Five years later…

Five years later…

Sylvia Noble felt someone tug at her skirt, she looked down to see her daughter looking exactly the same as when she was five…no she had to remember that Donna was never her daughter and that the girl before her is definitely not the girl she raised.

"Auntie Sylvia these are for you" the girl said proudly thrusting a handful of daises that she picked herself "so you can put them on the pretty stone angel of yours"

Sylvia felt her heart lurch painfully; to explain Donna's disappearance she and Wilf claimed that she was dead. They even went to the extent of putting a gravestone up. It helped a bit; Sylvia preferred the idea of her daughter being dead than being the little girl who was being raised by two complete strangers.

"Thank you darling" she said accepting the flowers and patting Donna's red curls affectionately "you been good for old Wilf?"

Donna nodded "we played monsters and good guys" she said "Wilf was the monster and I stopped him from invading Earth!"

"If you ask me she's the monster" Wilf grumbled while rubbing his back "I'm certain she pulled a muscle"

"Well that will teach you for acting like Donna's age instead of your own, honestly Dad" Sylvia said rolling her eyes "now the two of you wash up and we'll have some sandwiches and cakes. Your parents will be here soon Donna"

"Boo!" Donna said "I wanted to play with Wilf some more"

Sylvia let out a laugh and herded Donna into the house to wash her hands.


The Doctor stood in his favourite position, leaning on the door frame with his hands in his pockets. The bedroom was painted a pale pink with matching carpets, the bed was a large fairytale princess type and by the foot of the bed was a white wooden (bigger on the inside) box filled with toys. The TARDIS had lovely taste. Though the Doctor was little bit worried that his TARDIS knew how to decorate little children's rooms, makes him wonder if she had a secret maternal instinct thing going on.

He watched Rose brush Donna's red curls and tucks the little girl in bed, he stared admiringly at the obvious pregnancy bump that Rose had. The one Donna kept petting claiming it was her little brother and refuse to believe it might be a girl.

"Tell me the story!" Donna demanded.

"What's the magic word?" Rose said in a sing song voice.

"Raxacoricofallipatorius" Donna said immediately

"The other magic word Donna" Rose said rolling her eyes.

"Pretty please with chocolate, marshmallows, bananas and cherries on top?" Donna said fluttering her eyelashes innocently.

"That's the one!" Rose said settling herself on Donna's bed "all right then. Once upon a time lived a girl called Little Red Hiding Hood…"


"So you're telling me that little Donna Tyler is actually Donna's daughter" Margie summed up stirring her tea.

"yes, Donna gave her up for adoption before she died" Sylvia said lying through her teeth, her neighbours who had watched Donna grow up wanted to know who the redheaded child who looked exactly like Donna was. The Doctor told her to lie about her parentage to the neighbours to explain her likeness to Donna; this was the best she could come up with. "John and Rose were good friends of Donna and named her after her"

"Well isn't that sweet" Margie said "so are you going to tell her yet?"

"Not now, when she's older" Sylvia said, though she wouldn't want to be there when they tell her that she used to be Donna Noble and this was in fact her second child hood, Donna wasn't exactly the easiest going of people. "You could almost say it's the Noble family secret"

Margie laughed and Sylvia joined in, yes the Noble family secret indeed.

Authors note: I would like to thank all those who reviewed, story alerted and favourited this story.