Hi! Iknow this chapter was awhile comi'n but we had problems with our computer again so we just got another one! Anyways here's the next chapter of Bloody Imprint! Yay! ( Caution: Mild language and violence!) Disclaimer: Nope! Don't own it!

Not Me

" Awkward" didn't seem like the right word for this kind of situation, but any other word like " Wrong" or " Crazy" or even " unthinkable" could really describe this. Surreal maybe. The hurt and anger here couldn't possibly be because of me, right…? I didn't hurt anyone. I didn't see anything……right? As I looked at the faces around me I felt a strange combination of emotions that consisted of fear, guilt and then…detachment. Probably how one would feel if they had an out-of-body experience or something. That had to be it because I would never hurt someone I cared about, right?

I loved Bella in a special way that was for only us. Not as a lover, but more than a friend. Even if it couldn't have been helped I loved Edward deeply-as it should be, him being my significant other. My pack was my family and Sam was as much a father figure to me as Billy was my blood. So what just happened? Let's start from the beginning: After I had calmed down in the woods, Edward and I decided the first step in finding Bella would be to alert everyone we knew of the kidnapping. Edward ran off to tell his family about what had happened, while I had phased in to the wolf to telepathically tell my brothers everything I knew. Sadly, it wasn't much.

Earlier that day

' Jacob! How did this happen!?' Was the first thought that reached me after I told them. Well, more like sent a fractured telegram. ( Bella-taken-blood-vampire-needs help!) I was still shaken up real bad so the fact that I could ' say' anything was amazing to me. Just as I had asked, Billy had contacted Sam and told him what I had said earlier. He sent to me the fact that Billy had asked him to wait for me to come back before relaying any information to the others, so it was just him who called to me first.

' Sam! You need to gather everyone you can and put together a search for Bella or any trace of the vamp who took her!'

' Is it the woman who's hunting Bella?' I inwardly shuddered at his tone. You could hear the growl in his voice and even though he was miles awayit didn't mean the heat in his anger was any cooler.

' The same one! I think her name's Victoria!' I felt him as a mental nod reached my own head. Then I felt the slight shift in his mood as an uncomfortable-almost grudging feeling mixed in with his anger and worry.

' Does Edward know?'

' Yeah. He's sounding the alarm to his family too.' I raced ahead faster as Sam sent me his location: The south shore of La Push beach. With in minutes I was on the same beach panting with exhaustion and trembling adrenaline. I watched as he paced restlessly back and fourth, waiting for him to tell me what to do. But as he thought over what I had told him, I only caught a mess of jumbled ideas and thoughts. ( His thought process was traveling a mile a minute, and trying to follow everything made my head hurt.) I caught images of Bella, her smiling face in his mind pulling harshly on the strings of my guiltI might have lost it again if it had lasted any longer. Then after a rush of images and incoherent thoughts, I felt and saw him recall the time we had ripped that other vamp to shreds, and him imagining doing the same to Victoria. I was with him on that one.

I focused hard on him as Edward flashed in his mind for a millisecond, and then on to me……wait what? ' Sam?' He continued to pace around like he didn't even hear me. ' Sam!' This time he sharply turned his head to the side and gave me a glare.

' And I suppose you were with him while she was taken.' It wasn't a question.

' Yeah, I was. One minute everything was fine, the next we both just got this really weird feeling like something was wrong. We ran back as fast as we could butby the time we got there'

' You were too late!' I cringed at the sound of his voice. It was harsh, and you could just hear the unspoken accusations shouting at the top of their invisible lungs.

' You think this is my fault.'

' What's your fault?' We both turned around and there was Embry, his head tilted in confusion. Both Sam and I sent him our thoughts about Bella and what had happened to her. I don't think I have to repeat myself here. Once he had heard everything we had to say, he whimpered and sat down slowly on the sand. ' Oh man……' Sam turned away from Embry and rounded on me again.

' Jacob how many months have we been striving to keep Bella Swan safe now? First it was that-that vampire who tried to kill Bella in the field-'

' Laurent.' I clarified. Not that he paid much attention to it.

' and now Victoria has succeeded in taking her after months of time and effort AND WHY?! BECAUSE YOU DECIDED SPENDING TIME WITH HIM WAS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE SAFETY OF ISABELLA SWAN-YOUR FRIEND!'

' I'M SORRY!' I hated this! How could he stand there and say I didn't care about her!? ' I didn't think-'

' Obviously!' Sam stated grimly. But I wouldn't let him interrupt me. I wanted, no, needed him to understand.


' Oh, please! After everything that thing's put us through, how could you NOT see this coming!?' Sam, Embry and I turned around as Paul charged toward us with Jared and Leah in tow. Then he joined Sam's glaring club by giving me one of his own.' I told you days ago to just ditch the vamp and kill it, but would you listen? Oh nooooo! And now look!' Embry stepped protectively to my side and gave them both pleading looks.

