Chapter 6

Everyone in the room was silent probably still taking in what their "King" has just said. It was Kyouya who was quick enough to recover. "Excuse me Tamaki, but I think I heard wrong. You say this person is your cousin?"

"Yeah, and you didn't hear wrong. It's true", he answered. This time the others snapped out of their reverie. Honey interjected, "You never told us you have a cousin". The others agreed. He pondered for a moment catching his chin with his hand and twitched his lips. "Well, you never asked", he answered finally.

Haruhi mentally sweat dropped at Tamaki's answer. The twins stood up with each arm on the other's shoulder and said, "But we can't see the resemblance". Kagome looked at the mirrored persons in front of her with a thoughtful expression. Damn it he's really cute, wait he's a guy, that's not right. But with the look he's giving. Ugghhh. Kaoru shrugged of his rogue thoughts and tried to concentrate.

"But Honey- sempai and Mori- sempai are also cousins and they're completely opposites", Tamaki answered their question. Kagome turned to him, "Really?" and turned to look at Honey and Mori, "They are?" and back to Tamaki with raised eyebrows. Tamaki laughed softly and patted his cousin's head, "Yes, they are". Kagome couldn't help but smile. She really missed her giddy and expressive cousin.

All of them were just staring at the two. They were like a perfect picture, standing there with smiles on their faces. Somehow, they too felt the happiness that suddenly surrounded them. So that's why his smile looks familiar. Yeah, they're definitely related. This is soooo going to be fun, Honey thought. Kyouya was getting uncomfortable with the atmosphere and cleared his throat. Everyone turned to him and he said that they should continue this over tea. So, they all seated around the long table. Haruhi served them all tea with Mori handing out cookies.

"I still can't believe that the two of you are cousins", Hikaru said biting to a piece of butter cookie. "Yeah, I mean now that were all seated here can't you like share how you two became one in the first place", Kaoru agreed. "Waaaiiii, Honey was clapping his hands with all smiles, "Yeah, Tama-chan tell us the story."

Tamaki looked at Kagome as if asking permission and she just nodded. "Well, okay then…"

Tamaki's father and Kagome's father are brothers. They were the only children in the Suoh family. Their mother, Minako, was always strict and made sure that her sons were given the best and will be the best. Tamaki's father was older than Kagome's by two years and they grew up to be sophisticated young men. During their childhood, one would think that they would speak and act very mature for their age. But this is what their mother wanted. They're not just ordinary kids. They're sons of the Suoh Family.

They're heirs to the Suoh International Group of Companies, a Multi-Billion Corporation that has chains of companies all over the world. They cover 40% of the financing companies in the economic world but what they're most famous for is their establishment and effective management of the most respectable and prominent schools not just in Japan but also in London, Spain, Paris, Canada, Brazil, Sydney, Beijing, New York, California, and Athens.

Syusuke Suoh is the first born of Minako and Tanaka Suoh, a raven haired boy with extremely good looks. He excelled in all subjects but it would be obvious in his grades that he is most outstanding in Literature and Language. He is far more knowledgeable in foreign languages than his brother. He likes playing instruments and like his son, he chose the grand piano among others.

Keisuke Suoh, the second born, also ranked first in his batch. Like his brother, he also had jet black hair. Though he's not as good looking as his brother, he's still very handsome and a charmer. If his brother loved Language and Literature, he preferred Analogy and Mathematics. He also learned how to speak in different languages but this is primarily because their mother insisted so. Keisuke loved the outdoors and was very into physical fitness. He learned different kinds of martial arts, from aikido to kendo.

Though it may seem that they're progressing in two different directions, it weren't such an issue to their mother. As long as they were the best, it was okay.

They studied at Ouran High School. With their looks, money and intelligence, all the girls swooned just merely being in their presence. The guys weren't really jealous of the Suoh boys, they were very cordial. Well, maybe some of them do but if so, they're good at hiding them. They would laugh with others and acknowledge them. They weren't snobs. If someone would ask help, they would and will not ask for anything in return.

Usually, only the two of them would hang out together even though their class schedules were different. They would find time to catch up on each other— the time they missed during classes. Many wouldn't bother them for they thought they would be ruining a good moment. The girls would think how beautiful that Syusuke and his brother are having quality time. And the guys would think that it was so cool to find the two of them in a very intellectual conversation. If only they know, Keisuke and Syusuke talked nothing intellectual of any sort. They mainly talked about gossips and rumors around the campus, about the clubs, their teachers, and sometimes the weather. Yes, the weather. Sometimes they would laugh at how idiotic their conversations could be and the others would get mesmerized at the voices of their laughter, and they would laugh even more.

The brothers grew up to be responsible and hard-working young men. During their high school, they've already started working for their father's company as interns. They aren't expected to just take over once they graduate. Of course, they have to make a name for themselves. It was their father who worked hard for the expansion of their business internationally and maintains it exceedingly well. They balanced their work and studies excellently. Both were at the top of their classes and exceptional at their work. It was what their mother expected of them. They were like puppets, empty shells controlled with invisible strings told to study, work hard, and look good for the sake of the family, for the family's reputation. For them, everything was about business and repute. Ouran High was the only place they could have fun, well at least their definition of fun— being normal.

As determinative as their mother can be, their father was the opposite. He was very understanding. Whenever he saw that his sons were exhausted or tired, he would dismiss them even though his wife would disagree. Whenever they retire to bed, their father would slip into their room bringing milk and cookies, he'll cuddle them, and he would read stories to them. Mostly, he tells about his escapades when he was young. This maybe one of the reasons they don't complain. They know that it would be for their father, neither for the family nor its reputation.

That's why everything changed when the day of Keisuke's 16th birthday came.