Disclaimer: Yeah I know. I don't own Harry Potter or Twilight. Sucks. I sorta own Audra. She's made up for Harry Potter but she's Bella for Twilight.

Disclaimer #2: I'm American so to all of you who notice typos in my attempted British, I'm sorry. I tried my best.

Summary: Audriana Isabella Potter, Harry's 8 day old sister and 3-year-old Harry were left at the Dursleys. Audra's godfather Moony and Harry's godfather Padfoot are, after four years, finally allowed by Dumbledore to visit them. Remus and Sirius take the Potter children away when they realize they are being abused. Harry and Audra are scared of everything so what happens when the mysterious and beautiful Cullens move in next door?

Just to clear things up a bit, the whole wizarding world new Wormtail was secret keeper so Sirius is not in Azkaban.

The Cullens won't come in until later.

Audra POV

There was a flash of green light and a scream.

I sat bolt upright gasping. It's just a dream. I told my self. It's just a dream.

"Audra?" Harry's voice whispered through the darkness. "Audra, what's wrong? What happened?" He struggled to sit up in the small cupboard under the stairs the two of us had to share.

I put my face down. I didn't want him to see how weak I was. Only freaks cry. Or at least that's what Uncle Vernon said whenever I cried after he hit me.

Harry put an arm around me as I cried quietly. "It was that dream again wasn't it?" Harry asked.

I nodded, too overcome with shame to speak. "I had the same dream too. With the bright green light and the screaming." I looked up at him. Uncle Vernon had said that we were freaks and we were never to speak to anyone about our dreams.

"I miss mum and dad," I murmured quietly.

"Me too, Audra, me too. We have to go start breakfast."

I nodded and opened the cupboard door, slipping out into the hall and to the kitchen. Harry started the stove and I pulled the bacon out of the fridge.

To anyone else this scene would have been rather comical. A four-year-old girl and a seven-year-old boy cooking breakfast at six-thirty in the morning, but to the two of us, this was routine. This was how it had gone for as long as I could remember.

At seven o'clock sharp the table was set and the food set out when Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia came down stairs, fat little Dudley waddling between them.

"You girl," Uncle Vernon said to me. "Wash the car. Boy, mow the lawn and mow it straight or you'll do it again.

"Yes, sir," Harry and I said in unison and we hurried to door.

Yesterday in Dumbledore's office

Third Person POV

"Please Professor. We haven't seen our godchildren for four years," Remus Lupin begged.

"I cannot allow you to interfere," Dumbledore stated. What he really wanted to say was Merlin save me. You have been bothering me for four years and the answer is still no.

Sirius pulled a face. "You can't keep us from them. The Dursley's are horrible creatures. Lily used to say she'd rather live with blast-ended sqruits than stay at their house."

Dumbledore sighed. "You really won't give up will you?"

"No!" Remus snapped. "No! Not until I see my goddaughter. James made us promise to take care of them if anything happened to him and Lily but you are making this exceedingly difficult." His voice faltered then softened. "Please. She was eight days old. You have no idea what they're capable of."

The room fell silent. The only sound was that of Fawks the phoenix as he rustled his feathers on his perch.

"Fine," Dumbledore said suddenly. Sirius and Remus looked up in surprise.

"What?" they both asked.

"Fine you may go and visit Audriana and Harry tomorrow morning."

"Thank you," Sirius breathed. Remus was too stunned to speak. "Moony let's go."

As the two of them turned to fire place Dumbledore's voice rang out again. "Ah Sirius, please keep yourself in check."

Sirius' policy of 'act now, think later' had become famous in his years at Hogwarts.

"Yeah, yeah," Sirius grumbled but he was to lighthearted by the fact that he was going to visit Harry and Audra for the first time in four years to take offence.

Audra POV

I grabbed the car soap, a bucket and a rag, filling the bucket with water as I raced out front.

Harry was already mowing the lawn, the sound filling the yard.

I dipped squirted soap onto the rag and dipped it in the water. The water was hot and burned my hand. I clenched my teeth. If I didn't have the car washed by the time Uncle Vernon had to go to work I'd be in trouble.

The front door slammed as I was scrubbing the windows with soap. Oh no. Please have that be Aunt Petunia coming for the tradition spying on the neighbors. I begged in my mind.

God must not have been on my side as Uncle Vernon yelled, "Why aren't you done with my car yet, Girl?"

"I'm sorry, sir," I said fanticaly.

Uncle Vernon's large meaty fist closed around my throat in the next second, lifting me off the ground. "I don't know why I put up with you. All you do waste room in my house. Your no good parents died and we got stuck with you and your worthless brother."

His hand tightened convulsively. My vision began to blur. Blood roared in my ears. Harry was mowing the backyard lawn. We would never find me in time. Even if he did, there was nothing he could do. Uncle Vernon would only kill him too.

Suddenly there was a loud crack. "What do you think you're doing?!" a voice roared.

Uncle Vernon's hand disappeared from around my throat and I gasped before I crumpled in a dead faint.