came back saying we could do it and gave me a large glass of coffee to make me happier.

We talked while we worked when finally it came time for lunch I followed Alice into the kitchen and sat down beside her enjoying my girl time with her and Rose when Mrs. Culligan strolled in.

"Swan, come with me please." She said in a monotone.

Alice giggled while Rose patted me on the back. Getting called by Mrs. Culligan was not a good thing, unless you were Edward Cullen whom she called in randomly to praise, a rumor went around saying that for his good working ethics he got a blow job from her, but like I said, I rumor.

I followed her down to her luxurious office right next to Edward's. But instead of leading me into hers we walked into Edward's. My heart did a flip in my chest.

"This morning I gave you that folder, correct." I nodded. "Well I would like it back." She stated. Edward was sitting at his desk which had been moved to fit another one in. He has a smirk on his gorgeous face.


"You're being promoted. You put up with all the lousy shit I give you and you don't complain, not once, so you will be working under Edward, as his secretary and helping him edit." My stomach churned. It was like a dream.

"Wow, really? Thank you so much." I smiled.

"You're welcome. Edward will help you move your stuff." She said walking out. "Just leave the folder on my desk Bella." I smiled. She finally left.

"Hey Bella, how's feel to be making your way up?" Edward laughed.

"Wow." Is all I could say.

"Let's go get your stuff."

We walked by Alice and Rose in the kitchen still. Alice's jaw dropped while Rose put two thumbs up then winked. We gathered all my supplies and paperwork and set it up at my desk. The office was beautiful. Cabinets lined up above my head as our desks sat facing one another. The windows exposed an amazing view of the water. Everything about this room was amazing, every detail.

"So, Bella, what do you do outside of work?" Edward asked leaning against the front of his desk.

"Well, Alice and Rose always drag me to bars and clubs a lot." I offered. He smiled.

"You our partying." He laughed. My face fell a little, he was right; I wasn't pretty, not at all, just plain.

"It's their idea. I just go along with it." I added.

"I see." He crossed his arms across his chest, making them bulge. "So, it's a Friday, where are you going tonight?"

"Club Red, I think."

"Hmm, I just might see you there." He smiled. "Emmett wants to see Rose, and well Jasper wants to see Alice."

"Oh yeah, of course." I sat down at my desk. "Wow." I sighed.

All of a sudden Edward was leaning across my desk right in my face. His eyes looked into my own as his breath caressed my face. I almost fell out of my chair.

"Save me a dance." He murmured.

"Uh…um…uh…sure." I stammered, he just laughed and moved away.

When work was finally over I found Alice and we made out way back to her apartment, to get ready for the night. We had an hour and a half to work with before we met up with Rose at seven then hit the club at seven thirty.

Alice threw me onto the chair as she started with my snarly hair.

"Wow, Bells, you got promoted. You're working with Edward. Oh my god!" She giggled as she curled my hair into light waves. She then gave me smoky eyes with a little blush and gloss, she handed me my contacts as she started her own make up.

"Your outfit's on my bed." She called out as I walked towards her room to change.

She had a sapphire blue and black corset top with matching blue heels along with tight skinny jeans that ended where the heel strap wound around my ankle, it fit perfectly, making my boobs look bigger when she tightened it. Alice was wearing a mini skirt with the holey look along with a green tank that had a cute design with a white half jacket that synched around the stomach. She looked absolutely stunning. Her feet looked tiny in her black heels.

"I'll be over at your house by seven tomorrow." She said as we walked out the door. We met up with Rose at a little café then headed off to Club Red.

The music was loud as we made our way to the bouncer who took one look at Rosalie's strapless brown shirt with a cute design also and a short mini skirt with really cure opened toed bronze shoes and we quickly found ourselves inside.

A mob of people of people were dancing with lights flashing off their gleaming bodies.

"Wanna drink?" Alice shouted over the loud music.

"Yeah." Rose and I replied.

The bartender stared at us as we ordered our drinks. We found a table and sat down. We ordered more drinks until we were slightly buzzed. We found ourselves on the dance floor, Alice grinding on me while I was grinding on Rosalie. We were laughing and guys had begun to form a tight hold around us trying to dance with us. Someone whistles so we all shifted our eyes to see who.

