Title: Democracy's Demise
Author: Copper Bandit
Warnings: shounen-ai in future editions (?) ...
Rating: PG-13, but there isn't any language
Disclaimer: standard disclaimers apply

"What?!" He hissed in a low whisper. "They can't have lost! No! You can't be serious!"

Fred nodded. "Afraid so, old boy." The red haired boy smiled weakly at Harry. "I'm sure it won't be all that bad." Upon noticing just how desolate Harry looked he added "I'm positively sure of it."

"Yeah, sure." Harry muttered distractedly as his head slunk between his arms that were propped on up on the table. "I'm sure you wouldn't be so optimistic if you were in my position."

Fred smiled a little. "I wouldn't have gotten myself in your position. I don't understand why in the world you would agree to such a foolish bet."

"It's not like I had a choice!" Harry snapped. "He was going to-" Harry paused, realizing he couldn't really tell Fred about how Draco had threatened to tell the professors about his sneaking about the grounds and about the cloak of invisibility. Harry trusted Fred, but didn't want the boy to constantly borrow his treasured invisibility cloak to go sneaking of to the kitchen. "Forget it. Just do me a favor and don't tell the others."

"Don't worry about it." Fred said quickly. "Your secret is safe with me. Does, uh, Ron know?"

"No. No one but you and me. And Draco. And I want to keep it that way if you please. It's rather embarrassing, if you know what I mean."

Fred grinned. "I'll say. I feel honored that you trusted me with this Harry."

Harry frowned at Fred. "I didn't want to tell anyone. You just happened to find that note..."

"But if I hadn't found it you know who would have? Cynthia would have found it for sure. And we all know that if she had everyone in school would know by now. She is the biggest gossip in Hogwarts, Harry, you know that." Fred concluded pointedly.

Harry nodded. "Yeah... I know. I just can't believe the Cannons lost."

"Yeah, me neither." Fred agreed. "Sorry I had to be the one to pass that on to you, but I was sure you'd rather hear it from me than Draco."

Groaning Harry rested his head on the Gryffandor common room table. "You just got me depressed again. I don't want to think about him," Harry spat on the last word, "or even hear his horrid name! Ugh!"

The red-haired boy cleared his throat. "Well, actually Harry... I passed him on my way up here." Harry groaned again, but Fred ignored him and continued. "He told me to give you this." He dug a piece of folded parchment from his sack. "Here you go, Harry."

Harry glared at the paper so intensely that it wouldn't have been surprising if it had burst into flames, but opened it slowly, cursing each crisp fold that Draco had made. He read aloud, "8:30, the Ravenclaw Quiddich locker room. Alone." Harry hung his head. "Well, it's been nice knowing you Fred, but after tonight I am a dead man. If Draco doesn't kill me, I'll finish myself off for him."

Fred sent Harry a sympathetic smile. "Aw, gee Harry, cheer up a bit. You still have three hours of life left."

"I just-" Harry began but was cut off.

"Oi! Fred! Harry!" George called out as he entered the room and approached them. Before George reached them they exchanged a knowing look between them, a silent agreement to talk about it later.

Harry made his way down the hall slowly, dragging his feet bitterly as he went towards the locker rooms. It had been really hard loosing Ron and Hermione, but Fred had helped him out by coming up with a pretty decent excuse for Harry needing to not go back with the rest of the group to the Gryffandor tower after dinner. He would have to remember to thank Fred later.

Even though he was moving as slow as he could without moving backwards, Harry felt like he had made it to the locker room all too quickly. He opened the heavy door slowly. He walked into the locker room cautiously. "Draco?" He called out.

As Harry turned the narrow, locker corridor to the main area where most of the lockers were and captains usually gave pep talks, he saw Draco sitting on one of the benches in front of a group of lockers. The lanky blonde haired boy had been examining his wand in his hands, but looked up at Harry's entrance.

"Potter. You're five minutes late." The Slytherin boy noted, his voice rising in dissatisfaction.

"I had a hard time getting away." Harry said quickly to excuse himself. He looked at his shoes, feeling awkward. "So what are the terms of my punishment?" He asked dutifully, eyes still stuck on the floor.

