To my dear readers,

I recently received a review from an anonymous person telling me that advanceshipping authors suck and that contestshippers rule. I just want you all to know that just because I just write advanceshipping stories doesn't mean that it is all I like. I like contestshipping and advanceshipping all the same and pick either one over the other. I just like writing advanceshipping because they are harder to write and I prefer a challenge. So please, if you want to dis me or others like me, read our profiles before or better yet, just don't 'cause we will not be so happy and we will tell you. Some just do it for the challenge or for a change. Please be considerate to the authors, they worked very hard and there are some that don't like contestshipping, I am not one of them. And for those who read and reviewed, thank you for reading and being respectful.