Standing by the door was Jasper, Emmett and Edward. What caught my eye was the girl hanging onto Edward's arm. My heart sank. I stopped dancing and made my way back to our table to take a seat. Emmett and Rose were already dry humping while Alice and Jasper had gone off to get some drinks. I roamed the room for Edward but I didn't find him.

"Hey Bella." Cool hands wrapped around my stomach as I turned to see who it was. Edward's green eyes were burning into my own. I moved his hands away from me, even though it's killed me to do so.

"Hi Edward, where is your girl?" I asked coolly.

"Who Lauren? She met me outside. She has your old job; she's friends with Jessica Stanley. We were talking outside and she thought we had become dates, so I told her to go check her make up and get us some drinks. I don't know where she is, nor do I care." He smiled, I almost melted.


"Ready to dance?" He said extending a hand.

He led me out onto the dance floor. He twirled me around so I had my back to him; I ground my ass into his crotch and kept grinding. Alice and Rose had taught me to make a guy want me on the dance floor so I did as the taught me. I grabbed his hands and slid them low on my hips. Don't Stop the Music came on which was totally ironic (plus the only song I could think of) so I ground myself harder into him. I heard him breathing heavy and felt him growing harder by the second. That's when I turned around and started dancing on his thigh. It felt so good to dance with a guy instead of a girl that I started laughing. I placed my hands onto his chest as he cupped my ass.

"Bella, where did you learn to dance like this?" He asked.

"I'm not that dumb." I laughed. We stopped dancing and headed off to get some drinks. Soon enough I was almost completely drunk. Edward and I had been dodging Lauren all night but right at that moment we were sitting on the couch having a well 'conversation.'

"Yeah so after Emmett fell into the girl she like twisted around so they were face to face. Em, was completely drunk at this point and so wasn't this girl. The next day when I went to see him, this was when we weren't living together; the girl was there with a ring on her finger. At one point that night they had gotten married." Edward laughed. I began to cry from the laughter. "That day they divorced. Me and Jazz haven't stopped messing with him about it." We both laughed again.

"Wow!" I giggled, trying to calm myself. He smiled at me.

"I like your laugh." He whispered scooting into me, smiling.

"Yeah well I like you, I mean your freaking hot!" I blurted.

"Oh really." He murmured.

"Yup." I giggled.

"Well, I like you too."

"No way!" I squealed.

"Way." He laughed. His green emeralds bring into mine like they had earlier, but intensified and it was turning me one. I stared into his eyes for the longest time. Then I did the unthinkable.

I straddled Edward Cullen!


I watched her walk in and talk to Alice, her pixie like friend but not before Mike Newton tried to flirt with her, again.

I watched her face when I walked by. She sounded breathless, most likely from all the bags she had carried. She looked kind of awed by something, the folder on her desk, holy shit.

When I got to my office Misty Culligan my boss was sitting in my other chair.

"Edward darling." She greeted, kissing me on each cheek. "We have some business to take care of."

"Yes Misty?"

"You need to pick someone to work beside you, and kind of below you. They will be your secretary and will help you with editing. I hired Lauren Mallory if you want her, or you can take someone else and I'll place here in there spot." She smiled, I already knew who I wanted but to please her I took a few minutes to 'think.'

"Uh…I'm think, Bella Swan." I stated.

"But I need her."

"I'll rearrange my room. Thank you so much Misty." I cut in.

"Oh, you're welcome. At lunch we will steal her."

"Sounds good." She walked out of my office and closed to the door.

Bella Swan, the only one I couldn't really get, was going to be sharing this room with me. I couldn't wait for lunch.

Lucky for me it came soon after I had finished moving around the room so I could stare at her lovely face anytime I wanted.

She followed Misty into the room, her face full of wonder.

"This morning I gave you that folder, correct." Misty told her. Bella nodded. "Well I would like it back." I smiled a little she was very confused.

"Why?" Her beautiful voice asked.

"You're being promoted. You put up with all the lousy shit I give you and you don't complain, not once, so you will be working under Edward as his secretary and helping him edit." She lied, she didn't want it to seem like I had asked for this, like I owned the place.

"Wow, really? Thank you." She smiled revealing perfect white teeth.

"You're welcome, Edward will help you move your stuff." She said, leaving. "Just leave the folder on my desk, Bella." And then she was gone, u was all alone with Bella Swan.

