All places and characters belong to J.K. Rowling, not me! I make no money from this fic! ^_^ Pairings? Draco and Ginny, Ron and Hermione, and Harry and every girl that crosses his path.... :P

Warnings? Beware of red-headed twin masters of the practical joke.......

Stuck On You ~ Chapter 7

By Caliko

"So... what do you think?" Fred asked his twin, focusing the binoculars on the group of Slytherins and Gryffindors below. The unsuspecting group was busy listening to Madame Pomfrey's first aid class, ignorant of what was about to happen.

They were standing on the top of the vacant astronomy tower, looking down while they planned their first volley. It irked that they were helping Malfoy against their brother, even more that he was seeing their baby sister... but this was a war. Sometimes you just had to do things that you didn't like.

"Hmmm... Love charm or floating transfiguration cloud?" George replied, digging into their supply bag.

"I thought you were still working on the cloud!"

"I am. I just need to see it in action for a bit."

"/sigh/ George, how is that going to work against Ron? It affects anyone it hits!"

"Fred, Dear boy.. haven't you learned anything from me?" The other red-head tsked. "Confuse, then strike the enemy!"

"Well.. when you put it that way." Fred shrugged. "Go for it!"

"Oh, I plan to. I plan to!"

With that, George let go of a single blue feather. Slowly, it wafted down to the green grass, floating on invisible air currents in it's path. Then, about one third of the way down, it expanded and turned gaseous, almost undetectable to the naked eye. By the time it hit the ground, it was but a faint blue cloud that drifted over the school grounds.

They laughed low as it floated towards the unsuspecting group, then groaned as it turned off towards the gardens, and out of sight of the tower.

Alarmed, the boys glanced at each other, wincing when they heard the first tell tale shriek of alarm. Loud squawking followed the shriek, and suddenly, a giant black robed chicken with lank greasy hair ran into view.

The cloud seemed to follow the Snape-chicken as he began to run around the class below. Loud, angry squawks carried upwards, and you could almost understand his outraged accusations.

Then, the cloud hit Neville, turning him into a giant copy of his pet toad, which in turn began to hop around following the Snape chicken.

The twins started to choke, laughing, as one by one, the transfiguration cloud hit each student below. Finally, there were only three left. Ron, Hermione, and Harry.

The cloud zeroed in on Hermione, drifting closer and closer to their brothers girlfriend. Ron yelled out a warning, then dove on top of her. It's next victim was taken as it touched the boys back.

Hermione, seeing this giant spider sitting on her stomach, started screaming, clawing the ground as she attempted to get away.

Harry stood gaping, unsure of whether he should be laughing or yelling obscenities as Professor McGonagall came out of the castle to see what the commotion was all about.

She was met by one giant Snape chicken, a giant Neville toad, a Pansy Parrot, a Crabbe Retriever, and other such monstrosities. Wide-eyed, she looked over them, until she finally saw the Ron Tarantula standing over the helpless Hermione. Unseen, the blue cloud dissipated, leaving havoc in it's wake.

"What is going on?" She yelled, forcing instant quiet to descend on the school's front lawn. "I haven't seen such shenanigans since..." Then, she remembered about their visitors. "FRED AND GEORGE WEASLEY! Front and center!"
"Uh oh! BUSTED!" They chirped, laughing as they descended the stairs. At least they wouldn't have to help Gin any longer!


Meanwhile, on the other side of the castle, in a hidden little niche deep in Hogwarts medicinal garden, Draco lay on his back with Ginny resting on his stomach. They drowsily dozed in the shaded alcove, enjoying the still unseasonably warm weather in each others company.

Both had heard the shouts and squawks, but, after looking briefly in that direction, they decided that they were just to comfortable to move.

Slowly, they drifted off to sleep with the buzzing of bees and the chirping of frogs in the air, simply enjoying the peace that came while the Weasley twins worked their magic.

After awhile, they woke up, and, stretching, rose to their feet. It was time to get ready for dinner. Casually, they strode to the infirmary, not a care in the world, only to be met by the day's victims.

Cringing, they hunched over and ran for their door, only to be brought up short by Professor McGonagall.

"Mr. Malfoy and Ms. Weasley. If we may speak to you?" She began, more than a little miffed. "We would like it if you could please explain why Professor Snape is a giant chicken?"

"We didn't do it!" Ginny breathed, partially horrified, partially in awe of her brother's genius. "We were in the medicinal garden all afternoon!"

"We know who did it, Ms. Weasley." Madame Pomfrey stated, tsking down her nose at the couple. "We also know who ordered it. Your brothers admitted it before we removed them from school property."

"Um.. we didn't tell them to turn everyone into giant animals!" Draco tried. "They were only supposed to keep Weasley out of our hair! I do assume that Weasley is the giant spider that is wrapped around Granger's legs?"

"Quite right." Professor rolled her eyes. "And, he's your new roommate, along with everyone else, until Madame Pomfrey finds the cure. It seems that it's another of the twins experimental pranks, hence, no reversal."

"Room mate?" Ginny gulped, "as in, we're stuck with him twenty-four hours, seven days a week?"

"Until a cure is found. Yes, that is what I just said, Ms. Weasley. For all of your sakes, I certainly hope that the three of you can find a way to get along. You still have what, three weeks until your hex wears off?"

With that, she gave them a superior smile, turned on her heels, and left the infirmary with Madam Pomfrey. Hermione and Harry, the only two seventh years in both houses that didn't get caught, glanced at each other, then the mass of spiders, birds, dogs and toads. Shrugging, they waved goodbye, and followed the head of their house out, leaving the two troublemakers trapped with their victims.

Shouts and screams followed their desertion, and they quickly picked up speed. The sooner they were away from the infirmary, the sooner they wouldn't hear the sounds of retribution! Neither would lift a finger to save Draco or Ginny. Both felt that they were getting exactly what they deserved.


The next day, there was a new spectacle on the front lawns of the castle. Draco and Ginny, under the Petrificus Totalus spell, stood as still as statues in the morning sun. Their once light hair was turned a dark blue and they had thick, hard cakes of homemade soap sticking out of their ears. To top it off, pounds of chicken feathers seemed to be magically crazy glued to their bodies, with the reassurance that they would stay there for at least a month.

A large group of students, Gryffindors and Slytherins alike (who found, to their immense relief, that the transfiguration curse wore off after a few hours) stood, snickering and cat-calling the two lovebirds, until finally, Ron walked up.

"You know, I've been wrong about you two." He smirked. "You both deserve each other."

And, with that rather insulting approval, he walked away from the scene to link arms with his partners in crime. "See you later, Gin."


The End

A/N - STOP yelling at me! lol.. believe it or not, I had no idea it was going to end like this until it did! I make it a point to never plan my fics more than a chapter at a time!

~ Leeko