Chapter 2: By Order of the President

Chapter 2: By Order of the President

Disclaimer: Only my stuff is mine.

A/N: Part 2! Yay! Awesome shippiness, Heehee!

Okay, so very brief reference to season four episode "Window of Opportunity." Amazingly shippy episode!


Sam tensed waiting for him to make the first move. She had felt his presence before she actually saw him and was determined not to give her awareness of him away. Just a few more steps…

When his fingers were centimeters from the papers in her hands she took a quick step to her right and bounded down the stairs leading back into the corridor. Not missing a beat, Jack followed her.

Just as her feet hit the stone floor he grabbed her shoulders and spun her around, her back pushed against the wall. She was wearing a 'cat ate the canary' grin and he gave her one right back. He stepped close and reached behind her, snagging the papers from her fingers. He held them up triumphantly.

"Ha!" he said, still standing inches from her with a hand on her waist.

Sam blushed, but her eyes glinted confidently at him. "Right back at ya." She smirked.

He looked down at her noticing how close she was. She was gazing up at him, a myriad of emotions that he couldn't read running across her face. He did, however, notice the attractive pink flush in her cheeks.

"What do you mean?" he asked, flinching at the slightly cracked quality of his voice. He had never been this close to her before and was embarrassed to admit it, but her proximity was throwing him off…in a good way.

"I got you to smile." She said simply, shrugging.

He stared at her in amazement. She ran up and down the halls of the base because he was having a bad day? 'Good God.' He thought. 'I am such an ass.' However, he couldn't help the guilty thought that chased the last. 'But if I hadn't been…I wouldn't be here…with her…right now…'

Sam looked up into his eyes and felt her cheeks grow even hotter. He was staring at her with…something…in his eyes. Something that made shivers run up and down her spine and her stomach got a pleasant warm feeling.

He smiled at her. A slow, lingering smile that reached his eyes in a spark of decision. He took another step forward, effectively pinning her between the wall and his body. Her breath stuck in her throat and her words of question lay unused on her tongue.

"Thank you, Carter." He said; no hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"For what?" she managed to choke out. The hand that rested on her waist suddenly disappeared and then reappeared on her shoulder. He placed his other hand on her opposite shoulder.

"For being you." He murmured quietly.

She frowned and opened her mouth to respond when all thought was obliterated from her mind. Jack gently took her face in his hands and leaned down. His lips met hers and she thought she was going to pass out. He was kissing her! Her eyes widened before slipping closed. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. His hands dropped from her face and wrapped around her back.

Sam was standing on her toes slightly and leaning into Jack for support. She felt him smile into the kiss. Pulling back a little she leaned her forehead against his, enjoying the warmth that coursed through her. His embrace was warm and comforting, safe and familiar.

Jack realized that they fit perfectly together. They were…perfect.

"So…" Sam said, her voice barely above a whisper. Her vocal cords were too tight to speak any louder.

"You know how long I've waited to do that?" Jack decided to go for directness. "And I sucked at the waiting too." He muttered grinning down at her.

"Wha…?" she asked. He was pleased to see that she still looked slightly dazed.

"I cheated on our little 'this never has to leave this room'…thing." He tightened his hold on her for a second.

"Oh?" Sam said, surprised that he remembered her words that were spoken nearly four years earlier. She had hated herself for making that decision. For letting the facade carry on…but it was the right thing to do at the time. She knew that there was no way she would have been able to stand being separated from him at work. She couldn't handle not being on the team together.

"During that whole time loop thing…you know what? That's a story for another time." He improvised, losing his confidence at the last moment. She laughed and nodded.

They stood in silence for a minute just enjoying the feel of the other. Nothing had ever seemed so right…so in place before. A loud cough behind them got their attention though. Instead of jumping back as she had expected he merely turned his head and glared at the group of onlookers with a bland expression.

The "group" consisted of Sergeant Siler, Walter, Airman Wells, Major Green, Lieutenant Grogan, Doctor Lee, Major Davis, Janet Frasier, and Teal'c, with Daniel standing at the front. His arms were crossed over his chest and he was wearing a smug expression.