"Hey Bella. How's it feel to be working your way up?" I joked.

Her face reminded me of a little kid getting the best gift on Christmas. I read her body movement as she decided how to respond to me. "Wow." She whispered, simply dumb struck.

"Let's go get your stiff." There wasn't else I could say, one she wasn't forming sentences and two she looked amazing and smelled so amazing soon I wasn't gonna be able to form sentences.

We walked by her friends, both of them stunned. I looked at what she had in her cubicle, it was all very organized and cute, neutral looking but very homey I guess. She had pictures of her with her friends and what looked like family members. But one picture caught my eye. Her with a very tall, muscular man, he looked like he was Native American, he had shoulder length hair and was very dark, their smiles were genuine and true. My heart fell; obviously they were together, dating.

We set up her new office all the while Misty was watching us, I knew she was making sure I didn't like this girl.

"So Bella. What do you do outside of work?" I asked leaning against my desk.

"Well, Alice and Rose always drag me to bars and clubs a lot." She said it so innocently that I had to laugh, plus she didn't look like the party type.

"You, out partying." I joked. Her expression changed but I couldn't decipher it.

"It's their idea. I just go along with it." She added.

"I see." I said crossing my arms. "So it's Friday, where ya going tonight?"

She thought for a moment. "Club Red, I think."

My dad was getting better and better, that was the club Emmett and Jasper wanted to go to. "Hmmm, I just might see you there. Emmett wants to see Rose and well Jasper wants to see Alice."

"Oh yeah, of course." She sat down at her desk muttering another wow."

Staring at her beautiful face made me have an idea I walked the three steps to her desk without a sound then leaned forward, inches from her face.

When she looked up I let out the breath I had been holding. "Save me a dance." I whispered.

"Uh…um…uh…sure." She stammered, she was so cute, she made me laugh again.

We sat in silence as we did the rest of our work and when five hit Bella was up and gone. I watched her leave then made my way to Misty's office to tell her I was heading home.

"Misty?" I called. "I am heading home."

"I am at my desk Edward." I groaned to myself. She was using her want to be sexy voice. Misty was married with a daughter that was a few years younger than me and yet she still tries to seduce me. The only reason why I don't quit is because of the pay and Bella.

She turned her chair and smiled at me as she got up and hobbled over to me on her huge heels and stroked my chest through my shirt.

"I'm leaving." I reminded her. "Emmett wants to work out tonight then we are heading off to meet his girl." I added stiffly.

"Oh, Eddie. This won't take long." I groaned out loud at the name.

"Misty, I have to go." I said, remembering when she had tried to give me a blow job, I shuddered.

I walked away from her, heading to my car.

"Dude what's for dinner?" My brother asked, jumping over the counter towards the fridge after we had gotten home from our work out.

"We are going to a club. Get something there." Jasper commented walking out of his room, he usually worked out with us, but today he has to work late so didn't even try to make it to the gym.

"I'm hungry now." Emmett whined.

"Grab a piece of left over pizza then." I said throwing my gym bag in my room.

He did as I said and grabbed a slice.

"So, what happened today?" Jasper asked, they both knew I had a huge crush on Bella.

"Well, me and Bella share my office now. She is my secretary plus she helps out with all of the editing." I gushed.

"Dude you two can have sex in your office." Emmett laughed.

"How about I get her to like me first." I laughed along with him.

He shrugged while scarfing down the slice and grabbing another.

"So we are all on for Club Red?" Jasper asked.

"Uh, yeah. Me and Rose…"

"Enough said!" I laughed causing Jasper to laugh with me. Emmett glared at us causing us to laugh harder, soon he cracked a smile. "Well I'm gonna go shower before we leave. Em, I would advice you to do the same."

"You might want to lock the door." Jasper joked.

I jogged into the bathroom and quickly showered. I dried my hair and slid into a black V neck with my American Eagle jeans that hung loose. Most girls drooled over me when I wore loose jeans, hopefully Bella would too.

"So Bella is going right?" Jasper asked as Emmett took his shower.

"Yeah." I sighed, she was all I could think about and Jasper knew it.

"So how much do you like this girl?" Jasper asked pushing me down on the couch while he sat in the chair.

I grabbed the pillow, hugging it to my stomach. "Too much, and she doesn't even hardly notice I'm there. It's aggravating." I groaned.