Draco smirked. "For once in his life Potter finds himself the loser, eh? Maybe you shouldn't bet anymore."

"You didn't give me a choice!" Harry spat.

He dismissed this with a wave of his hand. "Mere technicality. But the fact remains. You are under my direction for, how long is it? Remind me, Potter."

Harry's face was marred with venomous poison as he muttered, "four days."

"What was that Potter? I can't hear you when you mumble."

"Four days." Harry said, his face reddening a bit.

Draco smirked. "That's better." He rose from his seat on the bench and began to pace the locker room floor. "You didn't tell the Weasley boy and Granger, did you?" Harry shook his head and Draco continued. "Good. I've been thinking a bit about your sentence. I decided not to have you do the menial housework duties I had in mind originally."

"Gee thanks." Harry said sarcastically.

Draco sent him a warning glare. "Anyway, I have decided not to make you do that when I have house-elves to do those tasks. So..." he drawled dramatically, "I've picked out a different task."

The whole thing made Harry impatient. "Out with it, Draco!"

"You, Harry, are going to have a crush on me for the next four days. You'll write my name on all your folders. You'll carry a picture of me in your wallet. You will follow me around. You'll stare at me in class. You'll agree with whatever I say. You'll stare into my eyes dreamily when you talk to me when other people are around. That kind of stuff. Understand?"

Harry listened to the whole thing as though it was all part of some awful dream. "Never!" He scoffed. "I'd rather die!"

Draco shrugged. "Then I'll tell the head master what I know about-"

"Fine." Harry submitted, eyes narrowing in repulsion.

"There's a good boy." Draco smirked. He reached out and patted Harry on the head patronizingly. Harry pulled back from Draco's touch violently. "No, no. That will not do, Potter. You are under my dictation now, least you have forgotten."

"I haven't forgotten." Harry said through tightly clenched teeth.

Draco smirked again, a look he often wore. "Good. Now give me your arm." Harry hesitated but obliged, holding out his right arm. Draco drew a quill from his robes and took Harry's arm. He proceeded to write 'I love D.M.' on Harry's arm. "Now if someone asks who D. M. is what will you say?" Draco asked.

"Draco Malfoy." Harry recited dryly.

Draco smiled smugly. "Good. Now I'll expect you to write it on your folders by tomorrow morning. You're to show me in breakfast tomorrow. Come to my table, give me a love letter type note, and attempt to flirt with me. I'll check over your folders there. Got it?" Harry nodded, frowning. "And one more thing, Potter."


Draco's hand met Harry's cheek hard, and the sound of the hit echoed in the locker room. Harry's hands raised automatically to his smarting cheek.

"Don't even think about disobeying my orders, or you and your sorry little friends will be expelled if I tell the professors the things I know about you guys. And don't think I'd even hesitate to tell them. For the next 92 hours you *belong* to me. You *will* follow my orders." Cold blue eyes looked at Harry critically. "Do you understand?"

Harry burned red from shame. "Yes." He said, casting his eyes to the floor.

Suddenly and unexpectedly Draco leaned into Harry, sending him roughly into the lockers in an aggressive, domineering, vicious kiss. Draco's hands tightened around Harry's wrists, trapping him.

Harry's eyes widened as he felt himself pressed between the cold metal of the lockers and a warm Draco. His head spun as he realized what was happening, he tried to struggle, but Draco held him solidly against the locker.

Draco pulled out after a moment, it hadn't been long but it had seemed like forever to Harry. Draco was smirking and his blue eyes were glittering dangerously. "I'll see you tomorrow, Potter. Don't forget to mark your folders." His smooth voice mocked Harry. With that he turned on his heel and left the locker room, leaving a stunned Harry behind him.

To be continued...

Author's Notes:
Um... Yeah... Send me feedback puh-lease. Flames or whatever welcome... and this will NOT turn NC17 I'm sure of it, so all you hentais out there; I'm sorry. It's just shounen-ai... This is my first Harry Potter fic... yep. Just thought I'd share that bit of info with y'all. Standard disclaimers apply. And don't sue me because I'm silly! All you'll get is a large jar of Canadian pennies...