
"He has a right to know Amy."

"No. He doesn't. He never wanted any part of this baby and he never will. All he did was put me in this situation; as far as everything else is concerned, it's your baby."

He sighed and ran a hand through his wavy hair. "Are you sure about that?"

She nodded without saying anything. The only thing that Ricky contributed to this baby was his sperm, that was it. And as far as Amy Jerguns was concerned, it would continue to be it. He was never there for her during the pregnancy, never publicly talked to her about the baby, nothing. The only time he talked to her was when it was convenient for him; meaning that no one else was around to see him do it. Ben on the other hand, as soon as he found that was pregnant, was willing to take on the child as his, even though it wasn't. That was a real man and as far as Amy was concerned, the only man that would be a father to her child.

"It's been three months already Aim," he said softly.

"And it's going to be three more. Followed by forever. Just drop it Ben, he's never going to see her. As far as me and Janie are concerned, you are her father ok?"

As much as his heart swelled to hear her say that, it sunk just a little bit as well. He knew the right thing to do would be to tell Ricky about his daughter, to let him know that everything is ok. Then again though, Ben has been around this entire time and not once did Ricky ask about Amy or how the baby was doing and he knew that Amy wasn't talking to him. He already told both families that he would adopt the child to make it his because that's what Amy wanted. What Amy and him both wanted.

"When are you coming home?"

She smiled on the other end of the phone. "Soon."

"Good, it's been way too long since I've seen you."

"Are you sure you're ready for this?"

"Are you?"

"No," she said quietly.

"Me either," he admitted. "But I know that we can do it. Our parents will help us and I'm sure we'll figure things out. I still can't believe that they're letting us get married," he said softly.

"In three years Ben," she laughed.

That was the agreement; in three years when they were both eighteen, if they still wanted to marry each other then their parents would let them. For now however, they were just to date each other and not bring up the marriage thing to either families. Ben had felt like a wave of relief had washed over him when their parents agreed to that, he could finally be with the woman he loved more than anything in the world. Amy also felt a wave of relief wash over her, but for a different reason. She loved her boyfriend, no question, but she agreed with her parents in saying that they were fifteen and way too young to even think about marriage. She loved Ben with all her heart, even more so now that she saw what he was willing, and going, to do for her and Janie, but she wasn't ready for marriage. She wasn't even ready for her daughter!

"I have to go," she suddenly as she heard shoes coming down the hallway. Her grandmother enforced a strict curfew on her and being on the phone at eleven o'clock at night was definitely breaking that curfew.

"I love you."

She smiled. "I love you too Ben."


Amy turned around to see her daughter standing behind her with her hands behind her back and big smile on her face.

"You better put back whatever you have in your hands Janie," she warned as the girls face dropped.


"No. It's almost dinner," she said firmly.

"But I'm hungry now!" she whined.

She sighed as she looked at the three year old. "What do you have?"

Janie pulled out a bag of fruit snacks from behind her back and Amy rolled her eyes. "Fine Janie. You can have them."

"Thank you!!" she said happily as she ran back into the other room.

"When's Daddy coming home?" she called.

"When he's done with school," Amy replied.

"When is that?"

"When you stop asking questions," Amy shot back.


"Then why are you asking?" Amy smiled.

"Because I miss him."

It had been three years since Amy had her daughter and two months until her and Ben were married. Ben, of course, knew all along that they would be getting married. Amy, hoped for it all along but was never quite sure; to be dating at fifteen and make it for three years was quite an accomplishment. Finishing high school proved to be a difficult task but luckily Amy's mother helped her out whenever she could and she also paid for Janie's daycare. In order to graduate with her friends, a subject that was non negotiable with her, Amy started summer school after her daughter was born and sure enough, she was able to walk. As soon as high school was over with, Ben wanted to move in together right away but Amy wanted to wait just a little bit more. She wasn't ready to give up the comfort and security of having her mother always be there, not to mention Ashley might threaten to kill her all over again. They agreed to wait until they were married to move in and for now Ben just came over every day. Of course college proved to be difficult as well. For now Ben was going full time at the local community college and next semester Amy would enroll as well at nights that way she could be with Janie during the day a little bit and also find a job. Everywhere she went people knew who she was; girls don't just get pregnant at fifteen in their town all the time. Ricky only tried to talk to her once, when she first came back to school; apparently that was his version of being there for their child.

