Addiction: Matt/Mello

Crunch. Beep. Snap. Boop.

One boy was lazily sprawled into a chair, munching on multiple chocolate bars, while the other was sitting hunched over, staring intently through his goggles at a small screen. The latter's gaze shifted upwards, as he jammed his finger on the pause button, to inspect the blonde male. "What are you looking at," Mello questioned.

"Nothing," Matt mumbled. More beeps, more chocolate wrappers fell to the floor. Once again, the reddish haired boy looked upwards at his friend. "... why are you always eating chocolate?"

"... because I want to?" Mello looked at Matt questioningly, as Matt's goggled-covered eyes stared at him. "Stop it."

"What," asked Mello, more confused than before.

"Stop eating the chocolate." The blonde looked absolutely horrified, "are you insane!?" Matt paused, and stood up. He brushed the wrappers off the table in front of Mello, and sat on the corner of it. Mello leaned into his armchair further, and grabbed another bar from the end table beside him. Matt's eyes narrowed, and he lifted a hand to pluck the chocolate from Mello's mouth. "H-hey! What the hell!?" He tugged his goggles up onto his forehead, and stared briefly into the other's eyes. "I said stop it," he snapped quietly.

"But why?" Mello glared at him and made a grab for the chocolate nearby. "No," Matt insisted, pinning Mello's arm to the soft chair. The blonde's black eyes widened a tad, before Matt stood to tower over him. "If you constantly have chocolate in your mouth... then I can't do this." He leaned further down, forcing his friend against the arm chair, and then pressed their mouths together. The chocolate fiend's exclaim was cut off by the other boy's lips on his. Before long the gamer's tongue was inside Mello's mouth, poking and prodding every inch of it.

After a few moments, Matt straightened, and crossed the room to sit in his chair. "You taste like chocolate," he remarked offhandedly while unpausing his game.

Crunch. Beep.

"I figured you would."