"Daniel." Jack greeted, a hint of 'bad timing, idiot' in his voice.

"Jack." Daniel retorted. "Sam." He nodded toward her. The smug look on his face increased when neither said anything. "Can we assume that you're no longer…in a bad mood?" he cocked his head to the side and gave them a once-over.

Jack shifted like he was going to reach for (or throttle) Daniel, but Sam pulled him back and laid her head on his chest, still staring at her friends and co-workers. This was probably the worst thing that could have happened. She and her CO had been caught making out in the halls of the SGC. 'How stupid can I get?' Sam wondered. 'It's over. Davis is here and he'll take this with him to the Pentagon. All the military personnel…as much as they had already hinted at knowing about Jack and me…they still have to report us.'

Sam blinked. She knew she should step away from the colonel and try to think of something that would explain their behavior. 'I only have six weeks to live…? No…he tripped and caught himself by grabbing me? No, stupid.' She chastised herself. 'Who the hell catches themselves on their 21C's lips? Ooooh…when was the last time we had an alien virus? Yeah, that's good. We were due for one of those soon anyway.'

She wanted so badly to give her excuse, but knew if she did, she would hate herself. There was no going back. They couldn't pretend that they were just friends. Not now.

Plus, he hadn't pushed her away either. His arms were still wrapped casually around her back.

"Howdy folks." Jack nodded to the rest of the cluster. They still seemed too shocked to speak. "So…Carter and I wanna tell you something…" he trailed when Major Davis stepped forward.

He handed them each a piece of paper. Sam could swear that it was still warm from a printer. Plus, she had never seen a court martial served up so fast. 'Maybe they've had one typed up for us for years and were just waiting to hand them over…?' It seemed to be the only plausible explanation. And even then…it didn't seem that plausible. Unless, Kinsey…

Sam shook her head and looked apprehensively up at Jack. He was looking at the paper in his hand. They shifted at the same time so they could read the letters, but kept their shoulders touching.

Sam's eyes flew over the paper as she read and reread the one sentence that meant everything changed.

"By order of the President of the United States of America, fraternization regulations in application at Stargate Command have been suspended indefinitely." Jack whistled low and looked up at all the faces peering at him. "This a base-wide thing?"

Something shifted in Davis' eyes and a smile flitted across his lips. "No, sir."

"But it says 'Stargate Command.'" Sam pointed out, hardly daring to believe that this was actually happening.

"We can't be too specific, ma'am." Davis' proper military demeanor was broken by the wink he gave them.

"Oh?" Jack asked.

"Don't have that kind of time, sir." Davis puffed out his chest importantly, but the smile stayed on his face. "Too busy saving the world."

Jack smiled and Sam laughed out loud. The group broke into scattered applause, handshakes, and hugs. Janet practically bowled Sam over. "Thank God! If I had to see one more secret look of passion," she giggled playfully. "I was going to shoot the both of you."

"Thanks." Sam said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. But her smile was genuine and she hugged Janet back with the same enthusiasm.

Daniel grabbed Sam in a bear hug and clapped Jack on the back.The colonel, in turn, ruffled the younger man's hair. Teal'c hugged Sam as well and shook O'Neill's hand heartily. He was happy to see his friends so carefree.

Someone cleared their throat and the group fell silent, realizing who it was.

General Hammond walked slowly down the rest of the corridor and stopped in front of the couple. After an agonizing moment of suspense he spoke. "It's about damn time."

Sam broke into a smile and hugged the general. She had known the man since she was a little girl, but she had never expected this. Jack shook his hand and draped an arm casually around her waist; like they had been doing this forever. They kinda had…just less openly affectionate. His hand burned pleasantly on her hip.

"I order you two to take the week off. Lord knows, you've got some catching up to do." George's smile paled into comparison of the sheer intensity of theirs.

"Yes, sir." They both answered, Jack giving him a half-salute.

As Sam and Jack made their way down the hall she leaned into his side. He kissed the top of her head and pushed the elevator button. They both knew a week was nowhere near the amount of time needed to catch up on nearly eight years worth of…stuff. But, they would take it.

Hell, they had the rest of their lives together.

The End

A/N: Let me know what you think!! R&R!