His Gift

Chapter 1:

"This is not happening to me. This is not happening to me. This is not happening to me. This is not happening to me. This is not happening to me. This is not happening to me. This is not happening to me." I mumbled to myself over and over, as if it was the only thing that kept me from falling on the floor and sobbing my heart out. I took another quick glance at the door, thankful that Charlie was at work, before looking down at the bathroom countertop, knowing and dreading what I would see. Next to the sink were three pregnancy tests.

All of the tests were positive.

"I'm…pregnant?" I tried the words out, hating the way they sounded together. It just wasn't right. I took another glare at the three tests before grabbing them into my hands. I ran quickly into my room, hiding the tests in my underwear drawer, a place I knew Charlie would never find them.

Yes, i was pregnant. Pregnant with Edward's child, which caused another problem, he wasn't here. He had left me, either (a) not knowing I was pregnant, or (b) knowing I was pregnant and not wanting to face the consequences.

"What do I do now?" I asked myself out loud, hearing my words travel through the house before the silence took them over. "It's not like anyone would expect this from me."

That's true; no one would expect me to get pregnant before marriage. I just wasn't that type of girl. I was the type of girl who found the person she was going to spend the rest of her life with before going this far. And I did. I had found the person I thought I would spend the rest of my life with, but I guess he didn't see the way I did. Our love was unbreakable, until 3 days ago when he left me in the forest.

"What do I do now?" I asked myself again. I had several solutions spinning around in my head at the moment, so only one thought came to mind, "I'll write them down."

I smiled at my completed list, putting my pen down before reading for the thousandth time that day.

1- Run away.

2- Have an abortion.

3- Have the baby and then give it away to adoption

4- Tell Charlie.

5- Tell Jacob.

I knew two things. The first was number 2. There was no way I was going to have an abortion. I didn't think it was right. I was going to have the baby, no matter what anyone said about me because i ended up in this situation. The second thing was number 3. I knew I was going to keep the baby, raising it like any other parent. I picked up the pen, crossing off number 2 and number 3. I smiled, looking down at my edited list.

1- Run away.

4- Tell Charlie.

5- Tell Jacob

I wasn't going to run away because I didn't have the heart too; I would miss Jacob and Charlie too much. I would break both their hearts and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't say good bye to either of them. I sighed, crossing number 1 off the list.

4- Tell Charlie.

5- Tell Jacob.

I sighed again, looking down at my list. The list only contained two more options. I swore to myself I would do one of the options on this list, I just had to choose which one I thought was best. The only options left were numbers 4 and 5, both of which involved telling someone. Now was the hard part: who do I tell? Do I tell Jake? Or do I tell Charlie?

I knew I was going to end up telling both of them sooner or later, so I thought about who would be more helpful in this situation. After choosing, I crossed off the other option, leaving me with my final decision.

5- Tell Jacob.