' C'mon, you guys. You're acting like Jacob asked her to take Bella. I mean sure-he never should have left her butgeez people! He didn't expect this any more than we did.' Sam's glare was still in place, only now it wasn't as harsh. Paul seemed surprised for some reason. I gotta admit I was too. I figured Embry would be just as mad as them. I shifted my eyes to Jared and Leah who both looked thoughtful.

' It is strange to say the least.' Now it was Jared's turn to join in. ' I personally would have never thought the vampire would try to harm Bella now. Not with the Cullen family returned from where the came from and now so close to her. I wonder why she chose now to act? I do believe it was unwise to leave Bella, Jacob.' He glanced my way as I hung my head and made a sound somewhere between annoyed and guilty. ' But I also believe it wasn't entirely his fault.

' Jacob? You and Bella have mentioned before hand that among the Cullen's is a powerful seer, haven't you?' Everyone turned their eyes to me.

' Yeah, her name's Alice.' Jared nodded intrigued by what I had said. He began pacing back and fourth in front of us as he " voiced" his opinions.

' If that is true, then wouldn't she have seen the other one coming? Would she not have at least warned Bella?' That was a good question. I could hear all of us going over what Jared had just said. Did Alice see Victoria? She had to have! So why wasn't she there? And was Edward thinking about this too? I walked forward until I was in the center of our group.

' I think we should talk to Alice about this. I mean, it's like Jared said: She would have seen it much sooner than anyone else so, what happened? I think we should ask her about it.' Paul shot me a glare and growled.

' And how are we supposed to do that? The Cullens ain't allowed here and I don't want 'em here!'

' I never said they had to be here! Maybe if we just met somewhere they can-!' Paul shook his head and got right in my face as he barked out his next argument.

' No! We don't need anymore interference from them! They're nothing but trouble and I don't want to associate myself with it! No one does!' Leah's ears perked up a bit and she raised her brows.

' When did this conversation become about you or what you want Paul? I thought this was all about the lovers screwing over their friend by letting her get kidnapped, and groveling for us to un-fuck the situation.' She said blandly. That was it! The fur on my body bristled sharply and I let out a feral snarl. I leapt forward and tackled Leah to the sand while locking my jaws on to her neck. She whimpered and yelped in pain as I sank my teeth deeper in to her skin, then jerked it.

As I bit her I felt like a vampire myself-tasting her blood and from that I gained a sick, twisted sense of satisfaction. She was always beating me down or pushing my buttons. Well that last comment had set of the proverbial bomb in my system and all the anger and all the guilt I felt was instantly given to her. It felt unnaturally good to get back at her like this-to hurt her. But all these feelings were short-lived: Within seconds I was hit hard from the side and forced to let go. At once Jared had me pinned down while Embry hit me hard in the face with his paw. ' Hey! Snap out of it, Jake!'

I growled angrily and struggled to get up, but the sight in front of me rendered me completely paralyzed. Embry was looking at me with wide, fearful eyes, Jared was looking at me like he'd never seen me before, Paul's head was swerving back and fourth between Leah and me. I followed his gaze and there she was, blood trickling from her neck and staining her fur. There was a deep scratch on her muzzle and she was crouched low to the ground, trembling and whimpering in fear as she stared at me. Sam was standing protectively in front of her, giving me a look that might make the devil himself get down on his knees and pray. The storm of emotions felt in all of us circled through the group like wildfire. Anger, fury, hurt, shock, pain, fear, and guilt. As I took in the scene around me I broke the silence with my own disbelieving question:

' How did that just happen?' I wouldn't hurt someone I cared about, right? Not Billy-not Edward-not…not Leah! Sure we didn't get along. Okay, we took every chance we had to push and shove the other around. But this…… I may not like her, but as a member of my pack and family I did love her. The same way a brother might love his sister whom he didn't get along with. There was loyalty and love but beyond that we never really could reach each other.

' Oh really? Then why'd it feel so good to tear her apart?' Of all the times Bad Jacob just had to come to me now. I was hoping for an input from Good Jacob. Maybe a way to fix what I just did. But I couldn't get past the fact that I'd done this. I was the one who hurt Leah so badly and now it was because of me she was shaking while she bled. I watched as Sam phased back in to his human form and slowly walked away from her to tower over Jared and me.

Jared quickly got up and backed away from me and I slowly stood up. Sam studied me, then hit me hard in the face with his fist. I didn't yelp or cry out. I just let myself fall to the sand. " We'll continue this meeting when this group regains control." By the way his voice shook and the low whisper of his voice I knew he was also speaking for himself. I couldn't believe what was happening. And I knew I couldn't stay there.

I jumped up and ran as fast and as far away from the beach as I could.

Yikes! This chapter idea started off as something else, but when I got to Leah...well...I decided to twist things up a bit. But don't worry! Edward'll make it better in the next chapter! ( Not like that you perverts!) Please R&R!