Sorry it took so long. This is the final chapter of A Little Miracle. Sorry. But I need your help. I have two ideas for my next story. I will either do another ALL HUMAN story, which will kind of be a prequel for this (they meet and fall in love) or I will do one where Renee comes to visit Bella and Edward in Forks. I will do both, but which one first? You decide. I know present the last chapter.


"Edward, honey we need to go" I called for him. This day would be hard for me. But it would be ten times harder for me.

"Edward" I called as I walked into our bedroom.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed, staring sadly at a picture. I sat next to him and saw that it was a picture of Allison the day she was born. I half-smiled half-sobbed as I looked at the picture. I stroked Edward's thinning hair. We had been married for over twenty-five years, but the site of him still leaves me breathless.

"How did time go by so quickly?" He asked.

"I don't know. It feels like just yesterday she was a baby. And now we are going to her wedding."

He nodded. I knew we were thinking the same thing. We were both seeing Allison on her first day of school, losing her first tooth, her first Halloween and Christmas, her first ballet recital. We both saw her graduate high school and start college. We saw her meet the man of her dreams and fall in love. She and Michael reminded me so much of Edward when we were young and in love.

"Come on, Allison will never forgive us if we're late. Who's going to walk her down the aisle?" I sweetly kissed him on the cheek and we walked hand in hand to the car.

We spent most of the ride talking about the best moments of our children's lives. We walked into the church and immediately started looking for Allison. When we got to the room, I could barely move. She looked absolutely stunning. Her bronze hair was curled and piled into an elegant bun on the top of her head. Her strapless dress hugged her curves and flowed elegantly to the ground. My daughter looked like a priceless piece of art.

"Oh baby" I ran and hugged her. She hugged me back. I started to cry and I didn't want her to start crying and ruin her makeup. I smiled to myself; this was exactly the way my mother was acting at my wedding.

"I love you, honey" I told her.

"I love you too, Mom" She told me in her trilling soprano voice. Allison looked over my shoulder.

"Daddy" She smiled. She glided over to him and hugged him tightly. He ribbed her back soothingly and kissed her on the top of her head, just like he did when she would have nightmares when she was little.

"I love you, Ally"

"Where's the bride?" A low voice said from the doorway.

"Hey, Tony" Allison was the only one that was still allowed to call Anthony Tony.

"What's the occasion?" He asked. Anthony was bitingly sarcastic, just like Edward and I. He was so handsome. He had handfuls of girls throwing themselves on him, with his curly brown hair and sparkling green eyes. His strong body was accentuated underneath his tuxedo.

"Haha, very funny." They would bicker all the time, but I knew they loved each other more than anything.

"You look gorgeous, Allison" He said, smiling a wide smile.

"Thanks, Anthony"

"Oh, Bella, do you have the box?" Edward asked me.

I nodded and pulled the big velvet box out of my purse. I opened it for her and her eyes widened at the site of the sapphire encrusted combs in the box. She was on the verge of tears.

"I wore these on my wedding day. They could be your something old. I want you to have them now." I gently slipped them underneath her veil; exactly the way I had worn them.

"Thank you so much" She cried as she hugged us both. We hugged her back tightly.

"I have a pair of blue gym socks in my car. That could be your something blue." Anthony said with a sarcastic smile. Allison laughed and playfully swatted him on the shoulder. Then Allison's maid of honor came in and told Allison it was time. She took a deep breath and looked back at us.

"Okay, let's get this show on the road." She said. I hugged and kissed her one last time and Anthony took me to my seat.

"You okay, Mom?" He asked me once we had sat down.

"You both are all grown up now. You don't even need your mother anymore."

"Don't say that. We will always need you. You are our favorite mom"

I laughed. He hugged me around the shoulders. I looked around to say hi to everyone. I saw Emmett, Rose, Alice, Jasper, Renee, Phil, Carlisle, and Esme. Steven was here with his wife and Lily was talking to Mary. Jason, Alice and Jasper's youngest son, started talking to Anthony about some football game that was on last night. I wished Charlie could be here. He died seven years ago of a heart attack, Sue followed to years later with cancer.

The music began to play and one of Michael's nieces started flowing flowers on the aisle. I remember when little Allison did that at Charlie's wedding. The wedding party came and went. When Wagner's March played, we all stood up and turned towards the door.

Allison was clinging to Edward's arm, looking around at everybody. Here eyes landed on Michael. Her eyes widened at the site of him. I looked to see the expression on his face was the same Edward wore when he saw me coming down the aisle. I couldn't stop the tears that overflowed.

Edward, very traditionally, placed Allison's hand into Michael's.

"Who gives this woman to this man?"

Edward gave a little smile. "Her mother and I do."

The ceremony was beautiful. Both Michael's and Allison's eyes were filled with nothing but love.

The reception was fun. I cried again during the bride and groom's first dance and during the father/daughter dance.

Edward and I were dancing together, looking into each other's eyes.

"What a wonderful life we've had" He said to me.

"Thank you, to my perfect husband for giving it to me."

"Thank you, my beautiful wife, for sharing it with me."

And he leaned his head down to kiss me.

Well, what did you think? REVIEW!!!! Don't forget to tell me if you want the all human story or the Renee visiting story first. I hope you enjoyed this story and thank you to everyone who stuck with me this long.