"Amy, wait!"

She rolled her eyes at the sound of his voice but stopped non the less.

"You're back," he said after a second.

"Well I'm not an apparition," she replied with a small smile.

"How…how are you?"

"I'm fine Ricky."

"And how's…"

"Janie. Her name is Janie and she's four months old."

His eyes grew huge at that. He knew that Amy Jerguns was having his child but hearing her name and how old she was…hearing those details just made it real for him.

"Did you think I was joking or something when I said I was pregnant?" she asked as she caught his face.

"What? No! It's just, hearing all that makes it just…real," he said for lack of a better word.

"Just because she's born now makes it real? It wasn't real when I was a balloon??" she laughed harshly. "I know you said you wanted to be involved in my daughters life but you're not going to be ok? You didn't care about me or even ask anything about her when I was pregnant with her! As far as she's concerned, Ben's her father," she said with a coldness in her voice that surprised the boy.

"What? You can't just deprive me of my child Amy."

"Really? You deprived me of a normal teenage life."

"Come on," he pleaded. "This is completely unfair to me. I have a right to see my kid!"

"No you don't. Not any more," she said as she turned to leave.

"So what, you and that geek are just going to play house with our daughter?" he asked getting upset.

"Ben Boykewich is more of a man than you will ever be Ricky!" she hurled at him. "So don't you dare say things about him. Were you the one that was there in the delivery room with me? Were you the one that was holding my hair back when I was sick? Were you the one that asked if it was even a boy or a girl that I had? No, it wasn't," she hurled at him.

"So that's just it then?"

"That's it," she said as she walked away.

"Now that took balls Jerguns," Adrian said as she walked up to her friend. "You know, I think having this kid made you a little bit cool."

"Oh great, what I've always wanted," she laughed.

"Hello?" a voice called through the door and Amy was shaken from her daydream.

"Daddy!!" Janie squealed as she jumped into his arms.

"Hey there Princess," he smiled at her and picked her up. "Where's Mommy?"

The little girl pointed to the kitchen and he walked in to see his girlfriend staring at him.

"What? Do I have something in my teeth? I knew I shouldn't have eaten that sandwich-"

"No," she laughed. "I just love watching you with her. You're pretty amazing you know that?"

"You forgot incredibly adorable," he said as he kissed her.

"Yuck!" Janie stuck her tongue out.

Ben put her down and she ran back to the living room.


"Benjamin if you start in with this wedding stuff again I'm making you give back your key," she threatened.

He held up his hands in a truce. "Fine, fine. I just thought you should know that I changed my mind about the whole thing. But whatever, that's fine."

Amy narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean?"

"You know how you were always saying that you didn't want some huge wedding? Well…maybe you're right. Maybe we don't need all that. I mean there's nothing wrong with eloping right? Plus it'd save a huge headache for you," he said as he nudged her.

"But I have things on hold-"

"Cancel them," he shrugged. "Come on, don't you wanna just get away? The two of us?"

"It might be nice," she smiled.

"Make a cute little brother or sister for our daughter…"

"Are you giving birth to it? Because I'm on break for at least the next two or three years," she laughed.

"I can wait that long," he smiled in response and she rolled her eyes. "What? You know you love me."

"Yes I do, that's the problem here Ben!" she joked.

a/n: ok so this is my first secret life fic but i felt inspired lol. and yes i know that i took some people ooc either completely or kind of but keep in mind...this is in the future so they're not going to be the same person that they are on the show. at least not completely. :) last but not least, tell me what you think; i have the first two chapters already done if y'all like it