Chapter 9 – Three is a Crowd

Ron and Harry were making their way back to Common Room after Quidditch practice. Ron had been uncharacteristically quiet during practice. He flinched when Harry put a hand on his shoulder.

"What's going on, Ron? Something's been bothering you, I can tell."

Ron shrugged and muttered something along the lines of 'Haven't been sleeping well.'

Harry smirked. He knew full well what was bothering Ron, but decided to drop the subject.

They had barely entered the castle, when someone overpowered them from behind. Blinded and bound by an unfamiliar spell, Ron and Harry collapsed to the ground.

"Merlin damn it! Who's there?" Harry shouted.

Ron was cursing violently somewhere close to him.

A low chuckle was heard when they were levitated into the air. Ron felt rather than heard the Silencing Charm that was cast around them and knew it was no use trying to call for help. Without their eyesight, they tried to figure out where they were taken.

Harry gasped when he realized they were traveling up to the seventh floor.

"The Room of Requirement," Ron hissed. "Who the fuck is doing this, Harry?"

"Dunno," Harry whispered back. "But I have a feeling we're going to find out soon."

A door opened and closed. Harry and Ron touched down onto the ground and blinked into the dimly lit room when they found their sight restored.

Someone was standing over them, his face hidden in the shadows of his hood.

"Well if it isn't Potter and Weasley," a familiar drawl came from the hood. "Potter, I think Weasley looks a little pale. Did I scare you with the Dark Arts, Weaselby?"

Draco pushed back his hood and sneered at the redhead's shocked expression.

"Oh please, Weaselby. Potter and I actually own a brain. We figured out you weren't after me. But surprise surprise! It's not Harry you're after either…"

Ron's jaw practically dropped to the floor when he heard Draco's words.

"Wha- what the hell are you insinuating Malfoy?" he choked out.

Draco waved his wand at Harry, freeing him from the bonds.

"I did a little research last night," Draco continued, twirling his wand in his hand. "And guess what I found out? It's possible to have two partners when you're in heat."

Ron gaped at Draco incredulously.

"You mean…"

"It's us you're after, Ron," Harry said soothingly. "You want us both. Hence the confusion. Here, let me prove it to you."

He pulled Draco into a tight embrace and kissed him passionately.

Ron desperately tried to avert his eyes, but found himself incapable of doing just that. He stared at Harry and Draco kissing each other.

And grew hard in an instant.

"Had enough, Weasley?" Draco taunted, casting a sideways glance at his captive. "Or shall we continue?"

Ron bit back a groan. He already felt the urge to fight against his bonds, anything to get up and join them.

Harry broke the kiss, but not before he sucked on Draco's bottom lip lustfully.

"Oh hell no, Draco. Let's make him watch for a while."

Draco raised his eyebrows at Harry.

"Bloody Slytherin," he muttered. "Sorry, Weasley. You heard Golden Boy. You can beat him up later."

Ron groaned even louder when Harry started to undress tantalizingly slowly.