After transporting to the Enterprise from the planet, McCoy had gone straight to his cabin. As he passed down the hallways, McCoy noticed all the strange looks he was getting. What the Hell are they staring at? McCoy thought. He was tempted to ask one of them, but decided not to. He had more important things to do at the moment.

McCoy sat quietly in his cabin, his gazed fixed on his computer screen. It was good to be home. He'd managed to save Kirk, and miraculously, the Major did not have to have his arm cut off. During the Civil War, a different type of bullet was used. Unfortunately, the bullet shattered your bones, instead of just breaking them. If you were hit with one, it most likely shattered you bone into pieces. Since there was no way to fix a shattered bone, you most likely had to have it sawed off. "I'll be damned." McCoy whistled in amazement at his computer. The CMO had been looking up information about a few people since his time being stuck in the Civil War. "I really am his descendent." McCoy had just typed in and found the data for a Captain Samuel McCoy from Savannah, Georgia.

He could never be sure what happened to the three Confederate Officers. They were probably taken to a Northern POW camp, McCoy had concluded. He and Spock had tied the three attackers up and left them for Major Kirk to handle.

McCoy typed in the next name and waited for the data to appear on the screen. Elias Clarke, 16th Louisiana, Infantry. Age Enlisted: 18. Death: Unknown. Entered: Private. Exited: Private. McCoy felt sorrow at the young man's life, but continued.

He typed in the next name. He watched the information appear on the screen. Phillip Walker, 34th Texas, Infantry. Age Entered: 41. Death: July 5, 1864. Killed In Action. Entered: Private. Exited: Captain. McCoy sighed. He really liked the Texan.

McCoy smiled as he typed in the new name. He hoped to Hell that the man didn't die later in the war. William, Kirk, 54th New York, Calvary. Age Enlisted: 28. Death: January 12th 1883, Ohio. McCoy grinned, he had lived. Entered: Lieutenant. Exited: Colonel. McCoy scrolled down to see any family information. Parents: Abraham and Louis Kirk. Married: Sarah Hart. Kids: 6: Ralph Kirk, Ivan Kirk, Henry Kirk, Peter Kirk, Elizabeth Kirk, And Kathryn Kirk. McCoy's eyes widened as he read the name of the wife. Sarah Hart! McCoy smiled, they did make a cute couple. He chuckled.

The CMO then typed in both William Kirk and James Kirk. "Let's see what we get here," he said to himself. A family tree appeared on the screen. They were related, but James Kirk was not a direct descendent from William Kirk, as he had been with Samuel McCoy. However, McCoy grinned at the fact that William Kirk's brother was the direct descendent of his Kirk.

The buzzer to his cabin went off and McCoy said, "Come in." He wasn't surprised to see Jim Kirk enter. "What's that?" McCoy asked, noticing the two objects in his Captain's hands.

"Drinks, Bones, what else." Kirk replied with a smug grin on his face.

"Isn't that normally my job?" McCoy asked, amused.

"Well," Kirk said, thoughtfully. "Since, you were stuck in the past, someone had to do it." He handed a drink to his older friend. He noticed the screen. "What're you doing?"

"Just looking up some old friends," McCoy said. The CMO made a sour face.

"What, Bones?" Kirk asked, wondering what he'd done.

"How come Spock came instead of you?"

"Sorry, Bones. We were right by the Romulan Neutral Zone; one of us had to stay."

"Come on, Jim. I was stuck during the Civil War. Spock wasn't exactly the smartest candidate to come back and find me." McCoy took a sip of the drink. He felt the burning liquid roll down his throat. "That green-blooded Vulcan stood out like a sore thumb, even with the Union uniform."

Kirk looked at his friend and pondered over an answer. "He wanted to get you back as much as I wanted to."

McCoy clamed up. He really did like Spock. He took another sip and winced. "What, Bones? It's just Saurian Brandy."

The older man grinned like a little kid. "Yeah, I know. You think the Food Synthesizer can whip up some special coffee?"

"What did you have in-?" Kirk was interrupted by the sound of the door opening to allow another visitor to enter. "Oh, hey, Spock."

The Vulcan raised an eyebrow at McCoy. "What?" McCoy asked. He glanced down for the first time, noticing that he still had on Elias Clarke's Confederate uniform for the first time. "Oh," he said in acknowledgement. "That explains the funny looks I got in the corridor." McCoy shrugged. "Guess I'll keep it for a souvenir."

"Souvenir?" Spock questioned.

"Something to remember an event…Oh, why do I even bother anymore." McCoy sighed in annoyance, not noticing Spock's slight smile of satisfaction. "What do you want Spock?"

"Doctor, I came with a question, which I found you might have the answer to?"

"Really." This aroused McCoy's interest. "You need me to answer something for you? This ought 'a be good." McCoy took another sip as he waited for Spock to continue. He noted the snickering grin on his Captain's face.

"What is this, Hatfield/McCoy Feud?"