Raph and Don stood in the dojo, facing each other. They bowed to each other, Red against Purple. Leo, Mike, and Splinter sat on the sidelines, watching.

"You don't have to do this you know," Raph said as they started to circle. "You know that I can also kick the crap out of you."

Don gave him an amused smile. "As Luke Skywalker once said, 'Your overconfidence is your weakness.'"

Mike burst out from the sidelines, "Hey, I've got a great idea, Star Wars marathon night, start with episode 1, and take it all the way to episode 6. That'd be awesome."

"That would take over 12 hours," Leo said dryly, "Count me out."

"So it'd be a movie marathon day," Mike amended. "Starting whenever this is over. Would you two hurry up."

"My pleasure," Raph said, going on the offense. He came at Don with a series of rapid fire combinations, finishing with a powerful roundhouse kick. Don dodged the kick with a cocky smile.

"Bring it on, brother," Don said,.

Raph did, attack after attack after attack. Don defended, easily enough, but he made no move to press any advantage.

After about ten minutes of this, Raph was panting heavily, Don was sweating, Splinter and Leo were puzzled, and Mike was getting bored.

"Would you guys hurry up? I've got a date with a princess… Princess Leia that is." Mike said.

Raph made another several more charges, with Don just defending. Finally Raph shoved his brother in annoyance, "I thought you said we were going to fight. For vehicle maintenance duties for the next three months. Why aren't you fighting back?"

"We are," Don said smiling mischievously, "But you said you could always kick my shell. Are you?"

"Am I what?"

"Kicking my shell?"

Raph paused. He had gotten a couple good shots in, but not enough for that. "No. Just give me some more time."

"Sure," Don said, smiling again. "Bring it."

Raph attacked with renewed vigor. But again after five minutes, he hadn't gotten any good shots in, Don was still not attacking back, and Mike was irritably pacing the side of the room.

"Would you two hurry up already?" Mike asked. "This is so boring."

Raph growled in frustration, "Why won't you attack back?"

"Because I can't beat you. I never could. I never will be able to. All of you are better fighters. But you can't kick me around either. I just thought I should remind you of that. As long as I focus on defending myself, I can't be beaten. I won't win, but I won't lose either."

Raph shook his head, "Then who has to do vehicle maintenance for a month. It's a bigger job now too, since we have a boat."

Splinter joined them in the middle of the room, "I believe that your brother is asking you to share the duties."

"Exactly," Don agreed, giving Raph a look that Raph hadn't seen in a long time. It was something like pride, but with affection and respect mixed in.

"So," Don went on after he had bowed to Raph, "Shall we go see a princess about the force?"

"Sure," Raph said, "As long as Mikey don't start kissing the TV again."

"You can borrow my bo. If he gets too close, you can smack him over the head with it."

"Hey," Mike said, "That's not fair, you guys are gaining up on me."

"It takes two people to keep you in line," Don said, grabbing him by the neck and dragging him forward a few steps. "It's probably good that you are the "little" brother. Otherwise, we'd have to take you to the back shed and kick the crap out of you."

"We don't have a shed," Mike said, worming out of Don's headlock.

"Exactly my point," Don said as they walked toward the door.

"You guys have fun," Leo said.

Mike, Don, and Raph glanced between each other. As one they tackled Leo, and then Don tied his hands together in front of him, with Leo's own headband.

"You're not getting out this one, Leo," Don said chucking.

"Don't make me watch 12 hours of TV," Leo complained. "My brain will rot, my body will decay."

"It's probably closer to 15 hours," Mike said with a grin.

"15 hours that you get to spend with your brothers," Raph said, dragging him out. "What is better than that?"

Splinter smiled as he watched them leave. As he sat down to mediate, he heard the movie start, and knew that they would survive, no matter what happened.

AN: Thank you to all the people who read this fic, everyone who left notes, and especially to Ozlex, my fantastic, albeit MIA, beta reader.