Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Fifth Grade and Beyond

Narrator: The next day, Violet Heaslip watches as Becky…. Well, to be honest, she's just not acting like her usual self. Even I'm a little worried….

Becky: (twirling around the room) I've never had such a nice time! I didn't know it was even possible to feel this way! It's like I'm floating on a cloud! (Flops down her bed; sighs) And you'd never guess it, but Tobey's actually a very good conversationalist. He's so engaging. I never thought I'd enjoy being around him…! (Sighs)

Violet: Becky, do you realize what you're saying?

Becky: (Turns to look at Violet) What am I saying?

Violet: Well… I could be wrong, but it seems that you may like Tobey more then you're letting on. You might even—

Becky: Don't say it. Violet, it's Tobey! I would never even imply that I like him!

Violet: But you just did. Wait-what does "imply" mean again?

Becky: "Imply": to mean or suggest something without actually saying what you mean.

Violet: See! That's what you did! You suggested that you like Tobey without actually telling me that you do!

Becky: Oh, come on! I did not.

Violet: Did too.

Becky: Did not.

Violet: You did too!

Becky: (Stands up) I did not!

Narrator: Excuse me! I hate to interrupt, but maybe we should just skip the whole fight scene, don't you think Wordgirl?

Becky: Um… I guess so.

Narrator: Thanks! (Clears throat) Later that day as the city was being covered by a huge wad of self-rising dough, Wordgirl and Tobey combat Chuck the Evil Sandwich Making Guy, and eventually save the city by calling in a… wait, is this right? They called in a pigeon breeder and asked him to unleash the birds, and they ate the bread? Wow! I wouldn't have thought of that! Oh right… the script. A-hem! After Chucks humiliating demise, none of Wordgirl's enemies are heard from for six years. But since that day, Becky "Wordgirl" Botsford and Tobey McAllister considered each other as friends for life. That is, until one day six years later after school.

6 Years Later

Becky Botsford, now 16 years old, has matured into a high school junior. Her hair is longer, and she wears a little make up. She has enjoyed being plain Becky for the past six years.

Violet Heaslip's hair is also longer. She's dyed it a strawberry blonde. She is dating Todd "Scoops" Ming. Scoops is the youngest writer for The Big City Times, while he also writes for the high school's personal paper.

Tobey McAllister the third has also changed. Now 16, his hair is in a more modern style. He can finally dress himself the way he wants… Polo shirts, jeans, and sneakers! Yes! He wears contacts in place of his old glasses. Right now, he's finishing a conversation with Becky; and does she sound mad.

Becky: And then she stuck a wad of chewed gum on my seat! I didn't find out about that until after class! I was mortified!

Tobey: (leaning against a wall) I can see why you call her a nuisance. I wouldn't stand for her antics either.

Becky: (Scoffs; crosses arms) No kidding. Lorrie Stamper is so snooty! There are times when I really want to lay into her! (Clenches her hands into fists) Maybe I will!

Tobey: Oh, no you don't!(Straightens up and places both hands on her shoulders) Becky, please don't do something you'll regret. Calm down! (Looks her in the eye) I know you don't like her, so just do me…. And the rest of the student body… a favor, and ignore her, alright? (He squeezes her shoulder)

Becky: I'll try. But I'm not promising anything. (Lays her head on his shoulder) Thanks, Tobey.

Tobey: Don't mention it. (Hugs her)

Scoops and Violet walk up to them.

Violet: Maybe now you two want to be in the paper, on the "Cutest Couples" list?

Scoops: Violet, you are a genius! I'll just--

Becky: No you won't! We're not hugging anymore! (Pulls back) See?

Violet: Nice save, Becks. Here are your chemistry notes back. I wish I could say they were helpful, but…

Becky: I know. Biology's not my strongest subject either. But you're welcome anyway, Vi.

Violet: Thanks, Becky. (Speaking to Scoops) C'mon, Scoopie Bear. Let's go for a walk.

Scoops and Violet walked off while Tobey and Becky trailed along slowly behind them. Tobey appeared to be deep in thought.

Becky: Did she call him "Scoopie Bear"? Never mind. (Looks at Tobey. Speaks playfully) What's on your mind, Einstein?

Tobey: You…oh, not you as in "you". I meant your Biology class. I take it it's not going well?

Becky: It's just not going! (Hugs her books to her chest) I just don't get it! How can I memorize the entire dictionary, yet not grasp the concept of Biology? It just doesn't make sense.

Tobey: (reflectively) Some things aren't meant to be understood, I guess. (Snaps fingers) I've got it! How about you come over to my house after school and we study together?

Becky: Tobey, you're a genius! I'd love to do that!

Tobey: Right then! It's a date! – I mean, it's not a date, but—

Becky: Yeah, I get you. See you later! (Waves and runs)

Tobey: You too! (Waves)