April fool's fools

Disclaimer: I do not own twilight or its characters, Stephanie Meyer does.

Jasper's point of view

It was 11:56, 4 minutes till April first, 4 minutes until you couldn't walk to the other side of the room without something bad happening. The buzz of emotions in the room where very irritating, Emmett was excited, of course, Edward was worried, probably about Bella- he was so overprotective! Bella was nervous, she should be this would be her first April fools day as a vampire.

Esme and Carlisle where looking at everybody warningly, Esme's expression said it all, if anything breaks, you will pay!

11:59 one minute.

"Okay everyone," said Esme's Voice early loud enough for a human to hear, but loud and clear to a vampire. "Remember, the rules, no pranks on Carlisle or me, and no breaking anything!" As soon as she finished the clock dinged and everyone ran out of the room to set up who knows what……

Alice and I had made a truce to not prank each other, so we would be planning together. Alice looked so determined it was almost scary. I felt bad for anyone who would have to suffer Alice's wrath.

"I wonder what the others are doing." I thought out loud.

"Mmm," Alice said.

I opened the door a crack to see what was going on.

"Jasper no! " Alice screamed, but it was too late, my face was covered it bright pink paint. Edward and Bella stood across the hall laughing.

This was going to be a long 24 hours.

The next chapters are wayyy longer :)