"Well from what I hear, Alice claims that Bella is obsessed with you."

"Yeah, I wish."

"Come on man. Don't bet against Alice. She always knows."

"But Bella, no way, why would she like me?

"Uh, I don't know, dude, but Alice says she does."

"Or not." I muttered.

"Dude." He made the u a little longer using a whiny voice.

"Man, shut up." I laughed reaching over and punching his arm.

"I'm ready!" Emmett boomed, Jasper and I groaned, he was already beyond loud and not even drunk, which means hell of a night. "Let's go!"

We followed Emmett who had already started running down the stairs. When it came to seeing Rose, he was far too excited.

"Damn, we are late." Emmett cried.

"I don't think fifteen minutes will make her mad." Jasper sighed.

"No, that's fifteen less minutes of me and her…"

"Emmett!" Jasper laughed.

"Edward? Edward Cullen?" A high girlish voice squeaked. "Hi, it's me, Lauren Mallory, from…"

"Oh, yeah, hey." I said shaking her hand, she had blonde straightened hair and way too much make up on.

"So you're the new girl, eh?" I arched my eyebrow.

"Yeah, everyone talks about you, the hottest guy in the office."

"Yea, well…"

"Edward, man come on." Jasper said waving his arm.

We stood at the entrance of the club looking around with Lauren hanging on my arm. Emmett nudged my ribs and I followed his gaze. Rosalie, Bella and Alice were all grinding on one another. Men had encircled them, grabbing at them and trying to dance with them. Anger and jealousy washed over me as I saw those guys touching my Bella.

Emmett whistled at them, their gaze shifted. Bella stopped dancing all together and stared at me then walked towards a table. Emmett was already half way to Rosalie and Jasper had motioned to Alice to come to him as they walked towards the bad.

"Hey Lauren, you may want to check your make." I lied. All I wanted to do was get her away from me and go see Bella. She gasped then turned away from trying to adjust it. "And if you could get us some drinks?"

"Oh yeah, of course. I will be right back." She ran off towards the bathroom.

I looked over at Bella who was looking around the room. I walked the long way around so her back was to me.

"Hey Bella." I murmured, wrapping my arms around and inhaling that amazing scent of hers. She pushed me away which stung.

"Hi Edward, where is your girl?" She asked coldly. Was she jealous?

"Who Lauren?" I asked nonchalantly. "She met me outside. She has your old job; she's friends with Jessica Stanley. We were talking outside and she thought we had become dates, so I told her to go check her make up and get us some drinks. I don't know where she is, nor do I care." I smiled.


"Ready to dance?" I blurted while extending a hand.

I let her out onto the floor and twisted her around. Before I could do anything she started grinding on me, she found my hands and slid them onto her hips. She grinded harder as a familiar song came on, Don't Stop the Music. I knew she could feel my hard which made my breath pick up. She twisted around facing me when the song mentioned it, on of her legs in between my legs as she grinded on my thigh. She giggled as I cupped her ass and placed her hands on my chest.

"Bella, where did you learn to dance like this?"

"I'm not that dumb." She laughed, god how I loved her laugh, I was going to make her laugh as much as possible. We stopped dancing when the song ended and found ourselves at the bar getting drinks. I could tell Bella was completely smashed and that I was on my way there.

"Yeah so after Emmett fell into the girl, she like twisted around so they were face to face. Em was completely drunk at this point and so wasn't this girl. The next day when I went to see him, this was when we weren't living together; the girl was there with a ring on her ring finger. At one point that night they had gotten married." Our laughter blended in with the noise surrounding us. "That day they divorced. Me and Jazz haven't stopped messing with him about it."

"Wow." She giggled.

"I like your laugh." I smiled moving closer to her.

"Yeah well I like you, I mean you are freaking hot!" She shouted.

"Oh really?"

"Yup." She hiccupped.

"Well, I like you too."

"No way!" She squealed.

"Way." I laughed. Her being drunk and occasionally touching my leg was beyond hot. My only thought was kissing her amazing lips, and well never stopping.

And then, out of no where, she straddled me.

So, good-bad? Keep going-stop? Reviews please? So tell me anything you would like to see in this fanfiction. Critizism is good to a point, I'll take anything I can get.